Beavery and luck

Lesson 5

grit one’s teeth

Title: grit one’s teeth

Meaning: to act bravely and courageously in a challenging situation


Tom gritted his teeth, overcame his fear of heights, and climbed the ladder


Title: Lily-livered

Meaning: used to describe a cowardly and weak person


There is no place for a lily-livered soldier in The United States Army

faint of heart

Title: faint of heart

Meaning: to not be strong enough to handle a situation


This movie is not for those who are faint of heart. You better go to bed right now

as bold as brass

Title: as bold as brass

Meaning: daring, brave, bold or overconfident


I was nervous about approaching the recording artist, but my friend Jane went to him, as bold as brass, and requested a group photo

call of duty

Title: call of duty

Meaning: something you must do or feel compelled to do


Both of my grandfathers felt it was their call of duty to enlist immediately for active service when the war broke out

free spirit

Title: free spirit

Meaning: a person who freely lives a life of his own way


His wife is a free spirit, she does not believe in the work that we do

bite the bullet

Title: bite the bullet

Meaning: to endure a painful experience that you cannot avoid


When the time comes, I'll bite the bullet and take my punishment without a fuss

fortune favours the bold

Title: fortune favours the bold

Meaning: it refers to people who face problems with determination and courage are the ones who attain massive levels of success


The guy should have gone all out to achieve his destiny. He would have been married to the love of his life had he showed some courage back then. Fortune favours the bold

come to grief

Title: come to grief

Meaning: to have an accident or suffer disaster


Their relationship came to grief following their disastrous vacation

Happy go lucky

Title: Happy go lucky

Meaning: cheerful


Even though it was storming outside, he kept his sunny disposition since he was happy-go-lucky

on a roll

Title: on a roll

Meaning: making a lot of progress


Our team has won eleven out of our twelve matches this season. We are on a roll

all the best

Title: all the best

Meaning: a polite way to end a letter or email


We would like to wish you all the best in the year to come

Third time’s a charm

Title: Third time’s a charm

Meaning: to say that when a person tries to do something, it works out at the third attempt


The fellow finally managed to pass his exam. As they say, third time's a charm

knock on wood (touch wood)

Title: knock on wood (touch wood)

Meaning: tap knuckle on wood in order to avoid bad luck


I am expecting a promotion and a big pay hike this year, touch wood

Born with a silver spoon in mouth

Title: Born with a silver spoon in mouth

Meaning: to be born to parents who are rich and have a good social rank


He has never worked hard for anything because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His parents brought everything to him instead