
Lesson 3

Doubting Thomas

Title: Doubting Thomas

Meaning: always a doubtful person


He's such a doubting Thomas that he won't believe unless he sees things through his eyes

you bet

Title: you bet

Meaning: for sure


The manager will pull this deal off. You bet on something else about him because this is definitely happening

beyond a shadow of doubt

Title: beyond a shadow of doubt

Meaning: to be certain about something's validity


The government has clarified beyond a shadow of doubt that the people who have been evading taxes so far will be caught very soon

get to the bottom

Title: get to the bottom

Meaning: to find out the truth relating to a situation


The murderer will not get away with it, the news anchor said. She assured the audiences that the police will get to the bottom of it all

the benefit of the doubt

Title: the benefit of the doubt

Meaning: regards a person as innocent unless confirmed otherwise


Let's give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that she is right

have the benefit of the doubt

Title: have the benefit of the doubt

Meaning: To be viewed in a favorable or neutral way when all information is not yet available, rather than being judged or criticized preemptively


You're my sister! Can't I at least have the benefit of the doubt, instead of you believing the worst about me straight away? Look, let's let him have the benefit of the doubt for now. There's probably a good explanation for all this

a shred of doubt

Title: a shred of doubt

Meaning: A modicum of doubt; the slightest bit of uncertainty


This photo now proves, without a shred of doubt, that my client is innocent

room for doubt

Title: room for doubt

Meaning: A chance that something might not be as straight-forward or true as it seems.


Because there is still room for doubt in this case, I think we need to review the facts before even considering our verdict

when in doubt, leave it out

Title: when in doubt, leave it out

Meaning: cliché If you're uncertain about incorporating, using, or consuming something, don't take any such action


I just worry that the kids won't eat the mac and cheese if I make it with Gruyère." B: "When in doubt, leave it out. Making something the kids won't eat isn't worth the aggravation