
Lesson 1

Blood, sweat, and tears

Title: Blood, sweat, and tears

Meaning: putting a lot of effort to get a task done


He has put in nothing but blood, sweat, and tears into this company

know which side one’s bread is buttered

Title: know which side one’s bread is buttered

Meaning: to be cognizant of where one's interests lie in a given situation


He tries to come across as a neutral party, but he is very aware of which side his bread is buttered on

The brains behind

Title: The brains behind

Meaning: used to refer to the person who originally invented a particular scheme, plan or idea


Gladys was the brains behind the successful birthday party that left all the children smiling on their way back home

Big gun

Title: Big gun

Meaning: a very powerful individual


He is a big gun at the law firm; he has never lost a single court case

Stand a chance

Title: Stand a chance

Meaning: to have a possibility of succeeding, even if a remote one


Do you believe that you stand a chance of getting that job?

By hook or by crook

Title: By hook or by crook

Meaning: by any possible means


The farmer will not sell us the land. By hook or by crook, he is hanging on to it

Cut the mustard

Title: Cut the mustard

Meaning: to succeed


My neighbor had applied for the post of architect in a big project, but did not cut the mustard

Slam dunk

Title: Slam dunk

Meaning: accomplish something with great ease or efficiency


The new software made data entry a slam-dunk

with a bang

Title: with a bang

Meaning: to start or finish with a lot of energy, enthusiasm, or success


These amazing recipes will set your engagement party off with a bang

Deliver the goods

Title: Deliver the goods

Meaning: do what is required


So far, the team's new player has failed to deliver the goods. He failed to open his account in his first three games

Never say die

Title: Never say die

Meaning: don't get discouraged or give up, no matter what


Things look bad for the team, but never say die. A miracle could happen

The rose that grew from concrete

Title: The rose that grew from concrete

Meaning: a person who achieved greatness even though they came from a place not so great


Ken performed well despite his poor background, much like the rose that grew from concrete

Foot in the door

Title: Foot in the door

Meaning: succeed with a first step


Mary was so excited to get her foot in the door with her new internship