Pronunciation: /kraɪst/
Part of speech: noun
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Synonym: Messiah, Savior
Christians believe that Christ is the savior
Pronunciation: /ˈdʒiːzəs/
Part of speech: noun
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Synonym: Christ, Son of God
Many people believe in the teachings of Jesus
Pronunciation: /seɪnt/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: saints
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Synonym: holy person, martyr
Opposite: sinner, non-believer
St. Francis of Assisi is a well-known saint
Pronunciation: /poʊp/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: popes
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Synonym: pontiff, Holy Father
The new pope was elected by the College of Cardinals
Pronunciation: /ˈbɪʃəp/
Part of speech: noun
Definition: a senior member of the Christian clergy, typically in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: bishops
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Synonym: prelate, clergyman
Opposite: layperson, non-believer
The bishop led the confirmation ceremony
Pronunciation: /ˈpæstər/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: pastors
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Synonym: minister, preacher
Opposite: non-believer, atheist
The pastor delivered a powerful sermon on forgiveness
Pronunciation: /ˈmɪʃəˌneri/
Part of speech: noun
Definition: a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: missionaries
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Stress marks: mis-sion-ar-y
Synonym: evangelist, proselytizer
Opposite: non-believer, atheist
The missionary spent years working in remote villages
Pronunciation: /mʌŋk/
Part of speech: noun
Definition: a member of a religious community of men typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: monks, monastic (adjective)
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Synonym: friar, brother
Opposite: layperson, non-believer
The monk spent hours in prayer and meditation
Part of speech : noun
Definition : a member of a religious community of women, typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : nuns
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Synonym : sister, religious woman
Opposite : layperson, non-believer
The nun dedicated her life to serving others
Part of speech : adjective
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : Catholics
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : cath-olic
Synonym : universal, all-encompassing
Opposite : limited, exclusive
The university offers a catholic range of courses
Part of speech : adjective
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : Protestants
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : prot-est-ant
Synonym : non-Catholic, Reformed
Opposite : Catholic, Orthodox
The family attends a Protestant church
Part of speech : noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : congregations
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : con-gre-ga-tion
Synonym : assembly, gathering
Opposite : dispersal, scattering
The congregation sang hymns together
Part of speech : noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : parishes
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Synonym : district, community
Opposite : metropolis, city
The parish organizes community events
Part of speech : verb and noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : converts
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : con-vert
Synonym : change, transform
Opposite : maintain, preserve
She sought to convert her friends to her way of thinking
Part of speech : noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : followers
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : fol-low-er
Synonym : supporter, disciple
Opposite : opponent, detractor
He was a keen follower of the teachings of Buddha
Part of speech : noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : pilgrims
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : pil-grim
Synonym : traveler, wanderer
Opposite : settler, resident
The pilgrim traveled to Mecca for the Hajj
Part of speech noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms N/A
Formal or informal Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable Countable
Stress marks chris-ten-ing
Synonym baptism, naming ceremony
Opposite secular naming
The christening ceremony was held at the local church
Part of speech :noun
Definition :God’s favor and protection; a prayer asking for divine favor and protection; grace said before or after a meal
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : blessings
Formal or informal :Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable :Countable
Stress marks : bles-sing
Synonym : benediction, approval
Opposite : curse, disapproval
The priest gave his blessing to the newlyweds
Pronunciation: /ˈfjuːnərəl/
Part of speech: noun
Definition: a ceremony or service held after a person’s death, typically including the burial or cremation of the body
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: funerals
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Synonym: burial, memorial service
Opposite: celebration, party
The funeral will be held at the local church
Pronunciation: /kʌlt/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: cults
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Synonym: sect, religious group
Opposite: mainstream, conventional
The cult worships the ancient deity
Pronunciation: /feɪt/
Part of speech: noun
Definition: the development of events beyond a person’s control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: fates
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Uncountable
Synonym: destiny, fortune
Opposite: choice, free will
It is believed that our fate is predetermined
Pronunciation: /ˈɪzlɑːm/
Part of speech: noun
Definition: the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Uncountable
Synonym: Muslim faith, Islamic religion
Islam is one of the major world religions
Pronunciation: /ˈmɒnəst(ə)ri/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: monasteries
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Synonym: abbey, cloister
Opposite: secular building, non-religious community
The monastery is known for its beautiful architecture
Pronunciation: /ʃraɪn/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: shrines
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Synonym: sanctuary, temple
Opposite: profane place, non-sacred site
Pilgrims travel to the shrine to seek blessings
Pronunciation: /ˈrɪtʃʊəl/
Part of speech: noun
Definition: a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: rituals
Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Synonym: ceremony, rite
Opposite: informal gathering, casual event
The ritual was performed to honor the ancestors
Part of speech : adjective
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : diviner (noun), divinest (superlative adjective)
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : di-vine
Synonym : heavenly, sacred
Opposite : earthly, profane
The priest spoke with divine authority
Part of speech : adjective
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : sacredly (adverb), sacredness (noun)
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : sa-cred
Synonym : holy, consecrated
Opposite : profane, secular
The sacred texts are revered by believers
Part of speech : adjective
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : secularism (noun), secularly (adverb)
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Countable
Stress marks : sec-u-lar
Synonym : non-religious, worldly
Opposite : religious, spiritual
The school provides secular education
Part of speech : verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : preaches, preached
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Transitive
Stress marks : preach
Synonym : sermonize, evangelize
Opposite : doubt, question
The pastor preaches every Sunday morning
Part of speech : verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : sacrifices, sacrificed
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Transitive
Stress marks : sac-ri-fice
Synonym : give up, surrender
Opposite : gain, obtain
She sacrificed her own career for her family
Part of speech : verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : sins, sinned
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Intransitive
Synonym : transgress, do wrong
Opposite : obey, do right
It is believed that all humans sin
Part of speech : verb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms : worships, worshipped
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable : Transitive
Stress marks : wor-ship
Synonym : adore, venerate
Opposite : blaspheme, disrespect
The faithful gather to worship every Sunday
Part of speech :noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: archbishops
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable :Countable
Synonym : primate, prelate
The Archbishop led the Easter service
Part of speech :adjective
Formal or informal : Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable Countable
Synonym : devout, pious
Opposite : impious, irreverent
She was raised to be God-fearing
Part of speech :adjective
Formal or informal :Can be used in both formal and informal contexts
Countable or uncountable :Countable
Synonym : atheistic, non-religious
Opposite : religious, devout
The godless society embraced secular values