Meaning: argue jealously and violently all the time
The married couple fought like cat and dog the entire time they were together
Meaning: extremely jealous of another person
Sally was green with envy when he saw my brand new car
Meaning: something that causes trouble or unhappiness
The right to host the next Olympic games has become an apple of discord between the two countries
Meaning: to have a plan or secret desire to get something
to have a plan or secret desire to get something
Meaning: If you say that you are feathering your own nest, you mean that you are working so hard to gather resources (money) to live a comfortable life in the future
John is so much concerned about helping others instead of feathering his own nest
Meaning: by any possible means
The farmer will not sell us the land. By hook or by crook, he is hanging on to it
Meaning: have a private or selfish reason for doing something
He should not become the chairman of the committee as he has too many axes of his own to grind