Countries and nationalities

Lesson 21


Title: Canada

Pronunciation : /ˈkæn.ə.də/

Part of speech : proper noun

Formal or informal : both

Countable or uncountable : countable 

Stress marks : ˈkæn.ə.də  

a country in North America

she lives in Canada

a country in North America


Title: Country

Pronunciation: /ˈkʌn·tri/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ˈkʌn·tri

Synonym: Nation

a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory

She visited a new country every year

a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory

the United States

Title: the United States

Pronunciation: /ðə juːˌnaɪ·tɪd ˈsteɪts/

Part of speech: proper noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ðə juːˌnaɪ·tɪd ˈsteɪts

Synonym: USA

a country in North America consisting of 50 states and a federal district

She lives in the United States

a country in North America consisting of 50 states and a federal district


Title: American

Pronunciation: /əˈmer·ɪ·kən/

Part of speech: adjective/noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: əˈmer·ɪ·kən

Synonym: US citizen

relating to the United States or its people; a person from the United States

She is American and lives in New York

relating to the United States or its people; a person from the United States

The United Kingdom

Title: The United Kingdom

Pronunciation: /ðə juːˌnaɪ·tɪd ˈkɪŋ·dəm/

Part of speech: proper noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ðə juːˌnaɪ·tɪd ˈkɪŋ·dəm

Synonym: UK

a country in Europe consisting of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales

She visited the United Kingdom last summer

a country in Europe consisting of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales


Title: British

Pronunciation: /ˈbrɪt·ɪʃ/

Part of speech: adjective/noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ˈbrɪt·ɪʃ

Synonym: UK citizen

relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom; a person from Great Britain or the United Kingdom

He is British and lives in London

relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom; a person from Great Britain or the United Kingdom


Title: England


Part of speech: proper noun

Formal or informal:Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ˈɪŋ·ɡlənd

a country that is part of the United Kingdom, located on the island of Great Britain

She lives in England

a country that is part of the United Kingdom, located on the island of Great Britain


Title: English

Pronunciation: /ˈɪŋ·ɡlɪʃ/

Part of speech: adjective/noun

Formal or informal:Both

Countable or uncountable:Countable 

stress marks: ˈɪŋ·ɡlɪʃ

relating to England or its people; the language of England

She speaks fluent English

relating to England or its people; the language of England


Title: Iran

Pronunciation:* /ɪˈræn/ 

Part of speech:* proper noun

Formal or informal:* Both

Countable or uncountable:* Countable

Stress marks:* ɪˈræn

Synonym:* Persia

a country in Western Asia

She is from Iran

a country in Western Asia


Title: Iranian


Part of speech: adjective/noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ɪˈreɪ·ni·ən

Synonym: Persia citizen

relating to Iran or its people; a person from Iran

She is Iranian and speaks Farsi

relating to Iran or its people; a person from Iran


Title: German

Pronunciation : /ˈdʒɜr·mən/

Part of speech : adjective/noun

Formal or informal : Both

Countable or uncountable : Countable

Stress marks : ˈdʒɜr·mən

Synonym : Deutschland              


relating to Germany or its people; a person from Germany

He is German and speaks German

relating to Germany or its people; a person from Germany


Title: Germany

Pronunciation : /ˈdʒɜr·mə·ni/

Part of speech : proper noun

Formal or informal :Both

Countable or uncountable : Countable

Stress marks : ˈdʒɜr·mə·ni

Synonym : Deutschland 

a country in central Europe

She visited Germany last summer

a country in central Europe


Title: Turkey

Pronunciation : /ˈtɜr·ki/

Part of speech : proper noun

Formal or informal : Both

Countable or uncountable : Countable

Stress marks : ˈtɜr·ki

Synonym : Türkiye               



a country located mainly on the Anatolian Peninsula in Western Asia

She is from Turkey

a country located mainly on the Anatolian Peninsula in Western Asia


Title: Turkish

Pronunciation : /ˈtɜr·kɪʃ/  

Part of speech : adjective/noun

Formal or informal :Both               

Countable or uncountable : Countable             

Stress marks :ˈtɜr·kɪʃ               

Synonym : Türkiye citizen   


relating to Turkey or its people; a person from Turkey

She speaks Turkish fluently

relating to Turkey or its people; a person from Turkey


Title: France

Pronunciation :/fræns/

Part of speech : proper noun

Formal or informal : both

Countable or uncountable : countable

Stress marks : fræns              

a country in Western Europe

she visited France last summer

a country in Western Europe


Title: French

Pronunciation : /frentʃ/

Part of speech : adjective/noun      

Formal or informal : both

Countable or uncountable : countable             

Stress marks : frentʃ             

relating to France or its people; a person from France

she speaks fluent French

relating to France or its people; a person from France


Title: Canadian

Pronunciation  /kəˈneɪ.di.ən/

Part of speech  adjective/noun

Formal or informal  both

Countable or uncountable  countable

Stress marks  kəˈneɪ.di.ən

relating to Canada or its people; a person from Canada

she is Canadian and lives in Toronto

relating to Canada or its people; a person from Canada


Title: Spain

Pronunciation  /speɪn/

Part of speech  proper noun

Formal or informal  both

Countable or uncountable  countable

Stress marks  speɪn             


a country in southwestern Europe

she visited Spain last year

a country in southwestern Europe


Title: Spanish

Pronunciation  /ˈspæn.ɪʃ/

Part of speech  adjective/noun

Formal or informal  both

Countable or uncountable  countable

Stress marks  ˈspæn.ɪʃ              

relating to Spain or its people; a person from Spain

she speaks Spanish fluently

relating to Spain or its people; a person from Spain


Title: Italy

Pronunciation  /ˈɪt.ə.li/

Part of speech  proper noun

Formal or informal  both

Countable or uncountable  countable

Stress marks  ˈɪt.ə.li

a country in southern Europe

she visited Italy last summer

a country in southern Europe


Title: Italian

Pronunciation  /ɪˈtæl.i.ən/

Part of speech  adjective/noun

Formal or informal  both

Countable or uncountable  countable            

Stress marks  ɪˈtæl.i.ən      


relating to Italy or its people; a person from Italy

she speaks Italian fluently

relating to Italy or its people; a person from Italy


Title: Russia

Pronunciation /ˈrʌʃ.ə/

Part of speech proper :noun

Formal or informal both

Countable or uncountable countable

Stress marks rʌʃ.ə           

a country that stretches over a vast expanse of Eastern Europe and northern Asia

she visited Russia last winter

a country that stretches over a vast expanse of Eastern Europe and northern Asia


Title: Russian-russ

Pronunciation /ˈrʌʃ.ən/

Part of speech adjective/noun

Formal or informal both

Countable or uncountable countable

Stress marks rʌʃ.ən           


relating to Russia or its people; a person from Russia

she speaks Russian fluently

relating to Russia or its people; a person from Russia


Title: China

Pronunciation /ˈtʃaɪ.nə/

Part of speech proper noun

Formal or informal both

Countable or uncountable countable

Stress marks tʃaɪ.nə     

a populous country in East Asia

she visited China last summer

a populous country in East Asia


Title: Chinese

Pronunciation /ˌtʃaɪˈni.z‌/

Part of speech adjective/noun

Formal or informal both

Countable or uncountable countable

Stress marks tʃaɪ.niz        

relating to China or its people; a person from China

she speaks Chinese fluently

relating to China or its people; a person from China


Title: Japan

Pronunciation /dʒəˈpæn/

Part of speech proper noun

Formal or informal both

Countable or uncountable countable 

Stress marks dʒəˈpæn                  

an island country in East Asia

she visited Japan last spring

an island country in East Asia


Title: Japanese

Pronunciation dʒæpəˈni.z‌    

Part of speech adjective/noun

Formal or informal both

Countable or uncountable countable

Stress marks dʒæpəˈni.z‌            

relating to Japan, its people, language, culture, etc.; a person from Japan

she speaks Japanese fluently

relating to Japan, its people, language, culture, etc.; a person from Japan


Title: Continent

Pronunciation /ˈkɑn.t‌i.nent/

Part of speech noun

Formal or informal both

Countable or uncountable countable

Stress marks kɑn.t‌i.nent

Synonym landmass    

Opposite ocean              

any of the world’s continuous expanses of land (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe

she has visited every continent except Antarctica

any of the world’s continuous expanses of land (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe


Title: Asia

Pronunciation /ˈeɪ.ʒi.ə/

Part of speech proper noun

Formal or informal both

Countable or uncountable countable

Stress marks eɪ.ʒi.ə            

the largest continent, situated east of Europe

she traveled through Asia for six months

the largest continent, situated east of Europe


Title: Asian

Pronunciation /ˈeɪ.zi.ən/

Part of speech adjective/noun

Formal or informal both      

Countable or uncountable countable

Stress marks eɪ.zi.ən                     

relating to Asia, its people, culture, etc.; a person from Asia

she is Asian and was born in Thailand

relating to Asia, its people, culture, etc.; a person from Asia


Title: Africa

Pronunciation: /ˈæf·rɪ·k/

Part of speech: proper noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ˈæf·rɪ·kə

the second-largest and second-most populous continent, located in the Eastern Hemisphere

She traveled to Africa for a safari

the second-largest and second-most populous continent, located in the Eastern Hemisphere


Title: African

Pronunciation: /ˈæf·rɪ·kən/

Part of speech: adjective/noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ˈæf·rɪ·kən

relating to Africa or its people; a person from Africa

She is African and speaks Swahili

relating to Africa or its people; a person from Africa


Title: Australia

Pronunciation: /ɒˈstreɪ·li·ə/

Part of speech: proper noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ɒˈstreɪ·li·ə

a country and continent located in the Southern Hemisphere

She visited Australia and New Zealand

a country and continent located in the Southern Hemisphere


Title: Australian

Pronunciation: /ɒˈstreɪ·li·ən/

Part of speech: adjective/noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ɒˈstreɪ·li·ən

relating to Australia or its people; a person from Australia

He is Australian and lives in Sydney

relating to Australia or its people; a person from Australia


Title: Europe

Pronunciation: /ˈjʊr·əp/

Part of speech: proper noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ˈjʊr·əp

a continent located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere

She traveled through Europe by train

a continent located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere


Title: European

Pronunciation: /ˌjʊr·əˈpiː·ən/

Part of speech: adjective/noun

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Stress marks: ˌjʊr·əˈpiː·ən

relating to Europe or its people; a person from Europe

She is European and speaks multiple languages

relating to Europe or its people; a person from Europe