Meaning: to keep a keen eye on enemies beyond what one might have on their friends
As a politician you must keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Meaning: be ignored or unobserved
The management was so focused on planning for the next year's budget that they let this issue fall between the cracks.
Meaning: choose not to hear
Please do not just turn a deaf ear to their cries for help
Meaning: deliberately overlook
As a police officer, you cannot turn a blind eye to any of the illegal activities around you
Meaning: in an uncertain situation
Our plans for the future were left in limbo due to the pandemic
Meaning: uninformed, a state of ignorance
The family had been kept in the dark regarding their kin one's medical diagnosis
Meaning: to not know something
You think you're smart, but you do not have a clue about how things work
Meaning: to disregard or ignore
His protestations that the project would put the firm over budget fell on deaf ears
Meaning: to treat somebody with coldness and contempt
I fought with my wife, and she is now giving me the cold shoulder
Meaning: a difficult, controversial, or obvious problem that no one wants to talk about or mention because the subject is problematic, uncomfortable, or awkward
When Geoff arrived at the meeting yesterday, he had a huge black eye. He gave us no explanation, and nobody dared ask him about it. So we sat there for the whole morning with this elephant in the room
Meaning: to treat something as if it isn't important
You need to stop making light of this situation. You could be in serious trouble
Meaning: going unnoticed, avoiding unnecessary attention
They managed to stay under the radar for years, after stealing all that money from their friends
Meaning: to not get affected by something that is not known
The farmers were using these pesticides in their fields without even considering the harmful effects it has on the land. Ignorance is bliss