
Lesson 4

Bear fruit

Title: Bear fruit

Meaning: produce valuable results


Bearing fruit takes time and patience

Doubting Thomas

Title: Doubting Thomas

Meaning: always a doubtful person


He's such a doubting Thomas that he won't believe unless he sees things through his eyes

Your sins will find you out

Title: Your sins will find you out

Meaning: your evil deeds will be exposed


He stole this book two months ago, but I saw it today in his bag; surely your sins will find you out

Cast aspersions

Title: Cast aspersions

Meaning: to criticize somebody or somebody's character


His opponents never missed an opportunity to cast aspersions on his professionalism

sacred cow

Title: sacred cow

Meaning: something that people believe or accept as true without questioning it


The journalist esteemed too many sacred cows

Rake over the coals

Title: Rake over the coals

Meaning: to give someone a hard time for a mistake they supposedly did


My classmate Lily forgot to do her math homework as she had a function to attend in her family. The teacher raked her over the coals for that

See the light

Title: See the light

Meaning: realize or understand something


After my terrible grade in mathematics I saw the light and started working harder

God helps those who help themselves

Title: God helps those who help themselves

Meaning: to be able to come out of a bad situation by self-help rather than hoping for divine intervention


The businessman refused to help you this time because he realized that you run to him every time you have the slightest difficulty. Please remember that he has a business to run and God helps only those who help themselves

Third time’s a charm

Title: Third time’s a charm

Meaning: to say that when a person tries to do something, it works out at the third attempt


The fellow finally managed to pass his exam. As they say, third time's a charm