Part of speech:noun and verb
Definition(noun) :a sudden quick grasp or grab; an act of taking something away quickly
Definition(verb) :grasp quickly or eagerly; steal something quickly
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :transitive
Stress marks:/snætʃ
Synonym(noun) :grab, seize
Opposite(noun) :release, surrender
Synonym(verb) :grab, seize
Opposite(verb) :release, let go
(noun) :”The snatch of the purse happened so fast that she didn’t see who did it/ (verb) :”He snatched the opportunity before anyone else could.”
Part of speech:noun and verb
Definition(noun) :an act of inhaling air audibly through the nose to detect a smell
Definition(verb) :draw in air audibly through the nose to detect a smell
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :intransitive
Stress marks:/snɪf
Synonym(noun) :sniffle, inhale
Opposite(noun) :exhale
Synonym(verb) :smell, inhale
Opposite(verb) :exhale
(noun) :”She gave a sniff to see if the milk had gone bad/ (verb) :”He sniffed at the flowers to enjoy their fragrance
Part of speech:noun
Definition:a person with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks to associate with social superiors and dislikes people or activities regarded as lower-class.
Formal or informal:both
Opposite:humble, egalitarian
Stress marks:/snɒb
Synonym:social climber, elitist
She was considered a snob for refusing to talk to anyone outside her social circle.”
Pronunciation: /ˈseɪkrɪd/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: formal
Stress marks: /ˈseɪkrɪd
Synonym: holy, divine
Opposite: profane
The temple is a sacred place for many people
Pronunciation: /ˈsæŋkʃ(ə)n/
Part of speech: noun and verb
Definition (noun): a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule; official permission or approval for an action
Definition (verb): give official permission or approval for an action
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable (noun), uncountable (verb)
Transitive or intransitive: transitive (verb)
Stress marks: /ˈsæŋkʃ(ə)n
Synonym (noun): penalty, approval
Opposite (noun): encouragement, reward
Synonym (verb): approve, authorize
Opposite (verb): prohibit
(noun): “The government imposed sanctions on the country for human rights violations./ (verb): “The committee will sanction the use of funds for the project
Pronunciation: /seɪn/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: formal
Stress marks: /seɪn
Synonym: rational, reasonable
Opposite: insane, irrational
Despite the stressful situation, she remained calm and sane
Pronunciation: /sɑːˈkæstɪk/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: informal
Stress marks: /sɑːˈkæstɪk
Synonym: mocking, sardonic
Opposite: sincere, genuine
His sarcastic remarks often offended people
Pronunciation: /ˌsætɪsˈfækʃ(ə)n/
Part of speech: noun
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: uncountable
Stress marks: /ˌsætɪsˈfækʃ(ə)n
Synonym: contentment, gratification
Opposite: dissatisfaction
The company aims to ensure customer satisfaction with their products
Pronunciation: /ˈskeəsli/
Part of speech: adverb
Formal or informal: formal
Stress marks: /ˈskeəsli
Synonym: barely, hardly
Opposite: abundantly
She had scarcely enough time to finish the assignment
Pronunciation: /ˈskeəsəti/
Part of speech: noun
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: uncountable
Stress marks: /ˈskeəsəti
Synonym: shortage, lack
Opposite: abundance
The scarcity of water in the region led to conflicts
Pronunciation: /ˈskætərd/
Part of speech: adjective and verb
Definition (adjective): dispersed or spread over a wide area; not concentrated
Definition (verb): throw in various random directions
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :transitive
Stress marks:/ˈskætərd
Synonym (adjective):dispersed, spread out
Opposite (adjective):clustered, concentrated
Synonym (verb):disperse, spread
Opposite (verb):gather
(adjective):”The scattered remnants of the old city were barely recognizable/ (verb):”She scattered the seeds across the field
Part of speech :adjective
Stress marks:/ˈskeptɪk(ə)l
Synonym :doubtful, suspicious
Opposite :credulous, trusting
She was sceptical about the claims of the new product
Part of speech:noun and verb
Definition(noun) :a roll of parchment, paper, copper, or other material, especially one with writing on it.
Definition(verb) :move displayed text or graphics in a particular direction on a computer screen in order to view different parts of them.
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :intransitive
Stress marks:/skrəʊl
Synonym(noun) :parchment, manuscript
Synonym(verb) :browse, navigate
Opposite(noun) :tablet
Opposite(verb) :fix
(noun) :”The ancient scroll contained valuable historical information/ (verb) :”You can scroll down to see more content on the website
Part of speech:noun
Definition:critical observation or examination.
Formal or informal:both
Stress marks:/ˈskruːt(ə)ni
Synonym :examination, inspection
Opposite :neglect
The government’s economic plans are under intense scrutiny
Part of speech:noun and verb
Definition(noun) :a device or substance that is used to join two things together so as to prevent them from coming apart or to prevent anything from passing between them.
Definition(verb) :fasten or close securely.
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :transitive
Stress marks:/siːl
Synonym(noun) :stamp, mark
Synonym(verb) :close, secure
Opposite(noun) :opening
Opposite(verb) :open
(noun) :”The envelope had a wax seal with the family crest on it/ (verb) :”She sealed the package with tape
Part of speech:noun and verb
Definition(noun) :the action of capturing someone or something using force.
Definition(verb) :take hold of suddenly and forcibly.
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :transitive
Stress marks:/siːz
Synonym(noun) :capture, arrest
Synonym(verb) :grab, snatch
Opposite(noun) :release
Opposite(verb) :release
(noun) :”The police made a seize of illegal drugs/ (verb) :”He seized her by the arm
Part of speech :adjective
Formal or informal :informal
Stress marks:/senˈseɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l
Synonym :exciting, thrilling
Opposite :boring, dull
The news article was filled with sensational stories
Part of speech:noun
Formal or informal:both
Stress marks:/ˈsentɪm(ə)nt
Synonym:view, feeling
Her sentiment towards the issue was clear from her speech
Pronunciation: /ˈsiːkwəns/
Part of speech: noun
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: /ˈsiːkwəns
Synonym: order, arrangement
Opposite: disorder, chaos
The sequence of events in the story was captivating
Pronunciation: /səˈriːn/
Part of speech: adjective
Formal or informal: formal
Stress marks: /səˈriːn
Synonym: peaceful, placid
Opposite: turbulent, agitated
The serene lake provided a sense of tranquility
Pronunciation: /ˈsetlmənt/
Part of speech: noun
Definition: an official agreement intended to resolve a dispute or conflict; a place where people establish a community
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: /ˈsetlmənt
Synonym: resolution, agreement
Opposite: disagreement, discord
The two parties reached a settlement after lengthy negotiations
Pronunciation: /sɪˈverəti/
Part of speech: noun
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: uncountable
Stress marks: /sɪˈverəti
Synonym: intensity, seriousness
Opposite: leniency, mildness
The severity of the storm caused widespread damage
Pronunciation: /ˈʃæloʊ/
Part of speech: adjective and verb
Definition (adjective): having little depth; not deep
Definition (verb): make or become shallower
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :both
Stress marks:/ˈʃæloʊ
Synonym (adjective):superficial, shoal
Opposite (adjective):deep, profound
Synonym (verb):decrease, lessen
Opposite (verb):deepen
(adjective):”The shallow water was perfect for wading/ (verb):”The river shallowed as it approached the shore.”
Pronunciation: /ˈʃɑːrpən/
Part of speech: verb
Definition: make or become sharp or sharper; improve or enhance
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :transitive
Stress marks:/ˈʃɑːrpən
Synonym:harden, hone
Opposite:dull, blunt
She sharpened her pencil before starting the test
Part of speech:noun and verb
Definition(noun) :a broken piece or fragment, typically of something brittle or shatterable
Definition(verb) :break or cause to break suddenly and violently into pieces
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :transitive
Stress marks:/ˈʃætər
Synonym(noun) :fragment, shard
Synonym(verb) :smash, break
Opposite(noun) :whole
Opposite(verb) :mend
(noun) :”The vase lay on the floor in a thousand shatters/ (verb) :”The loud noise seemed to shatter the glass.”
Part of speech:noun and verb
Definition(noun) :a simple roofed structure, typically made of wood or metal, used as a storage space
Definition(verb) :to get rid of something unwanted or no longer necessary
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :both
Stress marks:/ʃɛd
Synonym(noun) :hut, shelter
Synonym(verb) :discard, dispose of
Opposite(noun) :building
Opposite(verb) :hoard
(noun) :”He stored his gardening tools in the shed/ (verb) :”She decided to shed some old clothes.”
Part of speech :adjective
Formal or informal :formal
Stress marks:/ʃɪər
Synonym :pure, complete
Opposite :partial, incomplete
The sheer size of the mountain was awe-inspiring
Part of speech:noun and verb
Definition(noun) :a broad piece of metal, wood, etc., carried to protect the body from blows or missiles.
Definition(verb) :protect (someone or something) from a danger, risk, or unpleasant experience.
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :transitive
Stress marks:/ʃiːld
Synonym(noun) :guard, protection
Synonym(verb) :defend, safeguard
Opposite(noun) :vulnerability
Opposite(verb) :expose
(noun) :”The knight raised his shield to defend against the attack/ (verb) :”The new policy aims to shield employees from harassment.”
Part of speech :noun and verb
Definition(noun) :a small tremulous convulsive movement; a shudder
Definition(verb) :shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :intransitive
Stress marks:/ˈʃɪvər
Synonym(noun) :tremor, quiver
Synonym(verb) :tremble, quake
Opposite(noun) :calmness
Opposite(verb) :steady
(noun) :”A shiver ran down her spine/ (verb) :”He began to shiver in the cold wind.
Part of speech :adjective
Formal or informal :formal
Stress marks:/ʃruːd
Synonym :astute, clever
Opposite :naive, foolish
He was a shrewd businessman who made wise investments
Part of speech:noun and verb
Definition(noun) :a gesture involving the shoulders that typically expresses indifference, uncertainty, or lack of knowledge.
Definition(verb) :raise (one’s shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference.
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :intransitive
Stress marks:/ʃrʌg
Synonym(noun) :gesture, motion
Synonym(verb) :disregard, dismiss
Opposite(noun) :embrace
Opposite(verb) :embrace
(noun) :”She gave a dismissive shrug/ (verb) :”He shrugged his shoulders in response.
Part of speech:noun
Formal or informal:both
Stress marks:/ˌsɪmplɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n
Synonym:simplifying, clarification
The simplification of the tax code was welcomed by many taxpayers
Pronunciation: /sɪn/
Part of speech: noun and verb
Definition (noun): an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law
Definition (verb): commit a sin
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Transitive or intransitive: intransitive
Stress marks: /sɪn
Synonym (noun): wrongdoing, transgression
Opposite (noun): virtue, righteousness
Synonym (verb): transgress, offend
Opposite (verb): obey, adhere
(noun): “The priest spoke about the consequences of sin/ (verb): “She felt guilty after she sinned
Pronunciation: /ˈsaɪrən/
Part of speech: noun
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: /ˈsaɪrən
Synonym: alarm, signal
Opposite: silence, quiet
The siren of the ambulance could be heard from a distance
Pronunciation: /skɛtʃ/
Part of speech: noun and verb
Definition (noun): a rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often made as a preliminary study
Definition (verb): make a rough drawing of something
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Transitive or intransitive: transitive
Stress marks: /skɛtʃ
Synonym (noun): drawing, outline
Opposite (noun): finished work, masterpiece
Synonym (verb): outline, delineate
Opposite (verb): erase, delete
(noun): “He made a quick sketch of the landscape/ (verb): “She sketched the outline of the building
Pronunciation: /skʌl/
Part of speech: noun
Definition: the bony structure of the head, enclosing the brain and supporting the face; a person’s head or brain
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: /skʌl
Synonym: cranium, head
Opposite: face, mask
The archaeologist discovered a human skull at the site
Pronunciation: /slæp/
Part of speech: noun and verb
Definition (noun): a sharp blow or smack, typically given with the palm of the hand
Definition (verb): strike someone or something with the palm of one’s hand
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Transitive or intransitive: both
Stress marks: /slæp
Synonym (noun): smack, whack
Opposite (noun): caress, pat
Synonym (verb): hit, strike
Opposite (verb): caress, soothe
(noun): “He received a slap on the cheek/ (verb): “She slapped the table in frustration
Pronunciation: /slɪp/
Part of speech: noun and verb
Definition (noun): a sudden losing of one’s balance or footing; a mistake or error; a piece of clothing that is worn underneath outer clothing
Definition (verb): slide unintentionally for a short distance; put on or take off a garment with ease
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :both
Stress marks:/slɪp
Synonym(noun) :mistake, error
Opposite(noun) :accuracy, perfection
Synonym(verb) :slide, skid
Opposite(verb) :steady, stabilize
(noun):”She took a slip on the icy pavement/ (verb):”He slipped on his shoes and left the house
Part of speech:noun and verb
Definition(noun) :a sudden, sharp cracking sound; an act of breaking suddenly and completely
Definition(verb) :break suddenly and completely; speak abruptly or sharply
Formal or informal:both
Transitive or intransitive :both
Stress marks:/snæp
Synonym(noun) :crack, pop
Opposite(noun) :silence
Synonym(verb) :break, crack
Opposite(verb) :repair, mend
(noun) :”The snap of the twig alerted the hiker to something nearby/ (verb) :”The branch snapped under the weight of the snow.”