Wealth and rich

Lesson 5

In a clover

Title: In a clover

Meaning: prosperous, living well


The teacher told us to work hard in our education to be in a clover in the future

Filthy rich

Title: Filthy rich

Meaning: extremely rich


To be filthy rich means that you can choose and buy whatever you want; window shopping is for the less fortunate

The rose that grew from concrete

Title: The rose that grew from concrete

Meaning: a person who achieved greatness even though they came from a place not so great


Ken performed well despite his poor background, much like the rose that grew from concrete

Beau monde

Title: Beau monde

Meaning: a fashionable society


He had no interest in the glittering beau monde that he belonged to before his marriage

Silver spoon

Title: Silver spoon

Meaning: having a rich or privileged background


Many fans believed that Vince was a silver spoon kid

Born with a silver spoon in mouth

Title: Born with a silver spoon in mouth

Meaning: to be born to parents who are rich and have a good social rank


He has never worked hard for anything because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His parents brought everything to him instead


Title: Well-to-do

Meaning: rich and of good social status


In the capital's well-to-do suburbs, hiring a security guard has become a must for every family

Nepo baby

Title: Nepo baby

Meaning: a child of a celebrity or a famous person


American model Hailey Bieber is not ashamed of being nepo baby

You can’t take it with you

Title: You can’t take it with you

Meaning: everybody leaves their wealth behind after death


The whole world knows that you can't take it with you but they still have so much affiliation to their worldly possessions

Rough diamond

Title: Rough diamond

Meaning: a person of exceptional character


Bob is intelligent and trustworthy but lacks sophistication. He is a rough diamond