Pronunciation: /dɪsˈɒnɪst/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: dɪsˈɒnɪst
Synonym: deceitful, untruthful, fraudulent
Opposite: honest, trustworthy
The dishonest salesman was caught lying to his customers
Pronunciation: /ˈiːziˌɡəʊɪŋ/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ˈiːziˌɡəʊɪŋ
Synonym: laid-back, relaxed, carefree
Opposite: uptight, tense
His easy-going attitude made him popular with his coworkers
Pronunciation: /ˌenərˈdʒetɪk/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ˌenərˈdʒetɪk
Synonym: lively, dynamic, spirited
Opposite: lethargic, sluggish
The energetic puppy ran around the yard all day
Pronunciation: /ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti/
Part of speech: noun
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti
Synonym: character, nature, disposition
Her outgoing personality made her popular with everyone
Pronunciation: /ˈærəɡənt/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ˈærəɡənt
Synonym: haughty, conceited, proud
Opposite: humble, modest
His arrogant behavior alienated many of his colleagues
Pronunciation: /bəʊld/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: bəʊld
Synonym: daring, fearless, brave
Opposite: timid, cautious
She made a bold decision to start her own business
Pronunciation: /ˈkerɪŋ/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ˈkerɪŋ
Synonym: compassionate, loving, nurturing
Opposite: indifferent, uncaring
The caring nurse went above and beyond to comfort her patients
Pronunciation: /ˈdiːs(ə)nt/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ˈdiːs(ə)nt
Synonym: respectable, honorable, proper
Opposite: indecent, immoral
He always tried to do the decent thing in difficult situations
Pronunciation: /ɪnˌθjuːzɪˈastɪk/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ɪnˌθjuːzɪˈastɪk
Synonym: keen, passionate, eager
Opposite: apathetic, indifferent
She was enthusiastic about the new project and put in extra effort to make it successful.
Pronunciation : /fərˈɡetfʊl/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : fərˈɡetfʊl
Synonym : absent-minded, scatterbrained
Opposite : mindful, attentive
Her forgetful nature often led to misplaced items
Pronunciation : /ˈɡriːdi/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : ˈɡriːdi
Synonym : selfish, avaricious, grasping
Opposite : generous, selfless
The greedy businessman only cared about making more money
Pronunciation : /ˈaɪsi/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : ˈaɪsi
Synonym : freezing, frosty
Opposite : warm, balmy
The icy wind cut through their jackets
Pronunciation : /ɪmˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : ɪmˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt
Synonym : restless, agitated, intolerant
Opposite : patient, calm
He grew impatient waiting for the bus to arrive
Pronunciation : /ˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : ˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l
Synonym : rational, reasonable, coherent
Opposite : irrational, unreasonable
Her logical approach to problem-solving was appreciated by her colleagues
Pronunciation : /ˈmɒdɪst/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : ˈmɒdɪst
Synonym : humble, unpretentious, self-effacing
Opposite : arrogant, boastful
Despite her talent, she remained modest about her accomplishments
Pronunciation : /ˈmuːdi/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : ˈmuːdi
Synonym : temperamental, volatile, changeable
Opposite : even-tempered, stable
Her moody behavior made it difficult for others to predict how she would react
Pronunciation: /ˈmɒrəl/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ˈmɒrəl
Synonym: ethical, virtuous, righteous
Opposite: immoral, unethical
It is important to have a strong moral compass
Pronunciation: /ˈnəʊzi/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ˈnəʊzi
Synonym: intrusive, prying, meddlesome
Opposite: discreet, unobtrusive
She’s always been nosy, asking personal questions
Pronunciation: /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk
Synonym: positive, hopeful, upbeat
Opposite: pessimistic, gloomy
He remained optimistic despite facing many challenges
Pronunciation: /ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk
Synonym: negative, gloomy, cynical
Opposite: optimistic, hopeful
His pessimistic outlook made it difficult for him to enjoy life
Pronunciation: /ˈpæʃ(ə)nət/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ˈpæʃ(ə)nət
Synonym: fervent, ardent, enthusiastic
Opposite: indifferent, apathetic
She was passionate about human rights issues
Pronunciation: /ˈriːz(ə)nəb(ə)l/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: ˈriːz(ə)nəb(ə)l
Synonym: rational, logical, sensible
Opposite: unreasonable, irrational
It’s important to be reasonable when discussing important matters
Pronunciation: /rɪˈspektəb(ə)l/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: rɪˈspektəb(ə)l
Synonym: honorable, decent, reputable
Opposite: disreputable, discreditable
He was a respectable member of the community
Pronunciation : /ˌselfˈkɒnfɪd(ə)nt/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : ˌselfˈkɒnfɪd(ə)nt
Synonym : assured, self-assured, confident
Opposite : insecure, self-doubting
Her self-confident attitude helped her succeed in her career
Pronunciation : /ˈsensətɪv/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : ˈsensətɪv
Synonym : delicate, perceptive, responsive
Opposite : insensitive, thick-skinned
She was very sensitive to other people’s feelings
Pronunciation : /sɪnˈsɪə/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : sɪnˈsɪə
Synonym : genuine, honest, heartfelt
Opposite : insincere, dishonest
His apology seemed sincere
Pronunciation : /sɪmˈpæθetɪk/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : sɪmˈpæθetɪk
Synonym : compassionate, understanding, caring
Opposite : unsympathetic, indifferent
The sympathetic nurse comforted the patient.
Pronunciation : /ʌnrɪˈlaɪəb(ə)l/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : ʌnrɪˈlaɪəb(ə)l
Synonym : undependable, untrustworthy, erratic
Opposite : reliable, dependable
He’s an unreliable witness
Pronunciation : /ʌnˈʃʊə/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : ʌnˈʃʊə
Synonym : uncertain, hesitant, doubtful
Opposite : certain, confident
She felt unsure about her decision
Pronunciation : /strɪkt/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : strɪkt
Synonym : rigorous, severe, stern
Opposite : lenient, permissive
The teacher was very strict with her students
Pronunciation : /ˈvaɪəl(ə)nt/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : ˈvaɪəl(ə)nt
Synonym : aggressive, brutal, fierce
Opposite : peaceful, nonviolent
The movie contained scenes of violent behavior
Pronunciation : /ˈliːniənt/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal :Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks :liːniənt
Synonym :permissive, indulgent
Opposite : strict, harsh
The teacher was lenient with late assignments
Pronunciation /ˈlepə(r)/
Part of speech :noun
Formal or informal : Can be both formal and informal
Countable or uncountable :Countable
Stress marks :ˈlepə(r)
Synonym :outcast
Opposite: accepted
The leper was shunned by the community
Pronunciation /kləʊs fɪstɪd/
Part of speech : adjective
Formal or informal : Informal
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : kləʊs fɪstɪd
Synonym : stingy
Opposite: generous
He was known for being close-fisted with his money
Pronunciation /taɪt fɪstɪd/
Part of speech :adjective
Formal or informal :Informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks :taɪt fɪstɪd
Synonym : miserly
Opposite : generous
She was tight-fisted when it came to lending money