Pronunciation: /kæʃ/
Part of speech: noun
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: uncountable
Stress marks: cash
Synonym: money
Opposite: credit
I paid for the groceries with cash
Pronunciation: /ˈdɒlər/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “dollars”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: dol-lar
Synonym: currency
Opposite: foreign currency
She exchanged her euros for dollars
Pronunciation: /riːˈɑːl/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “rials”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: ri-al
Synonym: currency
Opposite: foreign currency
The price was listed in rials
Pronunciation: /ˈjʊərəʊ/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “euros”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: eu-ro
Synonym: currency
Opposite: foreign currency
She withdrew euros from the ATM
Pronunciation: /paʊnd/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “pounds”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: pound
Synonym: currency
Opposite: foreign currency
The price was listed in pounds
Pronunciation: /sent/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “cents”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: cent
Synonym: coin
Opposite: dollar
She paid with 50 cents
Pronunciation: /ˈpɛni/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “pennies”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: pen-ny
Synonym: coin
Opposite: dollar
He found a penny on the ground
Pronunciation: /ˈkrɛdɪt kɑːd/
Part of speech: noun
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: both
Transitive or intransitive: both
Stress marks:c-re-dit card
Synonym:charge card
I paid for the hotel with my credit card
Pronunciation:/ˈdɛbɪt kɑːd/
Part of speech:noun
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: both
Transitive or intransitive: both
Stress marks:d-e-bit card
Synonym:bearer card
I used my debit card to pay for groceries
Part of speech:noun
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: both
Transitive or intransitive: both
Stress marks:r-e-ceipt
I asked for a receipt for my purchase
Part of speech:noun
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: both
Transitive or intransitive: both
Stress marks:b-ill
I paid my electricity bill online
Part of speech:noun/verb
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: both
Transitive or intransitive: both
Stress marks:p-rice (noun), price (verb)
The price of milk has increased
Part of speech:noun/verb
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: both
Transitive or intransitive: both
Stress marks:c-ost (noun), cost (verb)
The cost of living has gone up
Part of speech:noun
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: both
Stress marks:s-hop-ping
I enjoy shopping for clothes
Pronunciation: /stɔːr/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “stores”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: store
Synonym: shop
Opposite: customer’s home
I bought a new book at the store
Pronunciation: /kləʊðz stɔːr/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “clothes stores”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: clothes store
Synonym: clothing store
Opposite: online retailer
She found a great dress at the clothes store
Pronunciation: /ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˈsɛntə/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “shopping centers”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: shopping center
Synonym: mall
Opposite: rural area
The shopping center has a movie theater and a food court
Pronunciation: /ˈkʌstəmər/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “customers”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: cus-tomer
Synonym: client
Opposite: seller
The customer asked for assistance from the salesperson
Pronunciation: /seɪl/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “sales”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: sale
Synonym: transaction
Opposite: purchase
There is a big sale at the department store
Pronunciation: /kɑːt/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “carts”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: cart
Synonym: trolley
Opposite: stationary
She loaded her groceries into the shopping cart
Pronunciation: /ədˈvəːtɪsm(ə)nt/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is “advertisements”
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: ad-vert-ise-ment
Synonym: ad
Opposite: disapproval
The advertisement for the new smartphone was on TV
Part of speech:noun/adjective/verb/adverb
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: both
Transitive or intransitive: both
Stress marks:f-ree (noun/adjective/verb), free (adverb)
Synonym:no charge
The samples were given out for free
Part of speech:noun/verb
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: both
Transitive or intransitive: both
Stress marks:s-pend (noun), spend (verb)
I spend too much money on coffee
Part of speech:noun/verb
Formal or informal: both
Countable or uncountable: both
Transitive or intransitive: both
Stress marks:a-mount (noun), amount (verb)
The amount of work required is overwhelming