
Lesson 4

Gossip dies when it hits a wise person’s ears

Title: Gossip dies when it hits a wise person’s ears

Meaning: A wise person does not entertain or spread gossip


Despite hearing rumors about her friend, Sarah chose not to believe or share them, understanding that “gossip dies when it hits a wise person’s ears

A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way

Title: A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way

Meaning: Even baseless rumors can spread and cause harm


Despite the lack of evidence, the rumor about the company’s financial troubles spread quickly, proving that “a rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way

A closed mouth catches no flies

Title: A closed mouth catches no flies

Meaning: If you do not engage in gossip, you will not be affected by its consequences


Despite being surrounded by gossip at work, John chose to keep his opinions to himself, understanding that “a closed mouth catches no flies

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events

Title: Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events

Meaning: Intelligent and thoughtful individuals focus on meaningful topics rather than gossiping about others


Instead of participating in office gossip, Maria preferred to engage in discussions about new ideas and innovations, embracing the idea that “great minds discuss ideas

He who gossips to you will gossip of you

Title: He who gossips to you will gossip of you

Meaning: Someone who spreads gossip is likely to also talk about you behind your back


After hearing a coworker gossiping about others, Sarah became wary of sharing personal information with them, realizing that “he who gossips to you will gossip of you

Fire and swords are slow engines of destruction

Title: Fire and swords are slow engines of destruction

Meaning: Gossip can cause significant harm and damage


The false rumors spread by the gossiping neighbor caused a rift in the community, proving that “fire and swords are slow engines of destruction, compared to the tongue of a gossip

Gossip is like a secret craving

Title: Gossip is like a secret craving

Meaning: Gossip can be addictive and difficult to resist


Despite her best intentions, Emma found herself drawn into the office gossip, realizing that “gossip is like a secret craving

gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret

Title: gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret

Meaning: Gossips cannot be trusted to keep confidential information


After hearing her friend share private details about others, Maria decided not to confide in them, understanding that “a gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret

The only thing more contagious than a good attitude is a bad one

Title: The only thing more contagious than a good attitude is a bad one

Meaning: Gossip and negativity can spread quickly and affect others


Despite trying to maintain a positive attitude, John found it challenging to avoid being influenced by the negative gossip in the office, realizing that “the only thing more contagious than a good attitude is a bad one