General adjectives

Lesson 24


Title: Absolute

Pronunciation: /ˈæb.sə.luːt/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ˈæb.səˌlut

Synonym: complete

Opposite: limited


Complete; total; not limited in any way

It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you

Complete; total; not limited in any way


Title: Accurate

Pronunciation: /ˈæk.jə.rət/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ˈæk yər ɪt

Synonym: correct

Opposite: incorrect

correct; free from error

She gave an accurate description of the event

correct; free from error


Title: Actual

Pronunciation: /ˈæk.tʃu.əl/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ˈæk tʃu əl

Synonym: real

Opposite: imaginary


Real; existing in fact

The actual cost was higher than expected

Real; existing in fact


Title: Additional

Pronunciation: /əˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: əˈdɪʃ.ə.nəl

Synonym: extra

Opposite: existing

EXtra; more than what is already present or available

We need additional time to complete the project

EXtra; more than what is already present or available


Title: Apparent

Pronunciation: /əˈpær.ənt/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: əˈpær.ənt

Synonym: clear

Opposite: hidden


clear; easily seen or understood

There was an apparent mistake in the report

clear; easily seen or understood


Title: Appropriate

Pronunciation: /əˈprəʊ.pri.ət/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: əˈproʊ pri ɪt

Synonym: suitable

Opposite: unsuitable


suitable; proper for a particular situation or purpose

It’s important to wear appropriate clothing for the interview

suitable; proper for a particular situation or purpose


Title: Blind

Pronunciation : /blaɪnd/ 

Part of speech : adjective 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : countable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : blaɪnd 

Synonym : sightless 

Opposite : sighted 


Unable to see

She has been blind since birth

Unable to see


Title: Brief

Pronunciation : /briːf/ 

Part of speech : adjective 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : countable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : briːf 

Synonym : short 

Opposite : lengthy 


short; not lasting for a long time

The meeting was brief

short; not lasting for a long time


Title: capable

Pronunciation : /ˈkeɪ.pə.bəl/

Part of speech : adjective 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : countable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : ˈkeɪ pə bəl 

Synonym : able 

Opposite : incapable 


Able to do something; having the ability to achieve something

She is capable of handling the project on her own

Able to do something; having the ability to achieve something


Title: complicated

Pronunciation : /ˈkɒm.plɪ.keɪ.tɪd/ 

Part of speech : adjective 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : countable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : ˈkɒm plɪˌkeɪ tɪd 

Synonym : complex 

Opposite : simple

Difficult to understand; involving many different parts

The instructions were complicated

Difficult to understand; involving many different parts


Title: Concerned

Pronunciation : /kənˈsɜːnd/

Part of speech : adjective 

bout her test results. 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : countable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : kənˈsɜrnd 

Synonym : worried 

Opposite : unconcerned 


worried; anxious about something

She was concerned about her test results

worried; anxious about something


Title: Confusing

Pronunciation :  /kənˈfjuːz/

Part of speech : adjective 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : countable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : kənˈfyu zɪŋ 

Synonym : unclear 

Opposite : clear 


Difficult to understand; unclear

The directions were confusing

Difficult to understand; unclear


Title: Conscious

Pronunciation : /ˈkɒn.ʃəs/

Part of speech : adjective 

Formal or informal : formal  

Countable or uncountable : countable  

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive  

Stress marks : ˈkɒn ʃəs  

Synonym : aware  

Opposite : unconscious  

Definition : aware of and able to understand one’s own thoughts and feelings; awake and able to understand what is happening around you 



He was conscious during the entire surgery



Title: crucial

Pronunciation : /ˈkruː.ʃəl/

Part of speech : adjective  

Formal or informal : formal  

Countable or uncountable : countable  

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive  

Stress marks : ˈkru ʃəl  

Synonym : essential  

Opposite : unimportant  


Extremely important; essential

It is crucial that we finish the project on time

Extremely important; essential


Title: Deliberate

Pronunciation :  /dɪˈlɪb.ər.ət/

Part of speech : adjective  

Formal or informal : formal  

Countable or uncountable : countable  

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive  

Stress marks : dɪˈlɪb ər ət  

Synonym : intentional  

Opposite : accidental  

Done on purpose; intentional

It was a deliberate attempt to cause harm

Done on purpose; intentional


Title: Efficient

Pronunciation: /ɪˈfɪʃ.ənt/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ɪˈfɪʃ.ənt

Synonym: productive

Opposite: inefficient


working well without wasting time, money, or energy

The new system is more efficient than the old one

working well without wasting time, money, or energy


Title: Entire

Pronunciation:  /ɪnˈtaɪər/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ɪnˈtaɪər

Synonym: whole

Opposite: partial


whole; complete; not divided into parts

The entire project took three months to complete

whole; complete; not divided into parts


Title: Ethical

Pronunciation: /ˈeθ.ɪ.kəl/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ˈɛθ ɪ kəl

Synonym: moral

Opposite: unethical


Relating to principles of right and wrong behavior

It’s important to make ethical decisions in business

Relating to principles of right and wrong behavior


Title: Executive

Pronunciation:  /ɪɡˈzek.jə.tɪv/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ɪgˈzɛk yə tɪv

Synonym: managerial

Opposite: non-executive


Relating to the management or administration of an organization

She holds an executive position at the company

Relating to the management or administration of an organization


Title: Extraordinary

Pronunciation: /ɪkˈstrɔː.dɪn.ər.i/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ɪkˈstrɔr dnˌɛr i

Synonym: remarkable

Opposite: ordinary


very unusual; remarkable; beyond what is ordinary or usual

It was an extraordinary performance.

very unusual; remarkable; beyond what is ordinary or usual


Title: Flexible

Pronunciation: /ˈflek.sə.bəl/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ˈflɛk sə bəl 

Synonym: adaptable 

Opposite: rigid 


Able to change or be changed easily according to the situation; adaptable

He has a flexible work schedule

Able to change or be changed easily according to the situation; adaptable


Title: Neat

Pronunciation :  /niːt/ 

Part of speech : adjective 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : countable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : niːt 

Synonym : tidy 

Opposite : messy 


clean and orderly

She has a neat handwriting

clean and orderly


Title: Bizarre

Pronunciation : /bɪˈzɑːr/

Part of speech : adjective 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : countable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : bɪˈzɑr 

Synonym : strange 

Opposite : normal 


very strange and unusual

It was a bizarre coincidence

very strange and unusual


Title: Fundamental

Pronunciation : /ˌfʌn.dəˈmen.təl/

Part of speech : adjective 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : countable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : ˌfʌn dəˈmɛn tl 

Synonym : essential 

Opposite : nonessential 



Title: Grand

Pronunciation : /ɡrænd/

Part of speech : adjective 

Formal or informal : formal  

Countable or uncountable : countable  

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive  

Stress marks : grænd  

Synonym : impressive  

Opposite : modest 

large and impressive; very good; important

They had a grand celebration

large and impressive; very good; important


Title: Hilarious

Pronunciation :  /hɪˈleə.ri.əs/

Part of speech : adjective  

Formal or informal : informal  

Countable or uncountable : countable  

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive  

Stress marks : hɪˈlɛər i əs  

Synonym : funny  

Opposite : serious  


extremely funny; causing great laughter

The movie was absolutely hilarious

extremely funny; causing great laughter


Title: Honorable

Pronunciation :  /ˈɒn.ər.ə.bəl/

Part of speech : adjective  

Formal or informal : formal  

Countable or uncountable : countable  

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive  

Stress marks : ˈɒn ər ə bəl  

Synonym : respectable  

Opposite : dishonorable

Deserving of honor and respect; honest and fair

He is known for his honorable behavior

Deserving of honor and respect; honest and fair


Title: Initial

Pronunciation: /ɪˈnɪʃ.əl/ 

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ɪˈnɪʃ əl

Synonym: first

Opposite: final

occurring at the beginning; first

The initial plan was to meet at 5 PM

occurring at the beginning; first


Title: Intense

Pronunciation: /ɪnˈtens/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ɪnˈtɛns

Synonym: extreme

Opposite: mild

Extreme in degree, strength, or size

She felt an intense pain in her leg

Extreme in degree, strength, or size


Title: Mass

Pronunciation: /mæs/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: Plural form: masses

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: mæs

Synonym: large amount

Opposite: individual

Involving, forming, or consisting of a large quantity or number

The company made a mass layoff

Involving, forming, or consisting of a large quantity or number