Meaning: an elaborate exhibition or presentation
The company denied spending on the dog and pony shows
Meaning: a person who can easily handle a variety of challenges and tasks
My grandfather was a jack of all trades. He had never attended college, but he was an accomplished musician, gardener, piano player, and spoke several languages.
Meaning: not valuable or worth anything
Freedom fighters are at a discount in present politics
Meaning: undertaking an impossible chore or task
Keep it to three to four actionable categories rather than trying to boil the ocean
Meaning: Rewards, progress or other good results with little or no effort
The problem is that the working class perpetually has to struggle to get by, whereas the rich continually have access to easy money
Meaning: to do something innovative
Advancements in computer technology break new ground almost every day
Meaning: to do something that you should not be doing
You have no business discussing my personal life with your friends
Meaning: to look into your own matter
I would like you to mind your own business and stop telling me what to do
Meaning: out of operational conditions
If we keep on selling our goods at the same price, we will soon go out of business
Meaning: to have sufficient money to prevent starvation or hunger
Both the man and his wife must work long hours just to keep the wolf from the door
Meaning: used to tell someone not to get involved in whatever you have going on
My mother in law was not pleased when we politely told her that the honeymoon plan was none of her business
Meaning: This phrase advises people to be cautious of their money and have savings
Now that he has financial difficulties he will realize that a penny saved is as good as a penny earned