Pronunciation: dih-min-ish
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: diminished (past tense), diminished (past participle)
Formal or informal: Formal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive and intransitive
Stress marks: dih-MIN-ish
Synonym: reduce, decrease
Opposite: increase, grow
The company’s profits have diminished over the past year
Pronunciation: ig-zaj-uh-reyt
Part of speech: verb
Definition: to represent something as being greater, better, or worse than it actually is; to overstate or overemphasize
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: exaggerated (past tense), exaggerated (past participle)
Formal or informal: Informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive
Stress marks: ig-ZAJ-uh-reyt
Synonym: overstate, embellish
Opposite: downplay, minimize
He tends to exaggerate his accomplishments in order to impress others
Pronunciation: /dɪp/
Part of speech: verb
Formal or informal: Informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: ˈdɪp
Synonym: immerse
Opposite: raise
She dipped her cookie into the milk
Pronunciation: /hʊk/
Part of speech: verb
Formal or informal: Informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: hʊk
Synonym: snag
Opposite: unhook
He hooked the fish with his fishing line
Pronunciation: /krʌʃ/
Part of speech: verb
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: krʌʃ
Synonym: squash
Opposite: build
She crushed the garlic with a mortar and pestle
Pronunciation: /stæb/
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: stabbed (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: stæb
Synonym: pierce
Opposite: heal
The criminal stabbed the victim with a knife
Pronunciation: /slæʃ/
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: slashed (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: slæʃ
Synonym: cut
Opposite: mend
The attacker slashed the painting with a razor blade
Pronunciation: /ˈtɔːrtʃər/
Part of speech: verb
Definition: to cause someone extreme physical or mental pain as a form of punishment or to force them to do something
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: tortured (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: ˈtɔːrtʃər
Synonym: torment
Opposite: comfort
The dictator tortured his political prisoners for information
Pronunciation: /wɪp/
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: whipped (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: wɪp
Synonym: lash
Opposite: soothe
The horse trainer whipped the horse to make it run faster
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: leaked (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive
Stress marks: liːk
Synonym: seep
Opposite: seal
The roof leaked during the heavy rainstorm
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: manipulated (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: məˈnɪpjʊleɪt
Synonym: control
Opposite: release
The politician tried to manipulate public opinion through the media
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: seized (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: siːz
Synonym: grab
Opposite: release
The police seized the stolen goods from the criminal’s hideout
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plugged (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: plʌg
Synonym: stop up
Opposite: unplug
He plugged in his phone to charge it
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: popped (past tense)
Formal or informal: Informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive
Stress marks: pɒp
Synonym: burst
Opposite: deflate
The balloon popped when it touched the sharp edge
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: ripped (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: rɪp
Synonym: tear
Opposite: mend
She accidentally ripped her dress on a nail
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: resided (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Uncountable
Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive
Stress marks: rɪˈzaɪd
Synonym: live
Opposite: vacate
The royal family resides in the palace
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: probed (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: prəʊb
Synonym: investigate
Opposite: ignore
The detective probed into the suspect’s alibi
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: screwed (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: skruː
Synonym: fasten
Opposite: unscrew
He screwed the shelf onto the wall.
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: shattered (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: ˈʃætər
Synonym: smash
Opposite: mend
The glass shattered when it fell to the floor
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: shrank (past tense), shrunk (past participle)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive
Stress marks: ʃrɪŋk
Synonym: decrease
Opposite: expand
The sweater shrank in the wash
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: smashed (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: smæʃ
Synonym: shatter
Opposite: mend
The car smashed into the wall
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: soared (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Uncountable
Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive
Stress marks: sɔːr
Synonym: fly
Opposite: descend
The eagle soared above the mountains
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: sparked (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive
Stress marks: spɑːrk
Synonym: ignite
Opposite: extinguish
The flint sparked when struck against the steel
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: stumbled (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive
Stress marks: ˈstʌmbəl
Synonym: trip
Opposite: stride
She stumbled over a root in the path
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: steered (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: stɪər
Synonym: navigate
Opposite: veer
He steered the boat towards the shore
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: twisted (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: twɪst
Synonym: rotate
Opposite: untwist
She twisted the lid off the jar
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: glanced (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive
Stress marks: ɡlæns
Synonym: glimpse
Opposite: stare
He glanced at his watch before leaving
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: spied (past tense)
Formal or informal: Neutral
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive
Stress marks:/spaɪ/
Synonym:/observe secretly, surveil/
Opposite:/reveal, expose/
The detective spied on the suspect from across the street
Pronunciation: /ɑːˈtɪkjʊleɪt/
Part of Speech: Verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: Articulated (past tense), Articulating (present participle)
Formal or Informal: Neutral to formal
Countable or Uncountable: Transitive
Stress marks: ar·tic·u·late
Synonym: Express, enunciate
Opposite: Mumble, muddle
She articulated her thoughts with clarity and precision
Pronunciation: /ˈsɜːk.jə.leɪt/
Part of Speech: Verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: Circulated (past tense), circulating (present participle)
Formal or Informal: Neutral to formal
Countable or Uncountable: Transitive or intransitive
Stress marks: cir·cu·late
Synonym: Disseminate, propagate
Opposite: Hoard, withhold
The manager circulated the memo among the team members
Pronunciation: /dɪˈsend/
Part of Speech: Verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: Descended (past tense), descending (present participle)
Formal or Informal: Neutral
Countable or Uncountable: Intransitive
Stress marks: de·scend
Synonym: Fall, drop
Opposite: Ascend, rise
The eagle gracefully descended from the sky
Pronunciation: /ɡrɑːsp/
Part of Speech: Verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: Grasped (past tense), grasping (present participle)
Formal or Informal: Neutral
Countable or Uncountable: Transitive
Stress marks: grasp
Synonym: Grip, clasp
Opposite: Release, let go
He grasped the rope tightly to pull himself up
Pronunciation: /prɪˈzaɪd/
Part of Speech: Verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: Presided (past tense), presiding (present participle)
Formal or Informal: Formal
Countable or Uncountable: Intransitive
Stress marks: pre·side
Synonym: Chair, oversee
Opposite: Dismiss, recuse
She presided over the board meeting with confidence
Pronunciation: /rɪˈzembl/
Part of Speech: Verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: Resembled (past tense), resembling (present participle)
Formal or Informal: Neutral
Countable or Uncountable: Transitive or intransitive
Stress marks: re·semble
Synonym: Look like, take after
Opposite: Differ, contrast
The newborn baby closely resembled her older sister
Pronunciation: /ˈjuːtɪlaɪz/
Part of Speech: Verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: Utilized (past tense), utilizing (present participle)
Formal or Informal: Neutral
Countable or Uncountable: Transitive
Stress marks: uti·lize
Synonym: Employ, apply
Opposite: Waste, squander
They utilized advanced technology to streamline the process
Pronunciation: /ədˈhɪə(r)/
Part of Speech: Verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: Adhered (past tense), adhering (present participle)
Formal or Informal: Neutral
Countable or Uncountable: Intransitive
Stress marks: ad·here
Synonym: Stick, cling
Opposite: Detach, release
The label should adhere firmly to the package
Pronunciation: uh-lej
Part of speech: verb
Formal or informal: Formal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: uh-LEJ
Synonym: assert, claim
Opposite: confirm, validate
The witness alleged that she saw the suspect at the scene of the crime
Pronunciation: burst
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: burst (past tense), burst (past participle)
Formal or informal: Informal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive
Synonym: explode, shatter
Opposite: mend, repair
The balloon burst when it touched the sharp edge
Pronunciation: kuhn-seev
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: conceived (past tense), conceived (past participle)
Formal or informal: Formal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: kuhn-SEEV
Synonym: imagine, envision
Opposite: disregard, ignore
She conceived the idea for a new business venture
Pronunciation: dih-nouns
Part of speech: verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: denounced (past tense), denounced (past participle)
Formal or informal: Formal
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: Transitive
Stress marks: dih-NOUNS
Synonym: condemn, criticize
Opposite: praise, endorse
The activist denounced the government’s actions as inhumane