Hello and goodbye

Lesson 1


Title: Hello-hi

/həˈləʊ / 

/haɪ/ informal

interjection, noun


Synonyms: welcome, good afternoon, good evening, good morning, greetings

used as a greeting when you see or meet someone:

Hello, John! How are you?

used as a greeting when you see or meet someone:

Good morning

Title: Good morning

/ɡʊd ˈmɔːnɪŋ/



used to say hello when you are greeting someone in the morning

Morning, Joe.

used to say hello when you are greeting someone in the morning

Good afternoon

Title: Good afternoon

/ɡʊd ˌɑːftəˈnuːn/


informal: Afternoon.

used to say hello when you are greeting someone in the afternoon, especially someone you do not know

Afternoon, Ella.

used to say hello when you are greeting someone in the afternoon, especially someone you do not know

Good evening

Title: Good evening

/ɡʊd ˈiːvnɪŋ/


Informal: Evening.

used to say hello when you are greeting someone in the evening, especially someone you do not know

Evening, Tom.

used to say hello when you are greeting someone in the evening, especially someone you do not know

Good night

Title: Good night



informal: Night

used to say goodbye when you are leaving someone or they are leaving at night, or before going to sl

Good night. Sleep well. Night night, darling. See you in the morning.

used to say goodbye when you are leaving someone or they are leaving at night, or before going to sl

Thank you-thanks

Title: Thank you-thanks

/ˈθaŋk juː/  /θaŋks/



something you say or do in order to thank someone:

This present’s a thank-you for helping me last week.

something you say or do in order to thank someone:


Title: Please



said when you think what someone has just said or asked is not possible or reasonable:

Oh, please, he’d never do that.

said when you think what someone has just said or asked is not possible or reasonable:


Title: Ok-okay

/ˌəʊ ˈkeɪ /




- all right, agreed, right, very good, very well, yes

used to show that you agree with something or give permission for someone to do something:

‘Can I take the car today?’ ‘Okay.’ Are you OK?

used to show that you agree with something or give permission for someone to do something:


Title: Yes



noun (plural yeses or yesses)


Synonyms: agreed, all right, OK

Antonyms: No

Answer to question/ statement

Do you want apple? -yes, I do.

Answer to question/ statement


Title: No



- never, nay, not at all, no way


Antonyms: yes

used to give a negative reply to a question, offer, or request

‘Are you Italian?’ ‘No, I’m Spanish.’

used to give a negative reply to a question, offer, or request


Title: Sorry



Synonyms: pitiful, poor, sad

Antonyms: glad

used to say that you wish you had not done what you have done, especially when you want to be polite

I’m sorry

used to say that you wish you had not done what you have done, especially when you want to be polite


Title: Welcome





- greet,  meet, receive

Antonyms: unwelcome

the way in which you greet someone when they arrive at a place warm/friendly

welcome to LanNest

the way in which you greet someone when they arrive at a place warm/friendly


Title: Goodbye-Bye


(informal bye)

Syn: used when someone leaves



Goodbye Bill! See you next week
