
Lesson 2


Title: Raise

Pronunciation: /reɪz/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Synonym: Lift

Opposite: Lower


To move something to a higher position or level

She raised her hand to ask a question

To move something to a higher position or level


Title: Realize

Pronunciation: /ˈriːəlaɪz/

Part of speech: Verb


Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Synonym: Understand

Opposite: Misunderstand


To become aware or understand something

I didn’t realize it was already midnight

To become aware or understand something


Title: Record

Pronunciation: /rɪˈkɔːrd/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both


Countable or uncountable: Countable.

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive.

Synonym: Document


Opposite: Erase

: To make a permanent or official copy of something using audio, video, or writing

She recorded the song in a professional studio

: To make a permanent or official copy of something using audio, video, or writing


Title: Remove

Pronunciation: /rɪˈmuːv/

Part of speech: Verb


Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable.

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive.

Synonym: Delete


Opposite: Add

To take something away or eliminate it from a place or position

Please remove your shoes before entering the house

To take something away or eliminate it from a place or position


Title: Replace


Pronunciation: /rɪˈpleɪs/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable.

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive.

Synonym: Substitue

Opposite: Remove



To put something or someone in the place of another

I need to replace the broken light bulb

To put something or someone in the place of another


Title: Report


Pronunciation: /rɪˈpɔːrt/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both


Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Synonym: Inform

Opposite: Withhold



To give information about something to a person or organization

The journalist reported the latest news from the scene

To give information about something to a person or organization


Title: Respond

Pronunciation: /rɪˈspɒnd/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable.

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive.

Synonym: Reply

Opposite: Ignore


To give a verbal or written answer or reaction to something

He responded to her question with a smile.

To give a verbal or written answer or reaction to something


Title: Ring

Pronunciation: /rɪŋ/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive


Synonym: Call

Opposite: Silence

To make a sound or cause a bell or telephone to make a sound

The phone rang while I was cooking dinner

To make a sound or cause a bell or telephone to make a sound


Title: Save

Pronunciation: /seɪv/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable.


Transitive or intransitive: Transitive.

Synonym: Preserve

Opposite: Waste

To prevent something from being lost, destroyed, or wasted

She saves money by cooking at home instead of eating out

To prevent something from being lost, destroyed, or wasted


Title: Search

Pronunciation: /sɜːrtʃ/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable.

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive.

Synonym: Seek

Opposite: Find


To look for or seek something or someone

They searched the entire house for the missing keys

To look for or seek something or someone


Title: Shake

Pronunciation: /ʃeɪk/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable.

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive.

Synonym: Tremble


Opposite: Still

To move quickly and repeatedly from side to side or up and down

He shook his head to indicate disagreement

To move quickly and repeatedly from side to side or up and down


Title: Show


Pronunciation: /ʃəʊ/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable.

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive.

Synonym: Display

Opposite: Hide



To allow someone to see or be aware of something

She showed me her new artwork

To allow someone to see or be aware of something


Title: Shout

Pronunciation: /ʃaʊt/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable.


Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive.

Synonym: Yell

Opposite: Whisper

To speak loudly or yell

The coach shouted instructions to the team

To speak loudly or yell


Title: Sign

Pronunciation: /saɪn/

Part of speech: Verb


Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable.


Transitive or intransitive: Transitive.

Synonym: Autograph

Opposite: Erase

To write one’s name on a document or to communicate using gestures or symbols

Please sign the contract to indicate your agreement

To write one’s name on a document or to communicate using gestures or symbols


Title: Ski

Pronunciation: /skiː/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable.

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive.

Synonym: Glide

Opposite: Walk

To move over snow or ice using skis attached to one’s feet

They love to ski in the mountains during the winter

To move over snow or ice using skis attached to one’s feet


Title: Steal


Pronunciation: /stiːl/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Synonym: Rob

Opposite: Return




To take something without permission or unlawfully

He stole her wallet when she wasn’t looking

To take something without permission or unlawfully


Title: Text

Pronunciation: /tɛkst/

Part of speech: Noun or Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable as a noun, uncountable as a verb.


Transitive or intransitive: Transitive as a verb.

Noun: Message

Verb: Message

Noun: A written or printed piece of language presented in a visual form

Noun: I received a text from my friend

Noun: A written or printed piece of language presented in a visual form

Verb: To send a text message to someone using a mobile phone

Verb: She texted me about the meeting

Verb: To send a text message to someone using a mobile phone


Title: Tie

Pronunciation: /taɪ/

Part of speech: Noun or Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable as a noun, uncountable as a verb.

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive as a verb.


Noun: Necktie

Verb: Fasten

Opposite: Untie


Noun: A piece of material worn around the neck as part of formal attire or as a fashion accessory

Noun: He wore a colorful tie with his suit

Noun: A piece of material worn around the neck as part of formal attire or as a fashion accessory

Verb: To fasten or secure with a tie

Verb: She tied her shoelaces before going for a run

Verb: To fasten or secure with a tie


Title: Keep

Pronunciation: /kiːp/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable.

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive.

Synonym: Retain

Opposite: Give away


To have or retain possession or control of something

Please keep the door closed

To have or retain possession or control of something


Title: Knock


Pronunciation: /nɒk/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable.

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive.

Synonym: Tap

Opposite: Open



To strike a surface or object with a sharp blow

He knocked on the door to get their attention

To strike a surface or object with a sharp blow


Title: Hold

Pronunciation: /hoʊld/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable.

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive.

Synonym: Grasp

Opposite: Release

To grasp or grip something tightly in one’s hands or arms

She held the baby in her arms

To grasp or grip something tightly in one’s hands or arms


Title: Lead


Pronunciation: /liːd/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable.

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive.

Synonym: Guide

Opposite: Follow



To guide or direct a group of people or an organization

He will lead the team to victory

To guide or direct a group of people or an organization


Title: Lift


Pronunciation: /lɪft/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive


Synonym: Raise

Opposite: Lower



To raise something to a higher position or level

She lifted the heavy box with ease

To raise something to a higher position or level


Title: Link

Pronunciation: /lɪŋk/

Part of speech: noun, verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable (can be singular or plural)

Synonym: connect, join, attach

Opposite: disconnect, separate

a connection or relationship between two or more things; to connect or join together

Can you send me the link to the website?

a connection or relationship between two or more things; to connect or join together


Title: Lock

Pronunciation: /lɒk/

Part of speech: noun, verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable (can be singular or plural)

Synonym: fasten, secure, bolt

Opposite: unlock, open

a device used for fastening or securing something; to fasten or secure with a lock

Can you please lock the door before you leave?

a device used for fastening or securing something; to fasten or secure with a lock


Title: Mention

Pronunciation: /ˈmɛnʃ(ə)n/

Part of speech: noun, verb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “mentions”

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable (can be singular or plural)

Transitive or intransitive: transitive (takes an object)

Synonym: refer to, bring up, allude to

Opposite: ignore, omit

a reference to something; to refer to something briefly

She made a mention of the upcoming event during her speech

a reference to something; to refer to something briefly


Title: Pack

Pronunciation: /pæk/

Part of speech: noun, verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable (can be singular or plural)

Transitive or intransitive: transitive (takes an object)

Synonym: fill, stuff, load

Opposite: unpack, empty

a container for carrying items; to put items into a container for carrying

I need to pack my suitcase for the trip

a container for carrying items; to put items into a container for carrying


Title: Prevent

Pronunciation: /prɪˈvɛnt/

Part of speech: verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: transitive (takes an object)

Synonym: stop, hinder, impede

Opposite: allow, permit

to stop something from happening; to hinder or obstruct something

Regular exercise can help prevent certain health issues

to stop something from happening; to hinder or obstruct something


Title: Present

Pronunciation: /ˈprɛz(ə)nt/

Part of speech: adjective, noun, verb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “presents”

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable (can be singular or plural)

Transitive or intransitive: transitive (takes an object)

Synonym: here, gift, offer

Opposite: absent, absence, take away

being in a specified place or situation; a gift or offering; to show or give something to someone

She was present at the meeting yesterday

being in a specified place or situation; a gift or offering; to show or give something to someone


Title: Print

Pronunciation: /prɪnt/

Part of speech: noun, verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable (can be singular or plural)

Transitive or intransitive: transitive (takes an object)

Stress marks: first syllable is

stressed (/PRINT/)

Synonym: copy, reproduce, publish

Opposite: erase, delete

a mark made by pressing something onto a surface; to produce a copy of a document

Can you print this document for me?

a mark made by pressing something onto a surface; to produce a copy of a document


Title: Promise

Pronunciation: /ˈprɒmɪs/

Part of speech: noun, verb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “promises”

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable (can be singular or plural)

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive (does not take an object)

Synonym: pledge, vow, guarantee

Opposite: break, betray

a declaration or assurance that one will do something; to make a declaration or assurance

She made a promise to always be there for her friends

a declaration or assurance that one will do something; to make a declaration or assurance


Title: Kill

Pronunciation: /kɪl/

Part of speech: verb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: past tense and past participle is “killed”

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: transitive (takes an object)

Synonym: murder, eliminate, destroy

Opposite: save, protect, preserve

to cause the death of someone or something; to put an end to something

The accident killed two people

to cause the death of someone or something; to put an end to something


Title: Park

Pronunciation: /pɑːk/

Part of speech: noun, verb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “parks”

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable (can be singular or plural)

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive (does not take an object)

Synonym: playground, stop, leave

Opposite: drive, move

: a public area set aside for recreational activities; to bring a vehicle to a halt

We went for a walk in the park yesterday

: a public area set aside for recreational activities; to bring a vehicle to a halt


Title: Act

Pronunciation: /ækt/

Part of speech: noun, verb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: past tense and past participle is “acted”

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable (can be singular or plural)

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive (does not take an object)

Synonym: do, perform, behave

Opposite: refrain, avoid

a thing done; to take action or do something

We need to act quickly before it’s too late

a thing done; to take action or do something


Title: Apply

Pronunciation: /əˈplaɪ/

Part of speech: verb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: past tense and past participle is “applied”

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: transitive (takes an object)

Synonym: request, use, employ

Opposite: withdraw, remove

to make a formal request for something; to put something into use or action

I applied for a job at the company last month

to make a formal request for something; to put something into use or action


Title: Analyze

Pronunciation: /ˈænəlaɪz/

Part of speech: verb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: past tense and past participle is “analyzed”

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: transitive (takes an object)

Stress marks: (/AN-uh-lize/)

Synonym: examine, study, scrutinize

Opposite: ignore, neglect

To examine something in detail; to break down into its components for closer inspection

The data was analyzed to find patterns and trends

To examine something in detail; to break down into its components for closer inspection


Title: Arrange

Pronunciation: /əˈreɪndʒ/

Part of speech: verb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: past tense and past participle is “arranged”

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: transitive (takes an object)

Stress marks: (/uh-RAYNJ/)

Synonym: organize, sort, plan

Opposite: disarrange, disorganize

to put things in a particular order or position; to make plans or preparations for something

We need to arrange the furniture in the living room

to put things in a particular order or position; to make plans or preparations for something


Title: Avoid

Pronunciation: /əˈvɔɪd/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable


Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: a-VOID

Synonym: Evade

Opposite: Seek

To stay away from or prevent something from happening

I always avoid rush hour traffic by leaving early

To stay away from or prevent something from happening


Title: Behave

Pronunciation: /bɪˈheɪv/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable


Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: be-HAVE

Synonym: Act

Opposite: Misbehave


To conduct oneself in a particular way; to act or behave in a manner considered appropriate

Please behave yourself at the dinner party

To conduct oneself in a particular way; to act or behave in a manner considered appropriate


Title: Boil

Pronunciation: /bɔɪl/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: BOIL

Synonym: Simmer

Opposite: Freeze

To heat a liquid until it reaches its boiling point and forms bubbles and vapor

Boil the water before adding the pasta

To heat a liquid until it reaches its boiling point and forms bubbles and vapor


Title: Blow


Pronunciation: /bloʊ/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: both

Stress marks: BLOW

Synonym: Puff

Opposite: Inhale



To expel air forcefully through the mouth or other opening; to create a current of air

Blow out the candles on your birthday cake

To expel air forcefully through the mouth or other opening; to create a current of air


Title: Burn

Pronunciation: /bɜːrn/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: both

Stress marks: BURN

Synonym: Scorch

Opposite: Extinguish

To cause or be damaged or destroyed by fire or heat; to undergo combustion

Don't touch the hot stove, you might burn yourself

To cause or be damaged or destroyed by fire or heat; to undergo combustion


Title: Collect


Pronunciation: /kəˈlɛkt/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: col-LECT

Synonym: Gather

Opposite: Scatter



To bring or gather together; to accumulate or amass

Please collect all the papers and put them in a folder

To bring or gather together; to accumulate or amass


Title: Connect

Pronunciation: /kəˈnɛkt/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: con-NECT

Synonym: Link

Opposite: Disconnect

To join or link together; to establish a relationship or association

You need to connect the cables to establish an internet connection

To join or link together; to establish a relationship or association


Title: Control

Pronunciation: /kənˈtroʊl/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: con-TROL

Synonym: Manage

Opposite: Lose control


To exercise power or authority over; to manage or regulate

You need to control your emotions in stressful situations

To exercise power or authority over; to manage or regulate


Title: Cover


Pronunciation: /ˈkʌvər/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: CO-ver

Synonym: Wrap

Opposite: Uncover



To place something over or upon as a protection or concealment; to provide shelter or protection

Please cover the food to keep it warm

To place something over or upon as a protection or concealment; to provide shelter or protection


Title: Destroy

Pronunciation: /dɪˈstrɔɪ/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable


Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: de-STROY

Synonym: Ruin

Opposite: Create

To cause severe damage or ruin; to demolish or annihilate

The fire destroyed the entire building

To cause severe damage or ruin; to demolish or annihilate


Title: Develop

Pronunciation: /dɪˈvɛləp/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable


Transitive or intransitive: both

Stress marks: de-VEL-op

Synonym: Evolve

Opposite: Regress

To grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate; to progress or evolve

She wants to develop her skills in photography

To grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate; to progress or evolve


Title: Disappear

Pronunciation: /ˌdɪsəˈpɪr/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: dis-ap-PEAR

Synonym: Vanish

Opposite: Appear

To cease to be visible; to vanish or become lost

The magician made the rabbit disappear

To cease to be visible; to vanish or become lost


Title: Dry

Pronunciation: /draɪ/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: DRY

Synonym: Dehydrate

Opposite: Wet

To remove moisture or become free from liquid or dampness; to become dry

Hang the wet clothes outside to dry

To remove moisture or become free from liquid or dampness; to become dry


Title: Fight

Pronunciation: /faɪt/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: FIGHT

Synonym: Battle

Opposite: Surrender

To engage in a physical or verbal confrontation; to struggle or contend against an opponent

They decided to fight for their rights

To engage in a physical or verbal confrontation; to struggle or contend against an opponent


Title: Fix


Pronunciation: /fɪks/

Part of speech: Verb 


Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: FIX

Synonym: Repair

Opposite: Break



To repair or mend; to make something stable or secure

I need to fix the broken chair

To repair or mend; to make something stable or secure


Title: Produce

Pronunciation: /prəˈdjuːs/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Countable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: pro-DUCE

Synonym: Create

Opposite: Consume

To create, manufacture, or make something; to bring forth or yield

The factory produces cars

To create, manufacture, or make something; to bring forth or yield


Title: Look


Pronunciation: /lʊk/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: LOOK

Synonym: See

Opposite: Ignore



To direct one’s gaze in a particular direction; to observe or examine visually

Look at that beautiful sunset

To direct one’s gaze in a particular direction; to observe or examine visually


Title: Stop

Pronunciation: /stɑːp/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: both


Stress marks: STOP

Synonym: Cease

Opposite: Start


To cease or put an end to an action, movement, or operation; to halt or come to a standstill

Please stop talking during the movie

To cease or put an end to an action, movement, or operation; to halt or come to a standstill


Title: Invent

Pronunciation: /ɪnˈvɛnt/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive


Stress marks: in-VENT

Synonym: Create

Opposite: Destroy

To create or design something that is new or original

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb

To create or design something that is new or original


Title: Wait

Pronunciation: /weɪt/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both


Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: WAIT

Synonym: Stay

Opposite: Proceed


To remain in a place or stay in expectation of something or someone; to delay action or proceed slow

Please wait for me at the bus stop

To remain in a place or stay in expectation of something or someone; to delay action or proceed slow


Title: Check

Pronunciation: /tʃɛk/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive


Stress marks: CHECK

Synonym: Verify

Opposite: Ignore

To examine or inspect something in order to verify its correctness or condition; to verify

Please check if all the windows are closed

To examine or inspect something in order to verify its correctness or condition; to verify


Title: Carry

Pronunciation: /ˈkæri/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: CARRY

Synonym: Transport

Opposite: Drop

To transport or support the weight of something from one place to another; to convey

I need help to carry these heavy boxes

To transport or support the weight of something from one place to another; to convey


Title: Keep

Pronunciation: /kiːp/

Part of speech: Verb

Irregular spelling and forms: Kept (Irregular past tense and past participle)


Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable


Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: KEEP

Synonym: Retain

Opposite: Lose

To have or retain possession of something; to maintain or continue a certain state or condition

Please keep the door closed


Title: Repeat

Pronunciation: /rɪˈpiːt/

Part of speech: Verb

Irregular spelling and forms: Repeated (Past tense and past participle)

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: re-PEAT

Synonym: Recite

Opposite: Skip


To say or do something again; to duplicate or reproduce

Please repeat after me: ‘I can do it

To say or do something again; to duplicate or reproduce


Title: Follow

Pronunciation: /ˈfɑloʊ/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: both


Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: both

Stress marks: FOL-low

Synonym: Observe

Opposite: Lead

To come or go after something or someone; to comply with or accept guidance, instructions

Please follow the path until you reach the end

To come or go after something or someone; to comply with or accept guidance, instructions


Title: Allow

Pronunciation: /əˈlaʊ/

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: a-LLow

Synonym: Permit

Opposite: Forbid

To give permission or consent; to permit or enable

My parents allow me to stay up late on weekends

To give permission or consent; to permit or enable


Title: Compare


Pronunciation: ɪmˈpruːv

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: Uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: im-PROOV

Synonym: Enhance

Opposite: Worsen



To make or become better or more satisfactory

She wants to improve her English speaking skills

To make or become better or more satisfactory


Title: Compare

Pronunciation: kəmˈpɛːr

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal contexts

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: kəm-PAIR

Synonym: Contrast

To examine the similarities and differences between two or more things

Let’s compare the prices of different brands before making a decision

To examine the similarities and differences between two or more things


Title: Prefer

Pronunciation: prɪˈfəː

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal contexts

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive

Stress marks: pri-FUR

Synonym: Favor

Opposite: Dislike

To like or want one thing more than another

I prefer tea over coffee

To like or want one thing more than another


Title: Hurry

Pronunciation: ˈhʌri

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal contexts

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: HUR-ree

Synonym: Rush

To do something quickly or with haste

We need to hurry if we want to catch the train

To do something quickly or with haste


Title: Point

Pronunciation: pɔɪnt

Part of speech: Noun and Verb

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: Countable as a noun, uncountable as a verb

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive as a verb, intransitive as a noun

Stress marks: Noun: POINT, Verb: poynt

Synonym: Noun: Tip, Verb: Indicate

Opposite: Noun: Whole, Verb: Ignore

Noun: A particular spot, place, or position

Noun: He pointed to the map to show the location

Noun: A particular spot, place, or position

Verb: Direct someone’s attention to something

Verb: She pointed out the mistake in the report

Verb: Direct someone’s attention to something


Title: Break

Pronunciation: breɪk

Part of speech: Verb and Noun

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: Countable as a noun, uncountable as a verb

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive as a verb, intransitive as a noun

Stress marks: Verb: BRAYK, Noun: breyk

Synonym: Verb: Shatter, Noun: Pause

Opposite: Verb: Mend, Noun: Continuity

Verb: To separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain

Verb: Be careful not to break the glass

Verb: To separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain


Title: Change

Pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒ

Part of speech: Verb and Noun

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: Countable as a noun, uncountable as a verb

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive as a verb, intransitive as a noun


Stress marks: Verb: chaynj, Noun: CHAYNJ

Synonym: Verb: Modify, Noun: Alteration

Opposite: Verb: Remain, Noun: Stability

Verb: To make or become different

Verb: I want to change my hairstyle

Verb: To make or become different

Noun: The act or instance of making or becoming different

Noun: The change in weather was sudden

Noun: The act or instance of making or becoming different


Title: Drop

Pronunciation: drɒp

Part of speech: Verb and Noun

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: Countable as a noun, uncountable as a verb

Transitive or intransitive: Transitive as a verb, intransitive as a noun

Stress marks: Verb: DROP, Noun: drɒp

Synonym: Verb: Fall, Noun: Drip

Opposite: Verb: Catch, Noun: Increase

Verb: To let something fall or be removed from one’s grasp or from a higher position to a lower one

Verb: Don’t drop the glass!

Verb: To let something fall or be removed from one’s grasp or from a higher position to a lower one

Noun: A small round or pear-shaped portion of liquid that hangs or falls or adheres to a surface

Noun: There’s a drop of water on the table

Noun: A small round or pear-shaped portion of liquid that hangs or falls or adheres to a surface


Title: Continue


Pronunciation: kənˈtɪnjuː

Part of speech: Verb

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal contexts

Transitive or intransitive: Intransitive

Stress marks: kuhn-TIN-yoo

Synonym: Persist

Opposite: Stop



To keep doing something without stopping or interrupting

Please continue with your presentation

To keep doing something without stopping or interrupting