Meaning: get rid of any intense feelings or strong emotions
After a long week at work, I like to blow off steam by going for a run in the park
Meaning: used to emphasize how charming something or someone is
Extremely gorgeous: "She walked into the room looking drop-dead gorgeous"
Meaning: a sudden and encouraging effect on something
The speech was an absolute shot in the arm for the crew members aboard the ship
Meaning: a baby that was born after a previous pregnancy loss
Finally, Noah was their rainbow baby after several miscarriages
Meaning: a holiday in the United States that honors those who lost their lives fighting for the country
My family always has a barbecue on Memorial Day to spend time together and remember our loved ones who served in the military
Meaning: to be extremely afraid or frightened
A shadow appeared in the doorway and scared me to death
Meaning: no situation is permanent
Even though you performed poorly last semester, charm up. No feeling is final
Meaning: in a state of agitation
The coach acted like a cat on a hot tin roof throughout the game
Meaning: cheerful
Even though it was storming outside, he kept his sunny disposition since he was happy-go-lucky
Meaning: to feel sad or depressed
Geoff was in one of his black moods today, and no amount of cajoling could snap him out of it