Lesson 21


Title: Vaccinate

Pronunciation: /ˈvæk.sɪ.neɪt/

Part of speech: verb

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: transitive

Stress marks: /ˈvæk.sɪ.neɪt

Synonym: immunize, inoculate

Opposite: infect, expose


To treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease

The doctor will vaccinate the children against measles

To treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease


Title: Vague

Pronunciation: /veɪg/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: both

Stress marks: /veɪg

Synonym: unclear, ambiguous

Opposite: clear, specific


Of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning

The instructions were vague and difficult to follow

Of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning


Title: Vain

Pronunciation: /veɪn/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: vainer (comparative), vainest (superlative)

Formal or informal: both

Stress marks: /veɪn

Synonym: conceited, narcissistic

Opposite: humble, modest


Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth

She was so vain that she spent hours in front of the mirror.

Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth


Title: Validity

Pronunciation: /vəˈlɪdəti/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Stress marks: /vəˈlɪdəti

Synonym: legitimacy, credibility

Opposite: invalidity, illegitimacy


The quality of being logically or factually sound; effectiveness; legal soundness

The validity of the contract was questioned due to missing signatures

The quality of being logically or factually sound; effectiveness; legal soundness


Title: Value

Pronunciation: /ˈvæljuː/

Part of speech: noun and verb

Definition (noun): the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something

Definition (verb): consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: valued (past tense)

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable for noun, uncountable for verb

Transitive or intransitive: transitive for verb

Stress marks: /ˈvæljuː

Synonym (noun): worth, importance

Synonym (verb): appreciate, esteem

Opposite (noun): worthlessness, insignificance

Opposite (verb): disregard, undervalue



(noun): “The value of education cannot be overstated/ (verb): “She values her family more than anything else



Title: Vandalism


Part of speech :noun 

Formal or informal:both  

Stress marks:/ˈvændəlɪz(ə)m  

Synonym:defacement, destruction  

wilful damage or destruction of public or private property

The park was closed due to vandalism

wilful damage or destruction of public or private property


Title: Vanity


Part of speech :noun 

Formal or informal:both 

Stress marks:/ˈvanɪti 

Synonym:self-importance, conceit 

Opposite:humble, modesty 


Excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements

Her vanity made her spend hours in front of the mirror

Excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements


Title: Variation


Part of speech :noun 

Formal or informal:both 

Stress marks:/ˌvɛːrɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n 

Synonym:difference, change 

Opposite:similarity, consistency 


A change or difference in condition, amount, or level, typically with certain limits

There was a wide variation in test scores

A change or difference in condition, amount, or level, typically with certain limits


Title: Vehicle


Part of speech :noun

Formal or informal:both 

Stress marks:/ˈviːɪk(ə)l 

Synonym:auto, transport 

Any form of transportation that is used to carry people or goods from one place to another

The car is a popular vehicle for daily commuting

Any form of transportation that is used to carry people or goods from one place to another


Title: Velvet


Part of speech :noun and adjective  

Formal or informal:both  

Stress marks:/ˈvɛlvɪt  

Synonym:fabric, material  

A closely woven fabric of silk, cotton, or nylon that has a thick short pile on one side

She wore a beautiful velvet dress to the party

A closely woven fabric of silk, cotton, or nylon that has a thick short pile on one side


Title: Vent


Part of speech :noun and verb

Definition (noun):an opening that allows air, gas, or liquid to pass out of or into a confined space

Definition (verb):give free expression to (a strong emotion)

Formal or informal:both 

Transitive or intransitive :transitive for verb  Stress marks:/vɛnt

Synonym (noun):opening, outlet

Opposite (noun):blockage, closure  Synonym (verb):express, air

Opposite (verb):suppress



(noun):”The room had no vent for fresh air/ (verb):”He needed to vent his frustration



Title: Venture


Part of speech :noun and verb

Definition (noun):a risky or daring journey or undertaking 

Definition (verb):dare to do something or go somewhere that may be dangerous or

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive for verb 

Stress marks:/ˈvɛntʃə  Synonym (noun):risk, undertaking  Opposite (noun):safe bet, certainty  Synonym (verb):dare, risk  

Opposite (verb):avoid, retreat



(noun):”Starting a business is always a risky venture/ (verb):”He ventured into the unknown territory



Title: Verbal


Part of speech :adjective 

Stress marks:/ˈvəːb(ə)

Synonym:oral, spoken



(of an action) done by spoken rather than written words; relating to words

She made a verbal agreement with the contractor

(of an action) done by spoken rather than written words; relating to words


Title: Verdict


Part of speech :noun 

Definition:a decision on an issue of fact in a civil case; a finding or judgment by a jury on matters submitted to it at trial; judgement  

Formal or informal:both  

Stress marks:/ˈvəːdɪkt  

Synonym:ruling, decision   



The jury reached a verdict after hours of deliberation



Title: Verge


Part of speech :noun and verb 

Definition:(noun):an edge or border; an extreme limit beyond which something specified will happen  

Definition (verb):be very close to; be in the process of doing something 

Formal or informal:both 

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive for verb   

Stress marks:/vərdʒ   Synonym (noun):brink, edge

Opposite (noun):center, middle 

Synonym (verb):approach, near 

Opposite (verb):recede



He was on the verge of tears/ (verb):”She verged on losing her temper



Title: Versatile


Part of speech :adjective  

Definition:(of a person) able to adapt to many different functions or activities; changeable; adaptable

Formal or informal:both   

Stress marks:/ˈvəːsətʌɪl  

Synonym:flexible, adaptable 




She is a versatile actress who can play any role



Title: Veteran

Pronunciation:/ˈvɛt(ə)r(ə)n/  Part of speech :noun and adjective 

Definition:(noun):a person who has had long experience in a particular field; a person who has served in the military

Definition (adjective):experienced through long service; long-serving; experienced  

Formal or informal:both 

Synonym (noun):expert, old hand   

Opposite (noun):novice, beginner   Synonym (adjective):experienced, seasoned   

Opposite (adjective):inexperienced



(noun):”He is a veteran of the music industry/ (adjective):”She is a veteran teacher at the school



Title: Viable

Pronunciation: /ˈvaɪəbl/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: formal

Stress marks: /ˈvaɪəbl

Synonym: workable, feasible

Opposite: unfeasible, unworkable


capable of working successfully; feasible

The business plan was not viable in the current market

capable of working successfully; feasible


Title: Vicinity

Pronunciation: /vəˈsɪnɪti/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Stress marks: /vəˈsɪnɪti

Synonym: area, neighborhood

Opposite: distance, remoteness


The area near or surrounding a particular place

There are several restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel

The area near or surrounding a particular place


Title: Vicious

Pronunciation: /ˈvɪʃəs/

Part of speech: adjective

Formal or informal: both

Stress marks: /ˈvɪʃəs

Synonym: brutal, ferocious

Opposite: gentle, kind


Deliberately cruel or violent; savage

The dog attacked in a vicious manner

Deliberately cruel or violent; savage


Title: Villager

Pronunciation: /ˈvɪlɪdʒər/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable

Stress marks: /ˈvɪlɪdʒər

Synonym: rural resident, country dweller

Opposite: urbanite, city dweller


A person who lives in a village

The villagers gathered for a community meeting

A person who lives in a village


Title: Virtue

Pronunciation: /ˈvəːtjuː/

Part of speech: noun

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable

Stress marks: /ˈvəːtjuː

Synonym: goodness, righteousness

Opposite: vice, immorality


Behavior showing high moral standards; a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person

Patience is a virtue

Behavior showing high moral standards; a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person


Title: Vitality


Part of speech :noun

Formal or informal:both 

Stress marks:/vʌɪˈtalɪti 

Synonym:liveliness, vigor 


(noun):the state of being strong and active; energy

Exercise is important for maintaining vitality

(noun):the state of being strong and active; energy


Title: Vivacious


Part of speech :adjective 

Formal or informal:both 

Stress marks:/vɪˈveɪʃəs 

Synonym:lively, spirited 

Opposite:dull, lifeless 


(especially of a woman) attractively lively and animated

She had a vivacious personality that lit up the room

(especially of a woman) attractively lively and animated


Title: Vomit


Part of speech :noun and verb 

Definition (noun):matter from the stomach that has come up through the mouth; vomitus  Definition (verb):eject matter from the stomach through the mouth  Irregular spelling and irregular forms:vomited (past tense)

Formal or informal:both

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive for verb  Stress marks:/ˈvɒmɪt

Synonym (noun):vomitus, puke

Opposite (noun):n/a 

Synonym (verb):throw up, regurgitate

Opposite (verb):ingest



(noun):”She felt nauseous and experienced a bout of vomit/ (verb):”The child vomited after eating spoiled food.”



Title: Voter


Part of speech :noun 

Formal or informal:both

Stress marks:/ˈvəʊtə  Synonym:elector, citizen

A person who has the right to vote in an election

The candidate worked hard to win over undecided voters

A person who has the right to vote in an election


Title: Vow


Part of speech :noun and verb 

Definition (noun):a solemn promise 

Definition (verb):solemnly promise to do aspecified thing

Formal or informal:both  Countable or uncountable:N/A 

Transitive or intransitive :transitive for verb  Stress marks:/vaʊ 

Synonym (noun):promise, pledge  

Opposite (noun):break, betrayal  Synonym (verb):promise, swear  

Opposite (verb):break



(noun):”They exchanged vows at their wedding ceremony/ (verb):”He vowed to always protect his family



Title: Vulnerable


Part of speech :adjective  

Definition:(of a person) in need of special care, support, or protection because of age, disability, or risk of abuse or neglect; susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm   

Formal or informal:both   

Stress marks:/ˈvʌln(ə)rəb(ə)l  

Synonym:susceptible, at risk  

Opposite:protected, invulnerable



The elderly are often vulnerable to scams
