Meaning: a great fondness for sweet-tasting foods
My niece has a sweet tooth, as she continually begs me to make her something sugary
Meaning: someone who makes one very happy
Because he was there with him through everything, he saw him as the light of his life
Meaning: to go on a date with someone you have never met before
I'm going on a blind date with a guy that Jack knows from college
Meaning: to be kind and loving
My grandmother is a very warm-hearted person, everybody loves her
Meaning: to miss and love someone more when they are not around
The couple reunited after almost a year and understood that the absence had made their hearts grow fonder
Meaning: to accept someone unconditionally
My parents share a very straightforward relationship, it is like love me, love my dog. They accept each other exactly the way they are in person
Meaning: astonish; surprise; amaze or astound somebody
The ring literally took my breath away. There was a monster of a diamond on it
Meaning: with sincere and deep feeling
I am really happy with the new job and I mean that from the bottom of my heart
Meaning: in situations of love and war you do not have to obey rules of reasonable behaviour
In order to go on a date with Elle, Paul tricked her into believing that her boyfriend was seeing another woman. Well, all's fair in love and war
Meaning: a combination of two people that is perfect in every way
Jules and Nora are a match made in heaven. They love doing things together and cannot bear to be away from each other