
Lesson 8


Title: barber

Pronunciation: /ˈbɑːrbər/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: BAR-ber

Synonym: hairdresser, stylist

Opposite: customer, client


a person who cuts men’s hair and shaves or trims their beards as a profession

The barber gave him a stylish haircut

a person who cuts men’s hair and shaves or trims their beards as a profession


Title: butcher

Pronunciation: /ˈbʊtʃər/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: transitive

Stress marks: BUTCH-er

Synonym: meat cutter, slaughterer

Opposite: vegetarian, vegan

a person who slaughters animals for meat or sells meat

The butcher displayed a variety of cuts of meat

a person who slaughters animals for meat or sells meat


Title: builder

Pronunciation: /ˈbɪldər/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: BUILD-er

Synonym: constructor, contractor

Opposite: demolisher, destroyer


firefigha person who constructs something by putting parts or material together over aperiod of time

The builder is constructing a new house

firefigha person who constructs something by putting parts or material together over aperiod of time


Title: firefighter

Pronunciation: /ˈfaɪərˌfaɪtər/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: FIRE-fight-er

Synonym: fireman, firewoman

Opposite: arsonist, fire starter

a person whose job is to extinguish fires

The firefighter bravely rescued the family from the burning building

a person whose job is to extinguish fires


Title: mailman

Pronunciation: /ˈmeɪlˌmæn/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: MAIL-man

Synonym: postal worker, letter carrier

Opposite: mail recipient, addressee

a person who delivers mail

The mailman dropped off a package at our doorstep

a person who delivers mail


Title: gardener

Pronunciation: /ˈɡɑːrdnər/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: neutral

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: GARD-nər

Synonym: horticulturist, landscaper

Opposite: plant destroyer, weed puller


a person who tends and cultivates a garden as a profession

The gardener planted colorful flowers in the garden

a person who tends and cultivates a garden as a profession


Title: guard

Pronunciation: /ɡɑːrd/

Part of speech: noun/verb

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal or informal:both 

Countable or uncountable :countable 

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive 

Stress marks:(noun) GARD; (verb) guard 

Synonym (noun):watchman, sentinel; (verb) protect, defend 

Opposite (noun):intruder, attacker; (verb) neglect, abandon 

(noun): a person who protects a place from crime, attack, or danger

The guard stood watch at the entrance

(noun): a person who protects a place from crime, attack, or danger

watch over in order to protect or control

The dog guarded the house against intruders

watch over in order to protect or control


Title: tailor


Part of speech:noun/verb 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal or informal:both 

Countable or uncountable :countable 

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive 

Stress marks:(noun) TAY-lər; (verb) tailor 

Synonym (noun):seamstress, dressmaker; (verb) adjust, customize 

Opposite (noun):off-the-rack clothing; (verb) mass-produce 


(noun):a person whose occupation is making fitted clothes such as suits, pants

The tailor took my measurements for a new suit

(noun):a person whose occupation is making fitted clothes such as suits, pants


Title: sailor


Part of speech:noun 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal or informal:both 

Countable or uncountable :countable 

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive 

Stress marks:SAY-lər 

Synonym :mariner, seaman 

Opposite :landlubber 


a person whose job is working on a ship at sea

The sailor navigated the ship through rough waters

a person whose job is working on a ship at sea


Title: photographer


Part of speech:noun 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal or informal:both 

Countable or uncountable :countable 

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive 

Stress marks:fuh-TAW-gruh-fər 

Synonym :photographist, cameraperson 

Opposite :nonphotographer 


a person who takes photographs, especially as a job

The photographer captured stunning images of the landscape

a person who takes photographs, especially as a job


Title: babysitter


Part of speech:noun 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal or informal:both 

Countable or uncountable :countable 

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive 

Stress marks:BAY-bi-sit-tər 

Synonym :childminder, nanny 

Opposite :parent

a person who looks after a child or children while the parents are out

The babysitter entertained the kids with games and activities

a person who looks after a child or children while the parents are out


Title: bodyguard


Part of speech:noun 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal or informal:both 

Countable or uncountable :countable 

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive 

Stress marks:BOD-i-gard 

Synonym :security guard, protector 

Opposite :threat

a person employed to escort and protect another person, especially a dignitary

The bodyguard ensured the safety of the VIP

a person employed to escort and protect another person, especially a dignitary


Title: astronaut


Part of speech:noun 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal or informal:both 

Countable or uncountable :countable 

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive 

Stress marks:A-struh-nawt 

Synonym :cosmonaut, spaceman 

Opposite :earthling 


a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft

The astronaut conducted experiments on the space station

a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft


Title: agent


Part of speech:noun/verb   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable (noun):countable; (verb) transitive   

Transitive or intransitive (noun):intransitive; (verb) transitive   

Stress marks:(noun) AY-jent; (verb) agent   

Synonym (noun):representative, broker; (verb) negotiate, mediate   

Opposite (noun):principal, client; (verb) refuse 

(noun):a person who acts on behalf of another

The agent negotiated the contract on behalf of the actor

(noun):a person who acts on behalf of another

(verb):act as an agent for someone else

She agreed to agent the deal between the two companies

(verb):act as an agent for someone else


Title: reporter


Part of speech:noun   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable :countable   

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive   

Stress marks:rĭ-POR-tər   

Synonym :journalist, correspondent   

Opposite :news maker 

a person who reports news for newspapers, television, radio, etc

The reporter interviewed witnesses at the scene of the accident

a person who reports news for newspapers, television, radio, etc


Title: servant


Part of speech:noun   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable :countable   

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive   

Stress marks:SUR-v(ə)nt   

Synonym :domestic worker, house help   

Opposite :employer  


a person who performs duties for others, especially as a domestic employee

The servant prepared meals and cleaned the house for the family

a person who performs duties for others, especially as a domestic employee


Title: housewife


Part of speech:noun   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal or informal:both   

Countable or uncountable :countable   

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive   

Stress marks:HOUWS-wahyf   

Synonym :homemaker, stay-at-home mom   

Opposite :working woman  


a married woman whose main occupation is caring for her family and managing household affairs

The housewife cooked dinner and helped with homework

a married woman whose main occupation is caring for her family and managing household affairs


Title: freelancer


Part of speech:noun/adjective     

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none    

Formal or informal:both    

Countable or uncountable (noun):countable; (adjective) not applicable    

Transitive or intransitive (noun):intransitive; (adjective) not applicable    

Stress marks:(noun) FREE-lans-uhr    

Synonym (noun):contractor, independent worker    

Opposite:salaried employee   

(adjective):working as a freelancer

(adjective)She pursued a freelance career as a writer. (noun):The freelancer completed various projects for different companies

(adjective):working as a freelancer


Title: judge


Part of speech:noun/verb      

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none           

Formal or informal:both      

Countable or uncountable (noun):countable; (verb) transitive      

Transitive or intransitive (noun):intransitive; (verb) transitive      

Stress marks:(noun) JUHJ; (verb) judge      

Synonym (noun):magistrate, justice; (verb) assess, evaluate      

Opposite:suspect, accused; acquit     

(noun):a public officer appointed to decide cases in a court of law

(noun):The judge presided over the trial

(noun):a public officer appointed to decide cases in a court of law

(verb):form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises

She had to judge whether it was worth the risk

(verb):form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises


Title: President


Part of speech:noun/verb           

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none        

Formal or informal:both      

Countable or uncountable (noun):countable; (verb) transitive      

Transitive or intransitive (noun):intransitive; (verb) intransitive      

Stress marks:(noun) PREZ-i-d(ə)nt; (verb) pres-i-dent      

Synonym (noun):leader, chief executive; (verb) head, lead      

Opposite:citizen, subject; follow     

(noun):the elected head of a republican state

The president addressed the nation on television

(noun):the elected head of a republican state

(verb):be president of; lead as president

He will preside over the meeting as president

(verb):be president of; lead as president


Title: adviser


Part of speech:noun/verb     

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none    

Formal or informal:both    

Countable or uncountable (noun):countable; (verb) transitive    

Transitive or intransitive (noun):intransitive; (verb) transitive    

Stress marks:(noun) ad-VY-zər; (verb) ad-VYZ    

Synonym (noun):counselor, consultant; (verb) recommend, suggest    

Opposite:detractor, discourager; ignore    


(noun):a person who gives advice in a particular field

The adviser recommended an investment strategy

(noun):a person who gives advice in a particular field

(verb):offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone

She advised him to seek legal counsel

(verb):offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone


Title: director


Part of speech:noun/verb      

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none      

Formal or informal:both     

Countable or uncountable (noun):countable; not applicable     

Transitive or intransitive:n/a     

Stress marks:(noun) dih-REK-tər     

Synonym:(noun) manager, supervisor     

Opposite:(noun) subordinate     


(noun):a person who is in charge of an activity, department, organization, etc

The director made decisions about the film’s production

(noun):a person who is in charge of an activity, department, organization, etc

(verb):control the operations of; manage

He directed the company’s marketing strategy

(verb):control the operations of; manage


Title: translator


Part of speech:noun/verb       

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none       

Formal or informal:both       

Countable or uncountable :countable       

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive       

Stress marks:(Noun) TRANZ-lay-tuh       

Synonym :interpreter       

Opposite :monolingual       


a person who translates written texts from one language into another

The translator rendered the novel into English from its original language

a person who translates written texts from one language into another


Title: songwriter


Part of speech:noun/verb       

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none       

Formal or informal:both       

Countable or uncountable :countable       

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive       

Stress marks:(Noun) SAWNG-rahy-tuh       

Synonym :composer       

Opposite :noncomposer       


a person who writes popular songs

The songwriter composed lyrics for his new album

a person who writes popular songs


Title: editor


Part of speech:noun/verb       

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none       

Formal or informal:both       

Countable or uncountable :countable       

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive       

Stress marks:(Noun) ED-i-tuh       

Synonym :proofreader       

Opposite :writer      

a person who is in charge of and determines the final content of a text before it is published

The editor revised the manuscript before sending it to print

a person who is in charge of and determines the final content of a text before it is published


Title: tutor


Part of speech:noun/verb       

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none       

Formal or informal:both       

Countable or uncountable :countable       

Transitive or intransitive :intransitive       

Stress marks:TUW-tuh       

Synonym :coach       

Opposite :student      

a private teacher who gives additional instruction outside school hours

The tutor helped her student prepare for exams

a private teacher who gives additional instruction outside school hours


Title: technician


Part of speech:noun/adjecive     

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none       

Formal or informal:both       

Countable or uncountable :countable       

Transitive or intransitve :intransitve       

Stress marks:Tek-NISH-(uh)n       

Synonym:maintenance worker       


a person employed to look after technical equipment

The technician repaired the malfunctioning computer

a person employed to look after technical equipment


Title: programmer


Part of speech:noun/adjecive     

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none       

Formal or informal:both       

Countable or uncountable :countable       

Transitve ir intransitve :intranstive       

Stress marks:(Noun) PROH-græm-(uh)r       



a person who writes computer programs

The programmer developed new software for the company’s website

a person who writes computer programs

flight attendant

Title: flight attendant

Pronunciation:/flaɪt əˈtɛnd(ə)nt/

Part of speech:noun/adjecive     

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none       

Formal ir informal:both       

Countble ir uncountble :countble       

Trnsitve ir intrnsitve :intrnsitve       

Stress mrks:(Noun) FLYT ə-TEND-(uh)nt        




a member of an aircraft crew who is responsible for passenger comfort and safety during flight

The flight attendant served refreshments to passengers during the flight

a member of an aircraft crew who is responsible for passenger comfort and safety during flight


Title: Veterinarian


Part of speech:noun/adjecive     

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none       

Formal ir informal:both       

Countble ir uncountble :countble       

Trnsitve ir intrnsitve :intrnsitve       

Stress mrks:(Noun)VET(ə)r-IN-AIR-IAN         

Synonym:veterinary surgeon        



a person qualified to treat diseased animals

The veterinarian examined the injured dog

a person qualified to treat diseased animals