
Lesson 6


Title: Curious

Pronunciation: /ˈkjʊriəs/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ˈkjʊriəs

Synonym: inquisitive

Opposite: indifferent

eager to know or learn something

The child was curious about the world around him

eager to know or learn something


Title: Proud

Pronunciation: /praʊd/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: praʊd

Synonym: satisfied

Opposite: ashamed

feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities

She was proud of her son’s accomplishments

feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements, qualities


Title: Selfish

Pronunciation: /ˈsɛlfɪʃ/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ˈsɛlfɪʃ

Synonym: egocentric

Opposite: selfless


lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure

His selfish behavior alienated his friends

lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure


Title: Miserable

Pronunciation: /ˈmɪzərəbl/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ˈmɪzərəbl

Synonym: unhappy

Opposite: joyful

wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable

The rainy weather made her feel miserable

wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable


Title: Patient

Pronunciation: /ˈpeɪʃənt/

Part of speech: adjective and noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable (as a noun)

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive (as an adjective)

Stress marks: ˈpeɪʃənt (adjective), ˈpeɪʃənt (noun)

Synonym (adjective): tolerant

Opposite (adjective): impatient

able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious

She was very patient with the children

able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious


Title: Keen

Pronunciation: /kiːn/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: kiːn

Synonym: eager

Opposite: indifferent

having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm

She had a keen interest in art

having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm


Title: Honest

Pronunciation: /ˈɒnɪst/

Part of speech: adjective and noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable (as a noun)

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive (as an adjective)

Stress marks: ˈɒnɪst (adjective), ˈɒnɪst (noun)

Synonym (adjective): truthful, sincere 

Opposite (adjective): dishonest 

Synonym (noun): truth-teller 

Opposite (noun): liar

free of deceit and untruthfulness; truthful and sincere; a person who is honest in conduct

It’s important to be honest with yourself and others

free of deceit and untruthfulness; truthful and sincere; a person who is honest  in conduct


Title: Cruel

Pronunciation : /ˈkruːəl/ 

Part of speech : adjective 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : uncountable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : ˈkruːəl 

Synonym : brutal 

Opposite : kind

willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it

The treatment of the prisoners was unnecessarily cruel

willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it


Title: Annoying

Pronunciation : /əˈnɔɪɪŋ/ 

Part of speech : adjective 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none 

Formal or informal : informal 

Countable or uncountable : uncountable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : əˈnɔɪɪŋ 

Synonym : irritating 

Opposite : pleasant

causing irritation or annoyance

His constant tapping on the desk was very annoying

causing irritation or annoyance


Title: Needy

Pronunciation : /ˈniːdi/ 

Part of speech : adjective 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : uncountable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : ˈniːdi 

Synonym : impoverished 

Opposite : self-sufficient


needing emotional support; lacking food, clothing, and other necessities of life because of poverty

The charity organization helps provide for the needy in the community

needing emotional support; lacking food, clothing, and other necessities of life because of poverty


Title: Stubborn

Pronunciation: /ˈstʌbən/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ˈstʌbən

Synonym: obstinate

Opposite: flexible


having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something

His stubborn refusal to admit he was wrong caused a lot of tension

having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something


Title: Independents

Pronunciation: /ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt/

Part of speech: adjective and noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable (as a noun)

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive (as an adjective)

Stress marks: ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt (adjective), ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt (noun)

Synonym (adjective): self-reliant

Opposite (adjective): dependent

Synonym (noun): freethinker

Opposite (noun): follower

free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority

She has always been very independent and self-sufficient

free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority


Title: Ambitious

Pronunciation: /æmˈbɪʃəs/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: æmˈbɪʃəs

Synonym: determined

Opposite: unmotivated

having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed or achieve something

She is very ambitious and has big plans for her future

having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed or achieve something


Title: Sociable

Pronunciation: /ˈsəʊʃəbl/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ˈsəʊʃəbl

Synonym: outgoing

Opposite: unsociable

willing to talk and engage in activities with other people; friendly and pleasant to be with

He’s always been very sociable and enjoys being around others

willing to talk and engage in activities with other people; friendly and pleasant to be with


Title: Generous

Pronunciation: /ˈdʒɛnərəs/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ˈdʒɛnərəs

Synonym: charitable

Opposite: selfish

showing a readiness to give more of something, such as money or time, than is strictly necessary

She was generous with her time and always willing to help others

showing a readiness to give more of something, such as money or time, than is strictly necessary


Title: Gentle

Pronunciation: /ˈdʒɛnt(ə)l/

Part of speech: adjective and noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable (as a noun)

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive (as an adjective)

Stress marks: ˈdʒɛnt(ə)l (adjective), ˈdʒɛnt(ə)l (noun)

Synonym (adjective): mild, tender 

Opposite (adjective): harsh 

Synonym (noun): aristocrat 

Opposite (noun): commoner

having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character; a person of good social standing

She spoke in a gentle voice to calm the frightened child

having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character; a person of good social standing


Title: Welcoming

Pronunciation : /ˈwɛlkəmɪŋ/ 

Part of speech : adjective 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : uncountable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : ˈwɛlkəmɪŋ 

Synonym : hospitable 

Opposite : unfriendly

showing hospitality and kindness to guests or new arrivals

The hotel staff was very welcoming to the tourists

showing hospitality and kindness to guests or new arrivals


Title: Peaceful

Pronunciation : /ˈpiːsf(ə)l/ 

Part of speech : adjective 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : uncountable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : ˈpiːsf(ə)l 

Synonym : calm 

Opposite : chaotic

free from disturbance; tranquil

The peaceful countryside was a welcome change from the city

free from disturbance; tranquil


Title: Doubtful

Pronunciation : /ˈdaʊtf(ə)l/ 

Part of speech : adjective 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : uncountable 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive 

Stress marks : ˈdaʊtf(ə)l 

Synonym : uncertain 

Opposite : certain

uncertain about something; not confident

Her expression was doubtful as she listened to the proposal

uncertain about something; not confident


Title: Bully

Pronunciation : /ˈbʊli/ 

Part of speech : noun and verb 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none 

Formal or informal : informal 

Countable or uncountable : countable (as a noun) 

Transitive or intransitive : transitive (as a verb) 

Stress marks : ˈbʊli (noun), ˈbʊli (verb) 

Synonym (noun): persecutor 

Opposite (noun): protector 

Synonym (verb): intimidate 

Opposite (verb): protect

a person who uses strength or power to harm

He was being bullied at school

a person who uses strength or power to harm


Title: Individual

Pronunciation : /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəl/ 

Part of speech : noun and adjective 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none 

Formal or informal : formal 

Countable or uncountable : countable (as a noun) 

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive (as an adjective) 

Stress marks : ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəl (noun), ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəl (adjective) 

Synonym (noun): person, individualist, character, soul, human being, mortal, man/woman/person, human, party, customer, citizen, member, subject, unit, case, specimen, example, exemplar, representative, type, sort, variety, breed, class, model, archetype, prototype, original, mold, stamp, standard, criterion, norm, paragon, epitome, embodiment, incarnation, symbolization, exemplification, realization, actualization, realization, real thing, real McCoy; informalsomeone, somebody, one; formalsomeone, somebody; rarething; archaicbody; rarepersonage; archaicsoul. Opposite (noun): group

single; separate; distinct;characteristic of a single person,thing, or group;intended for one person

Each individual is responsible for their own actions

single; separate; distinct;characteristic of a single person,thing, or group;intended for one person


Title: Outgoing

Pronunciation : /aʊtˈgəʊɪŋ/ 

Part of speech : adjective and noun 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none  

Formal or informal : formal  

Countable or uncountable : countable (as a noun)  

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive (as an adjective)  

Stress marks : aʊtˈgəʊɪŋ  

Synonym (adjective): extroverted  

Opposite (adjective): introverted  

Synonym (noun): departing  

Opposite (noun): arriving 

friendly and socially confident; leaving a particular place; departing; retiring;resigning; extroved

She’s very outgoing and makes friends easily

friendly and socially confident; leaving a particular place; departing; retiring;resigning; extroved


Title: Mean

Pronunciation : /miːn/  

Part of speech : adjective  

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none  

Formal or informal : formal  

Countable or uncountable : uncountable  

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive  

Stress marks : miːn  

Synonym : unkind  

Opposite : kind 

unkind, spiteful, or unfair

His mean comments hurt her feelings

unkind, spiteful, or unfair


Title: Childish

Pronunciation : /ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/  

Part of speech : adjective  

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none  

Formal or informal : formal  

Countable or uncountable : uncountable  

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive  

Stress marks : ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ  

Synonym : immature  

Opposite : mature 



of, like, or appropriate to a child

His childish behavior was embarrassing

of, like, or appropriate to a child


Title: Loyal

Pronunciation : /ˈlɔɪ(ə)l/  

Part of speech : adjective  

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none  

Formal or informal : formal  

Countable or uncountable : uncountable  

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive  

Stress marks : ˈlɔɪ(ə)l  

Synonym : faithful  

Opposite : disloyal 

giving firm and constant support to a person or institution

He remained loyal to his friends even when times were tough

giving firm and constant support to a person or institution


Title: Mysterious

Pronunciation : /mɪsˈtɪərɪəs/  

Part of speech : adjective  

Irregular spelling and irregular forms : none  

Formal or informal : formal  

Countable or uncountable : uncountable  

Transitive or intransitive : intransitive  

Stress marks : mɪsˈtɪərɪəs  

Synonym : enigmatic  

Opposite : clear 

difficult to understand or explain; strange

The disappearance of the old house was mysterious

difficult to understand or explain; strange


Title: Determined

Pronunciation   /dɪˈtərmɪnd/   

Part of speech   adjective   

Irregular spelling   determined   

and irregular forms   none   

Formal   informal   formal   

Countable   uncountable   uncountable   

Transitive   intransitive   transitive   

Stress marks   dɪˈtərmɪnd   

Synonym   resolute   

Opposite   undecided  

having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it Irregular spelling determined

She was determined to finish the race despite her injury

having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it Irregular spelling determined


Title: Aware

Pronunciation   /əˈwɛː/   

Part of speech   adjective   

Irregular spelling   aware   

and irregular forms   none   

Formal   informal   formal   

Countable   uncountable   uncountable   

Transitive   intransitive   transitive   

Stress marks   əˈwɛː   

Synonym   conscious   

Opposite   unaware  

having knowledge of something

He was aware that the situation was becoming dangerous

having knowledge of something


Title: Complex

Pronunciation   /kəmˈplɛks/   

Part of speech   adjective and noun   

Irregular spelling   complex   

and irregular forms   none   

Formal   informal   formal   

Countable   uncountable   countable as a noun   

Transitive   intransitive   intransitive as an adjective   

Stress marks   kəmˈplɛks   

Synonym   complicated   

Opposite   simple  

consisting of many different and connected parts

The problem was too complex for me to solve alone

consisting of many different and connected parts


Title: Criminal

Pronunciation   /krɪmᵻnl/   

Part of speech   noun and adjective   

Irregular spelling   criminal   

and irregular forms   none   

Formal   informal   formal   

Countable   uncountable   countable as a noun   

Transitive   intransitive   transitive as an adjective   

Stress marks    krɪmᵻnl    

Synonym as a noun    lawbreaker    

Opposite as a noun    law-abiding citizen    

Synonym as an adjective    unlawful    

Opposite as an adjective    legal    


a person who has committed a crime

The criminal was sentenced to ten years in prison

a person who has committed a crime


Title: Embarrassing

Pronunciation  :  /ᵻmˈbærᵻsᵻŋ/   

Part of speech  :  adjective   

Irregular spelling  :  embarrassing   

irregular forms   : none   

Formal  ,informal  : formal   

Countable, uncountable  : uncountable   

Transitive  intransitive:  intransitive   

Stress marks  :  ᵻmˈbærᵻsᵻŋ   

Synonym :  humiliating   

Opposite  : graceful   

causing embarrassment

His behavior at the party was embarrassing

causing embarrassment


Title: Essential

Pronunciation :  /ᵻˈsɛnʃ(ə)l/   

Part of speech :  adjective   

Irregular spelling    :essential   

irregular forms : none   

Formal , informal  : formal   

Countable,  uncountable   : uncountable   

Transitive  intransitive  :  intransitive   

Stress marks : ᵻˈsɛnʃ(ə)l   

Synonym  :crucial   

Opposite :  nonessential   

absolutely necessary

Water is essential for life

absolutely necessary


Title: Global

Pronunciation  :/ˈgləʊb(ə)l/   

Part of speech :adjective    

Irregular spelling :global    

irregular forms :none   

Formal, informal  : formal   

Countable ,  uncountable :uncountable   

Transitive, intransitive : intransitive   

Stress marks:ˈgləʊb(ə)l    

Synonym: worldwide    

Opposite: local

relating to the whole world

The company has a global presence

relating to the whole world


Title: Historical

Pronunciation: /hɪˈstɔːrɪkəl/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: hi-STOR-i-cal

Synonym: past, old

Opposite: modern

relating to the past, especially to the history of a place, person, or thing

The historical significance of the site cannot be overstated

relating to the past, especially to the history of a place, person, or thing


Title: Imaginary

Pronunciation: /ɪˈmadʒɪn(ə)ri/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: i-MAG-i-nary

Synonym: fictional, unreal

Opposite: real

existing only in the imagination

The story is set in an imaginary world where anything is possible

existing only in the imagination


Title: Native

Pronunciation: /ˈneɪtɪv/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: NAY-tive

Synonym: indigenous, local

Opposite: foreign


belonging to a particular place by birth or origin

She is a native New Yorker

belonging to a particular place by birth or origin


Title: Ancient

Pronunciation: /ˈeɪnʃ(ə)nt/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: AYN-shent

Synonym: old, antique

Opposite: modern


belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence

The ancient ruins of Rome are a popular tourist attraction

belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence


Title: Secret

Pronunciation: /ˈsiːkrɪt/

Part of speech: noun/adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: SEE-krit (noun), si-KREET (adjective)

Synonym: confidential, hidden

Opposite: public

not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others

She told me a secret that she had been keeping for years

not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others


Title: Obvious

Pronunciation: /ˈɒbvɪəs/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: OB-vi-us

Synonym: clear, evident

Opposite: hidden

easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent

It was obvious that she was lying

easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent


Title: Odd

Pronunciation: /ɒd/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: OD

Synonym: strange, unusual

Opposite: normal


different from what is usual or expected; strange

It was odd that he didn’t show up to the meeting

different from what is usual or expected; strange


Title: Official

Pronunciation: /əˈfɪʃ(ə)l/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ə-FISH-(ə)l

Synonym: authorized, formal

Opposite: unofficial


relating to an authority or public body and its duties, actions, and responsibilities

The official announcement will be made tomorrow

relating to an authority or public body and its duties, actions, and responsibilities


Title: Powerful

Pronunciation: /ˈpaʊəf(ə)fl/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: POW-er-f(ə)l

Synonym: strong, influential

Opposite: weak


having great power or strength

The president is one of the most powerful people in the world

having great power or strength


Title: Primary

Pronunciation: /ˈprʌɪm(ə)ri/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: PRY-m(ə)ri

Synonym: main, chief

Opposite: secondary


of chief importance; principal

The primary goal is to increase sales

of chief importance; principal


Title: Previous

Pronunciation: /ˈpriːviəs/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: PREE-vi-us

Synonym: former, prior

Opposite: following


existing or occurring before in time or order; earlier

She had never met him on any previous occasion

existing or occurring before in time or order; earlier


Title: Rare

Pronunciation: /reə(r)/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: re-AIR

Synonym: uncommon, scarce

Opposite: common

not occurring very often; uncommon

The disease is extremely rare

not occurring very often; uncommon


Title: Rough

Pronunciation: /rʌf/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: RUF

Synonym: uneven, coarse

Opposite: smooth

not smooth; uneven or irregular in texture or form

The surface of the rock was rough and uneven

not smooth; uneven or irregular in texture or form


Title: Sharp

Pronunciation: /ʃɑːp/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: SHARP

Synonym: keen, pointed

Opposite: dull

having an edge or point that is able to cut or pierce something; having a point

Be careful with that knife, it’s very sharp

having an edge or point that is able to cut or pierce something; having a point


Title: Suitable

Pronunciation: /ˈsuːtəb(ə)l/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: SOO-tuh-b(ə)l

Synonym: appropriate, fitting

Opposite: unsuitable

right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation; appropriate, proper

This dress is not suitable for a formal event

right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation; appropriate, proper


Title: Upset

Pronunciation: /ʌpˈsɛt/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: up-SET

Synonym: distressed, disturbed

Opposite: calm, content

unhappy, disappointed, or worried

She was upset by the news of his death

unhappy, disappointed, or worried


Title: Central

Pronunciation: /ˈsɛntr(ə)l/

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: SEN-tr(ə)l

Synonym: key, primary

Opposite: peripheral, marginal

Part of speech: adjective

at the center; of the greatest importance; main

The central issue is how to improve the economy

at the center; of the greatest importance; main