
Lesson 4


Title: Tip

When the 'If-clause' is at the beginning of the sentence, we must have a comma after it. However, when the independent clause comes first, there is no need for a comma

در ابتدای جمله باشد، باید بعد از آن ویرگول گذاشته شود. اما وقتی جمله اصلی اول بیاید،'if-clause' زمانی که

 .نیازی به ویرگول نیست


If she studies hard, she might get accepted in Harvard University/ She might get accepted in Harvard University if she studies hard
اگر او سخت مطالعه کند، ممکن است در دانشگاه هاروارد پذیرفته شود./ او ممکن است در دانشگاه هاروارد پذیرفته شود اگر سخت مطالعه کند

If-clause Type III

Title: If-clause Type III

The third conditional is used to talk about hypothetical or imaginary situations in the past, where something did or did not happen, and the hypothetical result of that situation. If-clauses Type III: Form Type III 'If-clauses' consist of a conditional clause, which consists of if together with a past perfect verb, and a main clause which includes a modal verb with future-in-the-past meaning to express the hypothetical result of an imaginary situation that did not occur in the past.

  همراه با فعل گذشته کامل است و یک جمله 'if' شامل یک جمله شرطی است که شامل III جملات شرطی نوع

اصلی که شامل فعل مودال با معنی آینده در گذشته است تا نتیجه فرضی وضعیت خیالی که در گذشته اتفاق

.نیفتاده را بیان کند

This sentence means I didn't study enough and I didn't pass the test

این جمله به این معنی است که من به اندازه کافی مطالعه نکردم و آزمون را قبول نشدم
If I had studied more, I would have passed the test
اگر بیشتر مطالعه کرده بودم، آزمون را قبول می‌شدم

This sentence means George didn't tell about his wife, so the situation became difficult

این جمله به این معنی است که جورج درباره همسرش نگفته و وضعیت سخت شد.
It would have been easier if George had told her about his wife in the first place.
اگر جورج از همان ابتدا درباره همسرش به او گفته بود، کار آسان‌تر می‌شد.


If they had left earlier, they would have gotten to the flight.
اگر آن‌ها زودتر می‌رفتند، به پرواز می‌رسیدند


Title: Warning

Would have + past perfect is used in the main clause or in the clause that expresses the result of the conditional clause: If he had stayed in my house, he would have gone in the morning. (Not 'If he would have stayed)

 :در جمله اصلی یا در جمله‌ای که نتیجه‌ی شرطی را بیان می‌کند، استفاده می‌شود«Would have + past perfect»

( would have stayed نه اگر او)اگر او در خانه‌ی من مانده بود، او در صبح می‌رفت

What Are If-clauses?

Title: What Are If-clauses?

'If-clauses', also known as conditional sentences, are used to express a hypothetical situation and its possible result. They are used to show what will or will not happen if a certain condition is met.

جملات شرطی، که به آن‌ها جملات شرطی نیز گفته می‌شود، برای بیان وضعیت‌های فرضی و نتیجه‌های ممکن آن‌ها استفاده می‌شود. این جملات برای نشان دادن اینکه چه چیزی ممکن است اتفاق بیفتد یا نیفتد، اگر شرایط خاصی برآورده شود، به کار می‌روند

Types of If-clauses

Title: Types of If-clauses

There are three types of 'If-clauses' in English:

'If-clauses' type I

'If-clauses' type II

'If-clauses' type III

In this lesson, we will discuss type I and type II. 

:در زبان انگلیسی، سه نوع جمله شرطی وجود دارد
جملات شرطی نوع I
جملات شرطی نوع II
جملات شرطی نوع III

'If-clauses' Type I

Title: 'If-clauses' Type I

If-clause' type I, also known as a "real conditional," is used when talking about a possible future event that is likely to happen and expresses a condition and its result

 که به آن‌ها "شرطی واقعی" نیز گفته می‌شود، زمانی استفاده می‌شوند که درباره یک ، I جملات شرطی نوع

.رویداد آینده ممکن که احتمالاً اتفاق خواهد افتاد صحبت کنیم و شرایط و نتیجه آن را بیان کنیم

As you can see, the condition might happen in the future.

همان‌طور که می‌بینید، شرط ممکن است در آینده اتفاق بیفتد
If I win the lottery, I will buy a big house
گر در قرعه‌کشی برنده شوم، خانه بزرگی خواهم خرید.


If it rains tomorrow, I will stay home
اگر فردا باران بیفتد، در خانه خواهم ماند.


Title: Form

In a real conditional sentence, the simple present tense is used in the "if clause," and future modal verbs are often used in the main clause


If Miley loses all the money to that man, everything we have gained will turn to dust. The guests will leave if you keep misbehaving like this

'If-clauses' Type II

Title: 'If-clauses' Type II

'If-clause' type II, also known as an "unreal conditional," is used to talk about hypothetical or imaginary situations in the past or future.

که به آن‌ها "شرطی غیرواقعی" نیز گفته می‌شود، برای صحبت درباره وضعیت‌های فرضی،II جملات شرطی نوع

 .یا خیالی در گذشته یا آینده استفاده می‌شود


If we talked too loud, they would have thrown us out of the room/ If I won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world
اگر ما خیلی بلند صحبت کرده بودیم، آن‌ها ما را از اتاق بیرون می‌کردند./ اگر می‌دانستم که تو می‌آیی، کیک می‌پختم