House and building

Lesson 7


Title: tower

Pronunciation: /ˈtaʊər/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: TOW-er

Synonym: spire, turret

Opposite: low building, structure

a tall, narrow building,either freestanding or forming part of a building such as a church or castle

The tower of the church is a local landmark

a tall, narrow building,either freestanding or forming part of a building such as a church or castle


Title: palace

Pronunciation: /ˈpælɪs/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: PAL-is

Synonym: mansion, castle

Opposite: humble dwelling, shack

a large, impressive building that is used as the official home of a king, queen, president, etc

The royal family resides in the palace

a large, impressive building that is used as the official home of a king, queen, president, etc


Title: cabin

Pronunciation: /ˈkabɪn/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: KAB-in

Synonym: cottage, hut

Opposite: mansion, palace


a small wooden house on a ship or boat; a small, simple house made of wood

We stayed in a cozy cabin in the woods

a small wooden house on a ship or boat; a small, simple house made of wood

guest house

Title: guest house

Pronunciation: /ˈɡɛst haʊs/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: GEST hows

Synonym: inn, lodge

Opposite: main house, host’s residence


a small hotel or house where guests can stay

The guest house provides comfortable accommodation for visitors

a small hotel or house where guests can stay

apartment house

Title: apartment house

Pronunciation: /əˈpɑːtmənt haʊs/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: uh-PART-muhnt hows

Synonym: apartment building, block of flats

Opposite: single-family home, detached house

a building containing several apartments for renting or owning

The apartment house has a doorman and an elevator

a building containing several apartments for renting or owning

country house

Title: country house

Pronunciation: /ˈkʌntri haʊs/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: KUHN-tree hows

Synonym: manor, estate

Opposite: city apartment, urban dwelling

a large house in the country, typically owned by a wealthy family or used as a holiday retreat

The country house is surrounded by beautiful gardens

a large house in the country, typically owned by a wealthy family or used as a holiday retreat


Title: floor

Pronunciation: /flɔːr/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable and uncountable (in different contexts)

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: FLOOR

Synonym: level, story

Opposite: ceiling, roof


the level of a building that is above the ground; the bottom surface of a room on which one stands

The kitchen floor was covered in tiles

the level of a building that is above the ground; the bottom surface of a room on which one stands


Title: step

Pronunciation: /stɛp/

Part of speech: noun/verb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable (noun): countable; (verb) uncountable

Transitive or intransitive (noun): transitive; (verb) intransitive

Stress marks (noun): STEP; (verb) step

Synonym (noun): stair, tread; (verb) walk, tread

Opposite (noun): landing, flat; (verb) stand still, stay

a flat surface that you put your foot on when you go up or down stairs

She tripped on the last step of the staircase

a flat surface that you put your foot on when you go up or down stairs

lift and set down one’s foot or one foot after the other in order to walk

He stepped carefully over the puddle

lift and set down one’s foot or one foot after the other in order to walk


Title: fireplace


Part of speech:noun 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal or informal:both 

Countable or uncountable :countable 

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive 

Stress marks:FIRE-place 

Synonym :hearth 



a structure surrounding a fire used for heating and cooking

The fireplace crackled with warmth

a structure surrounding a fire used for heating and cooking


Title: chimney


Part of speech:noun 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal or informal:both 

Countable or uncountable :countable 

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive 

Stress marks:TCHIM-ne 

Synonym :flue 



a vertical pipe that allows smoke and gases to escape from a fireplace

The chimney needs to be cleaned

a vertical pipe that allows smoke and gases to escape from a fireplace


Title: driveway


Part of speech:noun 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal or informal:both 

Countable or uncountable :countable 

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive 

Stress marks:DRAIV-way 

Synonym :private road 

Opposite :public road 


a private road leading up to a house

The car is parked in the driveway

a private road leading up to a house


Title: corridor


Part of speech:noun 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal or informal:both 

Countable or uncountable :countable 

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive 

Stress marks:COR-i-dor 

Synonym :hallway 

Opposite :open space

a long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms

The corridor was dimly lit

a long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms


Title: drain


Part of speech:noun/verb 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none  

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable (noun):countable; (verb) uncountable  

Transitive or intransitive (noun):intransitive; (verb) transitive  

Stress marks (noun):DRAIN; (verb) drain  

Synonym (noun):pipe, gutter; (verb) empty, deplete  

Opposite (noun):source, supply; (verb) fill

(noun):a channel for carrying away surplus liquid, especially rainwater

The drain was clogged with leaves

(noun):a channel for carrying away surplus liquid, especially rainwater

(verb):cause the water to run off

(verb):She used a plunger to drain the sink

(verb):cause the water to run off


Title: walkway


Part of speech:noun 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none  

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable :countable  

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive  

Stress marks:WAWK-way  

Synonym :pathway  

Opposite:crowded space 

a passage for walking between sections of seats in a theater, airplane, etc

The walkway was crowded with people

a passage for walking between sections of seats in a theater, airplane, etc

family room

Title: family room

Pronunciation:/ˈfæməli ruːm/

Part of speech:noun  

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none  

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable :countable  

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive  

Stress marks:FAM-i-li ROOM  

Synonym :living room  

Opposite :private space 

a room in a house used by the whole family for leisure activities

The family room has comfortable seating

a room in a house used by the whole family for leisure activities

guest room

Title: guest room

Pronunciation:/ɡest ruːm/

Part of speech:noun  

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none  

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable :countable  

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive  

Stress marks:GEST ROOM  

Synonym :spare room  

Opposite :master bedroom 

a bedroom reserved for visitors to stay overnight

The guest room is prepared for our friends’ arrival

a bedroom reserved for visitors to stay overnight


Title: storeroom


Part of speech:noun  

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none  

Formal or informal:both  

Countable or uncountable :countable  

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive  

Stress marks:STAWR-room  

Synonym :storage room  

Opposite :empty space 

a room used for storing things

The storeroom is filled with supplies

a room used for storing things

swimming pool

Title: swimming pool

Pronunciation:/ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl/

Part of speech:noun  

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable :countable   

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive   

Stress marks:SWM-ing POOL   

Synonym :natatorium   

Opposite :dry land 

a structure designed to hold water for swimming

The swimming pool is closed for maintenance

a structure designed to hold water for swimming


Title: shelf


Part of speech:noun/verb   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable (noun):countable; (verb) transitive   

Transitive or intransitive (noun):intransitive; (verb) transitive   

Stress marks (noun):SHELF; (verb) shelf   

Synonym (noun):ledge, rack; (verb) store, put away   

Opposite (noun):floor, ground; (verb) take out 

a flat length of wood or rigid material that is attached to a wall andon which objects can be placed

The books were neatly arranged on the shelf

a flat length of wood or rigid material that is attached to a wall andon which objects can be placed

(verb):place things on a shelf

She shelved the new items in the store

(verb):place things on a shelf


Title: porch


Part of speech:noun   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable :countable   

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive   

Stress marks:PORCH   

Synonym :veranda   

Opposite :open space 

a covered shelter projecting in front of the entrance of a building

The porch provides shade from the sun

a covered shelter projecting in front of the entrance of a building


Title: resident


Part of speech:noun/adjective     

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none    

Formal or informal:both    

Countable or uncountable (noun):countable; (adjective) not applicable    

Transitive or intransitive (noun):intransitive; (adjective) not applicable    

Stress marks (noun):REZ-i-d(ə)nt    

Synonym (noun):inhabitant, occupant    

Opposite:squatter, transient   

(noun):a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis

The residents of the neighborhood are friendly

(noun):a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis

(adjective):living somewhere on a long-term basis

The resident population has increased over the years

(adjective):living somewhere on a long-term basis


Title: accommodation


Part of speech:noun    

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none    

Formal or informal:both    

Countable or uncountable :uncountable    

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive    

Stress marks:(uh-KOM-muh-DAY-sh(ə)n)    

Synonym :lodging    

Opposite :homelessness   

a room, group of rooms, or building where someone may live or stay

The hotel offers comfortable accommodation for its guests

a room, group of rooms, or building where someone may live or stay


Title: rent


Part of speech:noun/verb       

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none      

Formal or informal:both      

Countable or uncountable (noun):uncountable; (verb) transitive      

Transitive or intransitive (noun):intransitive; (verb) transitive      

Stress marks:(RENT)      

Synonym (noun):lease, hire      

Opposite:sell, own


(noun):a tenant’s regular payment to a landlord for the use of property

The monthly rent is due on the first day of each month

(noun):a tenant’s regular payment to a landlord for the use of property

(verb):to pay someone for the use of something such as property

We rent our apartment from the landlord

(verb):to pay someone for the use of something such as property