Food and fruits

Lesson 2

Low hanging fruit

Title: Low hanging fruit

Meaning: a goal that can be easily reached


There are a lot of things that need to be completed for our project. I would suggest that we start with the low hanging fruit

Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest

Title: Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest

Meaning: to desire something that is not within a feasible reach


The guy thinks that the forbidden fruit is always the sweetest and keeps asking her out even though she has refused him several times. I seem to think that this is becoming unhealthy and obsessive

half baked

Title: half baked

Meaning: imperfectly or inadequately planned, prepared, or developed


That was a half-baked idea; it would never work in practice

Sweet tooth

Title: Sweet tooth

Meaning: a great fondness for sweet-tasting foods


My niece has a sweet tooth, as she continually begs me to make her something sugary

Food for thought

Title: Food for thought

Meaning: an idea or subject to think about


The manager's meeting today has given me a lot of food for thought about whether I want to continue working for this company

Bigger fish to fry

Title: Bigger fish to fry

Meaning: to have other, more important things to do


You are not worth my time or energy; I have bigger fish to fry

Take with a grain of salt

Title: Take with a grain of salt

Meaning: to understand that something is not completely true or right


I have read the article, but I take it with a grain of salt

know which side one’s bread is buttered

Title: know which side one’s bread is buttered

Meaning: to be cognizant of where one's interests lie in a given situation


He tries to come across as a neutral party, but he is very aware of which side his bread is buttered on

Take the cake

Title: Take the cake

Meaning: being the best in a competition


I can't believe you said that your hypocrisy takes the cake

Bear fruit

Title: Bear fruit

Meaning: produce valuable results


Bearing fruit takes time and patience

go bananas

Title: go bananas

Meaning: become very angry or act crazy


She'll go bananas if she sees the house in this (dirty) condition

Worm in the apple

Title: Worm in the apple

Meaning: the presence of something very bad in the best


There's nothing worse than getting a worm in your apple!

when life gives you lemons

Title: when life gives you lemons

Meaning: make the best out of a difficult situation


She tried to live by the motto 'when life gives you lemons, make lemonade

Apple pie order

Title: Apple pie order

Meaning: neat and tidy in the arrangement


My mother is always cleaning. The house is in apple-pie order

Apples to oranges

Title: Apples to oranges

Meaning: the items that cannot be compared with each other


We cannot compare Sara and Salina. They are apples and oranges