
Lesson 22


Title: aa

Pronunciation: /ˈeɪ ˈeɪ/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: ˈeɪ ˈeɪ

Synonym: lava flow, volcanic rock

Opposite: smooth, even


A type of lava flow with a rough surface

The hikers marveled at the rugged landscape formed by the aa flow

A type of lava flow with a rough surface


Title: Alcoholic

Pronunciation: /ˌæl.kəˈhɔ.lɪk/

Part of speech: noun/adjective

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable (noun): Countable

Transitive or intransitive (noun): Intransitive

Stress marks (noun): ˌæl.kəˈhɔ.lɪk

Synonym (noun): drunkard, addict

Opposite (noun): teetotaler, abstainer


(noun): a person who is addicted to alcohol

(noun): The alcoholic sought help for their addiction

(noun): a person who is addicted to alcohol

(adjective): relating to or containing alcohol

(adjective): She ordered a non-alcoholic beverage at the bar

(adjective): relating to or containing alcohol


Title: Abuse

Pronunciation: /əˈbyuz/

Part of speech: noun/verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable (noun): Countable

Transitive or intransitive (verb): Transitive

Stress marks (noun): əˈbyuz

Synonym (noun): maltreatment, mistreatment

Opposite (noun): care, respect


(noun): cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal

(noun): The authorities were called to investigate allegations of child abuse

(noun): cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal

(verb): use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse

(verb): He was accused of abusing his power as manager

(verb): use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse


Title: Aid

Pronunciation: /eɪd/

Part of speech: noun/verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable (noun): Countable and uncountable

Transitive or intransitive (verb): Transitive

Stress marks (noun): eɪd

Synonym (noun): assistance, support, help

Opposite (noun): hindrance, obstacle


(noun): assistance, especially in the form of money or resources

(noun): The organization provides aid to refugees in need

(noun): assistance, especially in the form of money or resources

(verb): help, assist, or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something

(verb): She aided her friend in completing the project

(verb): help, assist, or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something


Title: Beggar

Pronunciation: /ˈbɛgər/

Part of speech: noun/verb

Formal or informal: Both 

Countable or uncountable (noun): Countable 

Transitive or intransitive (verb): Transitive 

Stress marks: ˈbɛgər 

Synonym (noun): panhandler, mendicant 

Opposite (noun): donor, benefactor


(noun): a person who lives by asking for money or food

(noun): The beggar sat on the street corner asking for spare change

(noun): a person who lives by asking for money or food

(verb): to ask someone earnestly for something

(verb): He would beggar anyone who passed by for some food

(verb): to ask someone earnestly for something


Title: Homeless


Part of speech:adjective/noun 

Formal or informal:both 

Countable or uncountable:(noun) countable 

Stress marks:/ˈhoʊmləs/ 

Synonym (adjective):destitute, displaced 

Opposite (adjective):housed, sheltered


(adjective):without a home; destitute /(noun):a person without a home

The homeless man slept on a park bench

(adjective):without a home; destitute /(noun):a person without a home


Title: Bias


Part of speech:noun/verb/adjective 

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable:(noun) countable; (verb) transitive  

Transitive or intransitive:(noun)intransitive; (verb)transitive  

Stress marks:/ˈbaɪəs/  

Synonym:(noun)prejudice, partiality; (verb)prejudice, influence; (adjective)prejudiced, unfair  

Opposite:(noun)fairness, impartiality; (verb)unbiased, neutral; (adjective)impartial, unbiased


noun - prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another

The news article showed clear bias towards one political party

noun - prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another

Child labor

Title: Child labor

Pronunciation:/tʃaɪld ˈleɪbər/

Part of speech:noun 

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable:uncountable  

Stress marks:/tʃaɪld ˈleɪbər/  

Synonym:child exploitation, underage work  

Opposite:child protection, youth employment


the use of children in industry or business, especially when illegal or considered inhumane

The company was criticized for employing child labor in its factories.

the use of children in industry or business, especially when illegal or considered inhumane


Title: consequence


Part of speech:noun 

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable:countable  

Stress marks:/ˈkɑnsəkwəns/  

Synonym:result, outcome  

Opposite:cause, reason


A result or effect of an action or condition

The consequence of his decision was unforeseen

A result or effect of an action or condition

To contribute

Title: To contribute

Pronunciation:/tə kənˈtrɪbjut/

Part of speech:verb 

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable:n/a  

Transitive or intransitive:transitive  

Stress marks:/tə kənˈtrɪbjut/  

Synonym:donate, give  

Opposite:withhold, keep


Give something, especially money, in order to help achieve or provide something

I want to contribute to the charity fundraiser

Give something, especially money, in order to help achieve or provide something


Title: Hunger


Part of speech:noun/verb 

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable:(noun) countable; (verb) intransitive  

Transitive or intransitive:(verb)intransitive  

Stress marks:/ˈhʌŋɡər/  

Synonym:(noun)starvation, famine; (verb)crave, long for  

Opposite:(noun)satiety, fullness; (verb)be full


noun - a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food; verb - have a strong desire

The hunger crisis in the region was worsening

noun - a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food; verb - have a strong desire


Title: Relationship


Part of speech:noun 

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable:countable  

Stress marks:/rɪˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp/  

Synonym:bond, connection  

Opposite:dissociation, disconnection

A connection between persons by blood or marriage; an emotional connection between people

The siblings had a close relationship

A connection between persons by blood or marriage; an emotional connection between people

To dismiss

Title: To dismiss

Pronunciation:/tʊ dɪsˈmɪs/

Part of speech:verb 

Formal or informal:both  

Transitive or intransitive:transitive  

Stress marks:/tʊ dɪsˈmɪs/  

Synonym:reject, disregard  

Opposite:accept, consider


Treat as unworthy of serious consideration

The manager decided to dismiss the proposal

Treat as unworthy of serious consideration


Title: Donation


Part of speech:noun 

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable:countable  

Stress marks:/doʊˈneɪʃn/  

Synonym:giving, contribution  

Opposite:retention, keeping


Something that is given to a charity, especially a sum of money

The organization received a generous donation

Something that is given to a charity, especially a sum of money


Title: Equal


Part of speech:noun/adjective/verb 

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable:(noun) countable

Transitive or intransitive: (verb)intransitive 

Stress marks:/ˈiːkwəl/   

Synonym:(noun)peer, counterpart; (adjective)identical, same; 


noun - a person who is the same as another in status, rights, and opportunities; adjective

The two friends were treated as equals by their peers

noun - a person who is the same as another in status, rights, and opportunities; adjective

Non citizen

Title: Non citizen

Pronunciation:/nɑn ˈsɪtəzən/

Part of speech:noun/adjective 

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable:(noun) countable;   

Stress marks:/nɑn ˈsɪtəzən/   

Synonym:(noun)alien, foreigner;  Opposite:(noun)citizen  


noun - a person who is not a legal citizen of a particular country

The non-citizen was unable to vote in the election

noun - a person who is not a legal citizen of a particular country


Title: Protester


Part of speech:noun 

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable:countable   

Stress marks:/prəˈtɛstər/   

Synonym:demonstrator, activist    



A person who publicly demonstrates strong objection to something

The protesters gathered outside the government building

A person who publicly demonstrates strong objection to something


Title: Racist

Pronunciation: /ˈreɪsɪst/

Part of speech: noun/adjective

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable (noun): Countable

Transitive or intransitive (noun): Intransitive

Stress marks: ˈreɪsɪst

Synonym (noun): bigot, xenophobe

Opposite (noun): egalitarian, tolerant

Definition (noun): a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to others

Definition (adjective): showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to others


(noun): The activist spoke out against the racist comments made by the politician/ (adjective): His racist remarks caused outrage among the community



Title: Sexist

Pronunciation: /ˈsɛksɪst/

Part of speech: noun/adjective

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable (noun): Countable

Transitive or intransitive (noun): Intransitive

Stress marks: ˈsɛksɪst

Synonym (noun): chauvinist, misogynist

Opposite (noun): feminist, egalitarian


a person who shows discrimination or prejudice against people based on their sex, typically against

(noun): The company was accused of having a sexist hiring policy/ (adjective): Her sexist comments offended many of her colleagues.

a person who shows discrimination or prejudice against people based on their sex, typically against

Minimum wage

Title: Minimum wage

Pronunciation: /ˈmɪnɪməm weɪdʒ/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: ˈmɪnɪməm weɪdʒ

Synonym: base pay, floor wage

Opposite: maximum wage, living wage


The lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreement, typically applied to unskilled

The government raised the minimum wage to help improve living standards for workers

The lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreement, typically applied to unskilled

Guality of life

Title: Guality of life

Pronunciation: /ˈkwɒlɪti əv laɪf/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: ˈkwɒlɪti əv laɪf

Synonym: standard of living, well-being

Opposite: poor quality of life, misery


The standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group

The city’s efforts to improve public transportation have positively impacted the quality of life for its residents

The standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group

Social class

Title: Social class

Pronunciation: /ˈsoʊʃəl klæs/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: ˈsoʊʃəl klæs

Synonym: socioeconomic group, stratum

Opposite: social equality, classlessness

Definition: a division of a society based on social and economic status, typically including

distinct groups such as the upper, middle, and lower classes



The novel explores the disparities between social classes in Victorian England



Title: Slum


Part of speech:noun 

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable:(noun) countable  

Stress marks:/slʌm/  

Synonym:squalor, ghetto  

Opposite:affluence, prosperity


A squalid and overcrowded urban area inhabited by low-income families

The government initiated a program to improve living conditions in the slums

A squalid and overcrowded urban area inhabited by low-income families


Title: Shelter


Part of speech:noun/verb 

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable:(noun) countable; (verb) transitive

Transitive or intransitive:(verb)transitive  

Stress marks:/ˈʃɛltər/  

Synonym:(noun)refuge, sanctuary; (verb)protect, shield  

Opposite:(noun)exposure, vulnerability; (verb)endanger


a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger; verb - protect from a danger

The homeless sought shelter from the storm

a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger; verb - protect from a danger


Title: Blame


Part of speech:noun/verb 

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable:(noun) countable;  Transitive or intransitive:(verb)transitive  

Stress marks:/bleɪm/  

Synonym:(noun)responsibility, fault; (verb)accuse, fault  

Opposite:(noun)praise, exoneration; (verb)exonerate


noun - responsibility for a fault; verb - assign responsibility for a fault

The team leader placed the blame on the faulty equipment

noun - responsibility for a fault; verb - assign responsibility for a fault

To march

Title: To march

Pronunciation:/tʊ mɑrtʃ/

Part of speech:verb 

Formal or informal:both  

Transitive or intransitive:intransitive  

Stress marks:/tʊ mɑrtʃ/  

Synonym:mobilize, parade  

Opposite:dissolve, disband


walk along public roads in an organized procession as a form of protest

The activists planned to march through the city center

walk along public roads in an organized procession as a form of protest

To starve

Title: To starve

Pronunciation:/tʊ stɑrv/

Part of speech:verb 

Formal or informal:both  

Transitive or intransitive:intransitive  

Stress marks:/tʊ stɑrv/  

Synonym:hunger, famish  

Opposite:eat, feast


suffer or die from hunger

The refugees were forced to starve due to lack of food supplies

suffer or die from hunger

To strive

Title: To strive

Pronunciation:/tʊ straɪv/

Part of speech:verb 

Formal or informal:both  

Transitive or intransitive:intransitive  

Stress marks:/tʊ straɪv/  

Synonym:struggle, endeavor  

Opposite:surrender, give up


struggle to achieve something

The students strive for academic excellence

struggle to achieve something


Title: Honor


Part of speech:noun/verb 

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable:(noun) countable;  Transitive or intransitive:(verb)transitive   

Stress marks:/ˈɒnər/   

Synonym:(noun)dignity, integrity; (verb)respect, esteem   

Opposite:(noun)disgrace, shame; (verb)dishonor


noun - high respect; verb - regard with great respect

The soldier was awarded a medal for his honor

noun - high respect; verb - regard with great respect


Title: Disrespect


Part of speech:noun/verb 

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable:(noun) countable;  Transitive or intransitive:(verb)transitive   

Stress marks:/dɪsˈrɛspɛkt/   

Synonym:(noun)rudeness, impoliteness; (verb)dishonor, offend   

Opposite:(noun)respect, courtesy; (verb)respect


noun - lack of respect; verb - show a lack of respect for

The student was reprimanded for showing disrespect towards the teacher

noun - lack of respect; verb - show a lack of respect for


Title: Prostitution


Part of speech:noun 

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable:(noun) uncountable   

Stress marks:/ˌprɒstəˈtuːʃən/   

Synonym:fornication, sex work    

Opposite:purity, chastity


The practice of engaging in sexual activity for payment

The government implemented measures to combat prostitution in the city