Meaning: to lead an exciting or dangerous lifestyle
He's always been an adrenaline junkie and loves to live on the edge
Meaning: (existed) been present and active
This is not a new viral video; it's been around for a couple of years
Meaning: The phrase is used to refer to something that spans a human lifetime
He was a difficult man; from the cradle to the grave, he was constantly angry or upset
Meaning: disconnected from municipal utility systems
Tony built an off-grid bunker, complete with non-perishable food, a water purification system, and solar panels
Meaning: someone who makes one very happy
Because he was there with him through everything, he saw him as the light of his life
Meaning: make the best out of a difficult situation
She tried to live by the motto 'when life gives you lemons, make lemonade
Meaning: a slim or frugal amount
When we were students, we didn't have much money and we got by on the smell of an oily rag most days
Meaning: sadness or unpleasant things can have a positive side effect
If it's the tough time in your life, it comes with many silver linings
Meaning: the only way to succeed
I believe that digital learning is the way forward
Meaning: a proverb that means easy situations can never improve you or make you better
You are just cutting days in the comfort of your home and spending your parents' money. You need to really get out and face the actual life. Remember, a smooth sea has never made a skilled sailor
Meaning: to alter your behaviour in a positive way
He has not been in trouble this year. He has really turned over a new leaf
Meaning: a bad experience cause to believe caution
I will never work with Peter again. He expects everyone to do the work on his behalf, once bitten twice shy