He is rich I am here To be or not to be
[intransitive and transitive]
Origin: wacan
James usually wakes up early
Synonyms: catnap, snooze (informal)
I usually sleep on my back
Synonyms: move, pass
We go into the house
Where do you work?
/hæv/ /əv/
Origin: habban
They have a beautiful home
When are we having dinner?
I'm learning to drive
Antonyms: sell
I buy a new car
Antonyms: buy
The children sell lemonade
I can’t read your writing
Can’t come with you – I have an essay to write
- hear, attend
Origin: hlysnan
Listen! There’s a strange noise in the engine
see, scan, study, view
Antonyms: despair (of)
"It’s time we left." Evan said, looking at his watch
Origin: se
Can I see your ticket, please?
- look at, eye, see, view
I had dinner and watched TV for a couple of hours
Synonyms: have fun, act
Kids were playing and chasing each other
Synonyms: give, return
How would you like to pay?
Synonyms: clean, bathe
wash your hair/hands
Synonyms: relax, take it easy
I need to sit down and rest my legs
Would you like a drink of water/tea/juice?
Synonyms: burn, bake, roast
I don't cook meat very often
Does Rob eat fish?
Synonyms: create, build
Do you want me to make some coffee?
Synonyms: Wash
Antonyms: dirty, unclean
A clean white shirt
Origin: thencan
Do you think I should call him?
be upright, rise
Don't just stand there, come and help me!
I decided to stay home
Synonyms: sit, set, settle
I was in the back seat and Jo was driving a 10,000-seat stadium
talk, tell
Do you speak English?