Numbers 0 to 20

Lesson 4

0, zero

Title: 0, zero


Synonyms: nothing


      Origin: zéro


Our chances of success are zero


1, one

Title: 1, one


Synonyms: single, lone, only


They had one daughter


2, Two

Title: 2, Two



I’ll be away for almost two weeks


3, three

Title: 3, three


Origin: thrie, threo


My little sister’s only three (=three years old)


4, four

Title: 4, four



They arrived just after four (=four o’clock)


5, five

Title: 5, five


     Origin: fif


There is also a golf course five miles away


6, six

Title: 6, six



six months ago


7, seven

Title: 7, seven


     Origin: seofon


We close the store at seven (=seven o’clock)


8, eight

Title: 8, eight


Origin: eahta

the number 8

It’s only eight days till Christmas

the number 8

9, nine

Title: 9, nine


     Origin: nigon

the number 9

He’s only been in this job for nine months

the number 9

10, ten

Title: 10, ten


Origin: tien

the number 10

I need to be home by ten (=ten o’clock)

the number 10

11, eleven

Title: 11, eleven


Origin: endleofan

the number 11

She was sent to jail for eleven months

the number 11

12, twelve

Title: 12, twelve


Origin: twelf

the number 12 ⇒ dozen

Come at twelve (=12 o’clock)

the number 12 ⇒ dozen

13, thirteen

Title: 13, thirteen


Origin: threotiene


They’ve only sold thirteen tickets so far


14, fourteen

Title: 14, fourteen


Origin: feowertiene

the number 14

I started playing the guitar when I was fourteen (=14 years old)

the number 14

15, fifteen

Title: 15, fifteen


               Origin: fifteen

the number 15

a coastal village fifteen miles south of Tourane

the number 15

16, sixteen

Title: 16, sixteen


Origin: sixtiene

The number 16

sixteen years later

The number 16

17, seventeen

Title: 17, seventeen


Origin: seofontiene

the number 17

a group of seventeen American military officers

the number 17

18, eighteen

Title: 18, eighteen


Origin: eahtatiene

the number 18

At least eighteen bullets were fired

the number 18

19, nineteen

Title: 19, nineteen


Origin: nigontiene

the number 19

It was nineteen minutes past seven

the number 19

20, Twenty

Title: 20, Twenty


Origin: twentig

the number 20

I’m nearly twenty (=20 years old)

the number 20