
Lesson 9


Title: Body

ˈbɒdi $ ˈbɑːdi/ noun (plural bodies)


- physique

Origin: bodig

The human body

My fingers were numb and my whole body ached

The human body


Title: Head




- skull, crown, loaf



- chief



- lead

Origin: heafod


He kissed the top of her head



Title: Hair

heə $ her/ noun

Origin: hær


The mass of things like fine threads that grows on your head

Her hair was short and dark a short fat man with no hair on his head

The mass of things like fine threads that grows on your head


Title: Eye




- optic



- look at,

Origin: eage

FOR SEEING WITH [countable] one of the two parts of the body that you use to see with

He’s got beautiful eyes There were tears in her eyes as she listened to the story

FOR SEEING WITH [countable] one of the two parts of the body that you use to see with


Title: Ear



Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable 

 Stress marks: ɪər

The organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially

She whispered in his ear

The organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially


Title: Nose

Pronunciation: /nɔɪz/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Stress marks: nɔɪz

Synonym: racket, clamor

Opposite: silence

The strip of hair growing on the ridge above a person’s eye socket

She raised her eyebrow in disbelief

The strip of hair growing on the ridge above a person’s eye socket


Title: Eyelash

Pronunciation: /ˈaɪˌlæʃ/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: aɪˌlæʃ

any of the short hairs that grow along the edges of the eyelids

She fluttered her eyelashes to flirt with him

any of the short hairs that grow along the edges of the eyelids


Title: Lip

Pronunciation: /lɪp/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: lɪp

either of the two fleshy parts forming the upper and lower edges of the opening of the mouth

She applied lipstick to her lips

either of the two fleshy parts forming the upper and lower edges of the opening of the mouth


Title: Mouth

Pronunciation: /maʊθ/

Part of speech: Noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: /maʊθ/

Synonym: Lips, oral cavity

Opposite: Closure, silence

The opening in the face through which food and air enter the body

She spoke with a smile on her mouth

The opening in the face through which food and air enter the body


Title: Teeth-tooth

Pronunciation: /tiːθ/ /tuːθ/

Part of speech: Noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: Irregular plural form (teeth)

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: /tiːθ/ /tuːθ/

Synonym: Chompers, pearly whites


Opposite: Toothless, gap


Hard, white structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing

She brushed her teeth before bed

Hard, white structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing


Title: Chin

Pronunciation: /tʃɪn/

Part of speech: Noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: /tʃɪn/

Synonym: Jaw, mandible

Opposite: Forehead


The lower part of a person’s face, below their mouth

She rested her chin on her hand as she listened to the conversation

The lower part of a person’s face, below their mouth


Title: Cheek

Pronunciation: /tʃiːk/

Part of speech: Noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: /tʃiːk/

Synonym: Face, countenance

Opposite: Chin

Either side of the face below the eyes

She blushed and felt her cheeks grow warm

Either side of the face below the eyes


Title: Neck

Pronunciation: /nek/

Part of speech: Noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: /nek/

Synonym: Throat, nape


Opposite: Head


The part of the body that connects the head to the shoulders

She wore a necklace around her neck

The part of the body that connects the head to the shoulders


Title: Shoulder

Pronunciation: /ˈʃoʊldər/

Part of speech: Noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: /ˈʃoʊldər/

Synonym: Upper arm, deltoid

Opposite: Hip

The part of the body between the neck and upper arm

He carried the heavy bag on his shoulder

The part of the body between the neck and upper arm


Title: Hand

Pronunciation: /hænd/

Part of speech: Noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: /hænd/

Synonym: Palm, fist

Opposite: Foot


The end part of a person’s arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb

She held the pen in her hand

The end part of a person’s arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb


Title: Arm

Pronunciation: /ɑrm/

Part of speech: Noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Synonym: Limb, appendage

Opposite: Leg

The upper limb of the body, extending from the shoulder to the elbow

He injured his arm while playing football

The upper limb of the body, extending from the shoulder to the elbow


Title: Finger

Pronunciation: /ˈfɪŋɡər/

Part of speech: Noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: /ˈfɪŋɡər/

Synonym: Digit, appendage

Opposite: Thumb

One of the five digits on the hand

She accidentally cut her finger while cooking

One of the five digits on the hand


Title: Leg

Pronunciation: /lɛɡ/

Part of speech: Noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: /lɛɡ/

Synonym: Limb, lower extremity

Opposite: Arm

The lower limb of the body, extending from the groin to the ankle

She injured her leg while playing soccer

The lower limb of the body, extending from the groin to the ankle


Title: Feet-foot

Pronunciation: /fiːt/ /fʊt/

Part of speech: Noun

The plural form “feet” is irregular

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

The plural form of “foot”, referring to the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle

She has two feet

The plural form of “foot”, referring to the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle


Title: Knee


Pronunciation: /niː/

Part of speech: Noun

              The plural form “knees” is irregular

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable


The joint between the thigh and the lower leg in humans

She injured her knee while playing soccer

The joint between the thigh and the lower leg in humans


Title: Heart

Pronunciation: /hɑːrt/

Part of speech: Noun

              The plural form “hearts” and singular form “heart” are   irregular

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

The organ in the body that pumps blood through the circulatory system

Her heart was racing with excitement

The organ in the body that pumps blood through the circulatory system


Title: Stomach

Pronunciation: /ˈstʌmək/

Part of speech: Noun

             The plural form “stomachs” and singular form“stomach” are irregular

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: stom-ach (ˈstʌmək)


The organ in the body where food is digested

Her stomach growled with hunger

The organ in the body where food is digested


Title: Brain

Pronunciation: /breɪn/

Part of speech: Noun

The plural form “brains” and singular form “brain” are irregular

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: brain (breɪn)

Synonym: Mind

The organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity

She used her brain to solve the difficult puzzle

The organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity


Title: Blood

Pronunciation: /blʌd/

Part of speech: Noun

The plural form “bloods” and singular form “blood” are irregular

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Stress marks: blood (blʌd)

Synonym: Lifeblood


The red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart and carries oxygen

The nurse took a sample of his blood for testing

The red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart and carries oxygen


Title: Bone

Pronunciation: /boʊn/

Part of speech: Noun

             The plural form “bones” is irregular

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: bone (boʊn)

Synonym: Skeletal

The hard tissue forming the substance of the skeleton of most vertebrates

The dog buried the bone in the backyard

The hard tissue forming the substance of the skeleton of most vertebrates


Title: Chest

Pronunciation: /tʃɛst/

Part of speech: Noun

The plural form “chests” is irregular

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: chest (tʃɛst)

Synonym: Torso

Opposite: Back

The front part of a person’s body between the neck and the stomach

She placed her hand on her chest to feel her heartbeat

The front part of a person’s body between the neck and the stomach


Title: Backbone

Pronunciation: /ˈbækˌboʊn/

Part of speech: Noun

The plural form “backbones” is irregular

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: back·bone (ˈbækˌboʊn)

Synonym: Spine

Opposite: Frontline

The series of vertebrae extending from the base of the skull to the tailbone

Good posture requires a strong backbone

The series of vertebrae extending from the base of the skull to the tailbone


Title: Elbow

Pronunciation: /ˈɛlboʊ/

Part of speech: Noun

The plural form “elbows” is irregular

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: el·bow (ˈɛlboʊ)

Synonym: Joint

Opposite: Straighten

The joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm where it bends in the middle

She accidentally bumped her elbow on the table

The joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm where it bends in the middle


Title: palm

Pronunciation: /pɑːm/

Part of speech: Noun

The plural form “palms” is irregular

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: palm (pɑːm)

Synonym: Hand

Opposite: Back of hand

The inner surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers

She placed the coin in the palm of her hand

The inner surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers