Job and business

Lesson 3


Title: Attorney

Pronunciation: /əˈtɜrnɪ/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Formal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Synonym: lawyer

Opposite: client


A person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters

The attorney represented the client in court

A person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters


Title: Bartender

Pronunciation: /ˈbɑrtɛndər/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Informal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Synonym: barman/barmaid

Opposite: customer


A person who mixes and serves drinks at a bar

The bartender made a delicious cocktail for the customer.

A person who mixes and serves drinks at a bar


Title: Carpenter

Pronunciation: /ˈkɑrpəntər/

Part of speech: noun

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Synonym: woodworker

Opposite: client


A person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures

The carpenter built a beautiful bookshelf

A person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures


Title: Cashier

Pronunciation: /kæˈʃɪər/

Part of speech: noun

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Synonym: teller

Opposite: customer


A person handling payments and receipts in a store, bank, or business

The cashier rang up the customer’s purchases

A person handling payments and receipts in a store, bank, or business


Title: Comedian

Pronunciation: /kəˈmiːdiən/

Part of speech: noun

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Synonym: comic

Opposite: audience


a person who entertains an audience by making them laugh, typically by telling jokes

The comedian performed a hilarious stand-up routine

a person who entertains an audience by making them laugh, typically by telling jokes


Title: Economist

Pronunciation: /ɪˈkɒnəmɪst/

Part of speech: noun

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Synonym: financial expert

Opposite: spender


a person who studies and analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and service

The economist predicted a recession based on market trends

a person who studies and analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and service


Title: Electrician

Pronunciation: /ɪˌlɛkˈtrɪʃən/

Part of speech: noun

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ɪˌlɛkˈtrɪʃən

Synonym: electrical technician

Opposite: customer


a person who installs, operates, maintains, or repairs electrical equipment or wiring systems

The electrician fixed the faulty wiring in the house

a person who installs, operates, maintains, or repairs electrical equipment or wiring systems


Title: Fisherman


Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : fishermen

Countable or uncountable:Countable




a person who catches fish for a living or for sport

The fisherman caught a large trout

a person who catches fish for a living or for sport


Title: Florist


Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : florists

Countable or uncountable:Countable

Synonym:flower seller



A person who sells and arranges plants and cut flowers

The florist created a beautiful bouquet for the wedding

A person who sells and arranges plants and cut flowers


Title: Interpreter


Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : interpreters

Countable or uncountable:Countable




A person who interprets, especially one who translates speech orally

The interpreter translated the speaker’s words into sign language

A person who interprets, especially one who translates speech orally


Title: Investigator


Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : investigators

Countable or uncountable:Countable

Synonym: detective



A person who carries out a formal inquiry or investigation

The investigator gathered evidence at the crime scene

A person who carries out a formal inquiry or investigation


Title: Librarian


Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : librarians

Countable or uncountable:Countable




a person who works in a library, especially one who is responsible for the care

The librarian helped me find a book on ancient history

a person who works in a library, especially one who is responsible for the care


Title: Plumber


Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : plumbers

Countable or uncountable:Countable




a person who installs and repairs the fittings of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems

The plumber fixed the leaky faucet

a person who installs and repairs the fittings of water supply, sanitation, or heating systems


Title: Psychologist


Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : psychologists

Countable or uncountable:Countable 




a person who studies the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior

The psychologist helped the patient overcome their anxiety

a person who studies the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior

Security guard

Title: Security guard

Pronunciation:/səˈkjʊrəti ɡɑrd/

Part of speech:noun (also adjective)




a person employed to protect property, assets, and people by monitoring surveillance equipment

The security guard patrolled the premises to ensure safety

a person employed to protect property, assets, and people by monitoring surveillance equipment


Title: Sheriff

Pronunciation: /ˈʃɛrɪf/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Formal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Synonym: lawman

Opposite: criminal


a government official with varying duties,existing in some countries with historical ties to England

The sheriff arrested the suspect

a government official with varying duties,existing in some countries with historical ties to England


Title: Shopkeeper

Pronunciation: /ˈʃɒpˌkiːpər/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Informal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Synonym: store owner

Opposite: customer


a person who owns or manages a small store or shop

The shopkeeper restocked the shelves with new products

a person who owns or manages a small store or shop


Title: Spy

Pronunciation: /spaɪ/

Part of speech: noun (also verb)

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive (verb form)

Synonym: undercover agent

Opposite: ally


a person who secretly collects and reports information about the activities, movements

The spy infiltrated the enemy’s headquarters

a person who secretly collects and reports information about the activities, movements


Title: Permanent

Pronunciation: /ˈpɜrmənənt/

Part of speech: adjective (also noun)

Countable or uncountable: Countable (noun form)

Synonym: enduring

Opposite: temporary


lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely

She got a permanent job at the company

lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely


Title: Voluntary

Pronunciation: /ˈvɒləntəri/

Part of speech: adjective (also noun)

Countable or uncountable: Countable (noun form)

Synonym: optional

Opposite: mandatory


Done, given, or acting of one’s own free will, without payment, obligation, or compulsion

He made a voluntary donation to the charity

Done, given, or acting of one’s own free will, without payment, obligation, or compulsion


Title: Agency

Pronunciation: /ˈeɪdʒənsi/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Formal 

Countable or uncountable: Countable 

Synonym: organization 

Opposite: client 


a business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another person or group

The advertising agency created a successful marketing campaign

a business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another person or group


Title: Corporation


Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : corporations

Formal or informal:Formal

Countable or uncountable:Countable




a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person)

The corporation announced its quarterly earnings

a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person)


Title: CEO

Pronunciation:/siː iː ˈoʊ/

Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : CEOs

Formal or informal:Formal

Countable or uncountable:Countable

Synonym:chief executive



a chief executive officer, the highest-ranking person in a company or other institution

The CEO made an important announcement to the employees

a chief executive officer, the highest-ranking person in a company or other institution


Title: Chairman


Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : chairmen

Formal or informal:Formal

Countable or uncountable:Countable




a person, especially a man, appointed to preside over a meeting, committee, board, etc

The chairman called the meeting to order

a person, especially a man, appointed to preside over a meeting, committee, board, etc


Title: Entrepreneur


Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : entrepreneurs

Formal or informal:Formal

Countable or uncountable:Countable




A person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit

The entrepreneur started a successful tech company

A person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit


Title: Clerk


Part of speech:noun (also verb)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : clerks

Countable or uncountable:Countable

Synonym:office worker



A person employed in an office or bank to keep records, accounts

The clerk processed the paperwork

A person employed in an office or bank to keep records, accounts


Title: Insurance


Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:Irregular plural form : insurances

Countable or uncountable:Uncountable



a practice or arrangement by which a company provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss

She purchased insurance for her new car

a practice or arrangement by which a company provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss

To manufacture

Title: To manufacture

Pronunciation:/tə ˌmænjuˈfækʧər/

Part of speech:verb (also noun)

Stress marks:tə ˌmænjuˈfækʧər  




(of a person) make (something) on a large scale using machinery

The company manufactures electronic devices

(of a person) make (something) on a large scale using machinery


Title: Partnership


Part of speech:noun (also adjective)

Stress marks:/ˈpɑrtnərˌʃɪp/  




A business owned and run by two or more partners

The law firm operates as a partnership

A business owned and run by two or more partners


Title: Stockholder

Pronunciation: /ˈstɒkˌhoʊldər/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Formal

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ˈstɒkˌhoʊldər

Synonym: shareholder

Opposite: debtor


A person or entity that owns shares in a company

The stockholder attended the annual shareholder meeting

A person or entity that owns shares in a company