Furniture and home appliances

Lesson 13


Title: Chair


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/tʃeər/


a separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs

she pulled up a chair to join the meeting

a separate seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs


Title: Table

Pronunciation: /ˈteɪ·bəl/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ˈteɪ·bəl

Synonym: Desk

: a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating

They sat around the table for dinner

: a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating


Title: Sofa

Pronunciation: /ˈsoʊ·fə/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ˈsoʊ·fə

Synonym: Couch

a long, comfortable seat with a back and arms, for two or more people to sit on

They relaxed on the sofa while watching TV

a long, comfortable seat with a back and arms, for two or more people to sit on


Title: Fridge

Pronunciation: /frɪdʒ/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: frɪdʒ

Synonym: Refrigerator

a device that uses electricity to keep food cold

She put the milk in the fridge to keep it fresh

a device that uses electricity to keep food cold


Title: Carpet

Pronunciation: /ˈkɑr·pɪt/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ˈkɑr·pɪt

Synonym: Rug

a thick covering for floors, often made of wool or synthetic fibers

They have a beautiful carpet in their living room

a thick covering for floors, often made of wool or synthetic fibers


Title: Furniture


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:uncountable

Stress marks:/ˈfɜː.nɪ.tʃər/



large movable equipment, such as tables and chairs, used to make a house, office

she bought new furniture for her living room

large movable equipment, such as tables and chairs, used to make a house, office


Title: Plate


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/pleɪt/



a flat, usually round dish with a slightly raised edge that you eat from or serve food from

she put the cake on a plate

a flat, usually round dish with a slightly raised edge that you eat from or serve food from


Title: Glass


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/ɡlæs/


a hard, transparent material used to make windows, bottles, and other objects

she drank water from a glass

a hard, transparent material used to make windows, bottles, and other objects


Title: Bottle


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/ˈbɑː.t‌əl/


a container for liquids, usually made of glass or plastic, with a narrow neck

she filled the bottle with water

a container for liquids, usually made of glass or plastic, with a narrow neck


Title: Cup


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both


Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/kʌp/



a small, round container, often with a handle, used for drinking tea, coffee, etc

she poured herself a cup of tea

a small, round container, often with a handle, used for drinking tea, coffee, etc


Title: Towel


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/ˈtaʊ·əl/


a piece of cloth used for drying things, especially the body after washing

she dried her hands with a towel

a piece of cloth used for drying things, especially the body after washing


Title: Soap


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:* countable

Stress marks:* /soʊp/

Synonym:* cleanser

a substance used for washing the body or other things; a bar of this substance

she washed her hands with soap

a substance used for washing the body or other things; a bar of this substance


Title: Brush

Pronunciation: /brʌʃ/

Part of speech:noun


Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable:* countable

Stress marks:/brʌʃ/


an object with hairs on one side that is used for cleaning, painting, etc

she used a brush to paint the fence

an object with hairs on one side that is used for cleaning, painting, etc


Title: Toothbrush

Pronunciation: /ˈtuːθ.brʌʃ/

Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks: /ˈtuːθ.brʌʃ/

a small brush with a long handle, used for cleaning the teeth

she brushed her teeth with a toothbrush

a small brush with a long handle, used for cleaning the teeth


Title: Spoon


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable


Stress marks:/spuːn/

an object consisting of a round, hollow part and a handle, used for eating, stirring

she stirred her tea with a spoon

an object consisting of a round, hollow part and a handle, used for eating, stirring


Title: Fork


Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable

Stress marks:/fɔːrk/

an object consisting of three or four sharp points attached to a handle, used for eating food

she used a fork to eat her salad

an object consisting of three or four sharp points attached to a handle, used for eating food


Title: Knife


Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks: /naɪf/


an object consisting of a sharp blade attached to a handle, used for cutting and spreading food

she used a knife to cut the bread

an object consisting of a sharp blade attached to a handle, used for cutting and spreading food


Title: Dish


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/dɪʃ/


a shallow container used for cooking food

she served the pasta in a dish

a shallow container used for cooking food


Title: TV

Pronunciation:/ˌtiː ˈviː/

Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/ˌtiː ˈviː/


a device shaped like a box with a screen that receives electrical signals

she watched TV all evening

a device shaped like a box with a screen that receives electrical signals


Title: Stove


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/stoʊv/

a piece of equipment that burns fuel to provide heat, especially for cooking

she cooked dinner on the stove

a piece of equipment that burns fuel to provide heat, especially for cooking


Title: Rug


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/rʌɡ/

a piece of thick heavy fabric smaller than a carpet, used for covering the floor

she placed a rug by the bed

a piece of thick heavy fabric smaller than a carpet, used for covering the floor


Title: Cabinet


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/ˈkæb·ə·nət/

a piece of furniture with doors and shelves, used for storing things

she stored her dishes in the cabinet

a piece of furniture with doors and shelves, used for storing things


Title: Blanket


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/ˈblæŋ.kɪt/

a covering made of soft material, used especially on beds to keep people warm

she pulled the blanket over herself to keep warm

a covering made of soft material, used especially on beds to keep people warm


Title: Bed

Pronunciation: /bed/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

a piece of furniture for sleep or rest, typically a framework with a mattress and coverings

She lay down on the bed to take a nap

a piece of furniture for sleep or rest, typically a framework with a mattress and coverings


Title: Pillow


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable


Stress marks:/ˈpɪl.oʊ/



a rectangular cushion that is placed under the head for sleep

she fluffed the pillow before lying down

a rectangular cushion that is placed under the head for sleep


Title: Box


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/bɒks/



a container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid

she packed the fragile items into the box

a container with a flat base and sides, typically square or rectangular and having a lid


Title: Toy


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/tɔɪ/


something to play with, especially as a child

she bought her son a new toy for his birthday

something to play with, especially as a child


Title: Ball


Part of speech:noun

Example:she threw the ball to her dog

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/bɔːl/


a solid or hollow spherical or egg-shaped object that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game

she threw the ball to her dog

a solid or hollow spherical or egg-shaped object that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game


Title: Doll



Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/dɒl/




a small model of a human figure, often one of a baby or girl, used as a child’s toy

she played with her doll in the dollhouse

a small model of a human figure, often one of a baby or girl, used as a child’s toy


Title: Desk


Part of speech:noun

Formal or informal:both

Countable or uncountable:countable

Stress marks:/dɛsk/


a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for writing

she sat at her desk to complete her homework

a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for writing