
Lesson 23


Title: Maybe

Pronunciation: /ˈmeɪbi/

Part of speech: Adverb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Maybe” does not have irregular spelling or forms.

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ˈmeɪbi

Synonym: Perhaps, possibly

Opposite: Definitely, certainly


Used to express uncertainty or possibility

Maybe we’ll go to the beach if the weather improves

Used to express uncertainty or possibility


Title: Probably

Pronunciation: /ˈprɒbəbli/

Part of speech: Adverb

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ˈprɒbəbli

Synonym: Likely, in all likelihood

Opposite: Improbably, unlikely


Used to indicate the likelihood of something happening or being true

It will probably rain later in the day

Used to indicate the likelihood of something happening or being true


Title: Actually


Pronunciation: /ˈæktʃuəli/

Part of speech: Adverb

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ˈæktʃuəli

Synonym: In reality, truly

Opposite: Falsely, not really




Used to emphasize the truth of something that contrasts with what was previously said

I thought she was joking, but she actually meant it

Used to emphasize the truth of something that contrasts with what was previously said


Title: Exactly

Pronunciation: /ɪgˈzæktli/

Part of speech: Adverb

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ɪgˈzæktli

Synonym: Precisely, accurately

Opposite: Approximately, roughly


Used to emphasize the precision or correctness of a statement or description

That’s exactly what I wanted to say

Used to emphasize the precision or correctness of a statement or description


Title: Almost

Pronunciation: /ˈɔːlməʊst/

Part of speech: Adverb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Almost” does not have irregular spelling or forms.

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ˈɔːlməʊst

Synonym: Nearly, practically

Opposite: Fully, completely


Nearly, not completely

I almost missed the bus this morning

Nearly, not completely


Title: Greatly


Pronunciation: /ˈɡreɪtli/

Part of speech: Adverb

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ˈɡreɪtli

Synonym: Very much, significantly

Opposite: Slightly, insignificantly




To a great extent

Her efforts were greatly appreciated by everyone

To a great extent


Title: Especially

Pronunciation: /ɪˈspɛʃəli/

Part of speech: Adverb

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ɪˈspɛʃəli

Synonym: Particularly, notably

Opposite: Generally, nonspecifically

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Especially” does not have irregular spelling or forms


Used to single out one person, thing, or situation over others

I love all desserts, especially chocolate cake

Used to single out one person, thing, or situation over others


Title: Generally

Pronunciation: /ˈdʒɛnrəli/

Part of speech: Adverb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Generally” does not have irregular spelling or forms

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ˈdʒɛnrəli

Synonym: Usually, typically

Opposite: Occasionally, rarely


Usually; in most cases

She generally arrives at work by 8 am

Usually; in most cases


Title: Finally

Pronunciation: /ˈfaɪnəli/

Part of speech: Adverb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Finally” does not have irregular spelling or forms.

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ˈfaɪnəli

Synonym: Ultimately, at last

Opposite: Initially, at first


After a long time, typically involving difficulty or delay

Finally, after hours of waiting, the bus arrived

After a long time, typically involving difficulty or delay


Title: Only

Pronunciation: /ˈəʊnli/

Part of speech: Adverb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Only” does not have irregular spelling or forms

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ˈəʊnli

Synonym: Just, solely

Opposite: Many, all



No more than; just; merely

She can only speak a little French

No more than; just; merely


Title: Easily

Pronunciation: /ˈiːzɪli/

Part of speech: Adverb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Easily” does not have irregular spelling or forms

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ˈiːzɪli

Synonym: Effortlessly, with ease

Opposite: Difficulty, with effort


Without difficulty or effort

She easily completed the puzzle in under an hour

Without difficulty or effort


Title: Sadly

Pronunciation: /ˈsædli/

Part of speech: Adverb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Sadly” does not have irregular spelling or forms


Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ˈsædli

Synonym: Unhappily, regrettably

Opposite: Happily, joyfully


In a sorrowful or regrettable manner

Sadly, the event was canceled due to bad weather

In a sorrowful or regrettable manner


Title: Slowly

Pronunciation: /ˈsləʊli/

Part of speech: Adverb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Slowly” does not have irregular spelling or forms.

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ˈsləʊli

Synonym: Gradually, at a leisurely pace

Opposite: Quickly, rapidly


At a slow speed; not quickly

The train moved slowly through the countryside

At a slow speed; not quickly


Title: Anytime

Pronunciation: /ˈɛniˌtaɪm/

Part of speech: Adverb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Anytime” does not have irregular spelling or forms.

Formal or informal: Both

Stress marks: ˈɛniˌtaɪm

Synonym: Whenever, whenever one likes

Opposite: Never, no time

At any time; whenever one chooses

You can call me anytime during the day

At any time; whenever one chooses