
Lesson 13


Title: Transportation

Pronunciation: /ˌtrænspɔːrˈteɪʃ(ə)n/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: træns-por-TEY-shuhn

Synonym: conveyance, travel

Opposite: immobility, stagnation


the action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported

The transportation of goods by sea is cost-effective

the action of transporting someone or something or the process of being transported


Title: Vehicle

Pronunciation: /ˈviːɪk(ə)l/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable


Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: VEE-i-kuhl

Synonym: automobile, conveyance

Opposite: pedestrian, cyclist

a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or bus

The vehicle was equipped with the latest safety features

a thing used for transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car, truck, or bus


Title: Van

Pronunciation: /væn/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: vans (plural)

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable


Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: van

Synonym: minivan, transporter

Opposite: sedan, coupe

a covered vehicle larger than a car that is used for transporting goods or people

The company used a van to deliver the goods to the warehouse

a covered vehicle larger than a car that is used for transporting goods or people


Title: Yacht

Pronunciation: /jɒt/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: yaht

Synonym: sailboat, vessel

Opposite: motorboat, dinghy


a medium-sized sailing boat equipped for cruising or racing

The yacht sailed gracefully across the bay

a medium-sized sailing boat equipped for cruising or racing


Title: Aircraft

Pronunciation: /ˈɛːkrɑːft/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: AIR-kraft

Synonym: airplane, flying machine

Opposite: ground vehicle, watercraft


a vehicle designed for air travel, such as an airplane, helicopter, or blimp

The aircraft taxied down the runway before takeoff

a vehicle designed for air travel, such as an airplane, helicopter, or blimp


Title: plane


Part of speech:noun 

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal ir informal:both 

Countble ir uncountble :countble 

Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive 

Stress mrks:p-layn 

Synonym :airplane, aircraft 

Opposite :ground vehicle


a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces

The plane took off from the runway

a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces


Title: Jet


Part of speech:noun  

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none

Formal ir informal:both 


Countble ir uncountble :countble 

Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive 

Stress mrks:djet 

Synonym :stream, spout 

Opposite :stillness, calm


a rapid stream of liquid or gas forced out of a small opening

The jet engines roared as the plane accelerated down the runway

a rapid stream of liquid or gas forced out of a small opening


Title: Track


Part of speech:noun  

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal ir informal:both 

Countble ir uncountble :countble 

Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive 

Stress mrks:trak 

Synonym :path, route 

Opposite :road, highway


a rough path or minor road, typically one beaten by use rather than constructed

The train traveled along the track

a rough path or minor road, typically one beaten by use rather than constructed


Title: Tunnel


Part of speech:noun  

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none  


Formal ir informal:both 

Countble ir uncountble :countble 

Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive 

Stress mrks:TUHN-l  

Synonym :passage, underpass  

Opposite :bridge, overpass


a passage made through a mountain or under a body of water to provide a way across

The train passed through the tunnel.

a passage made through a mountain or under a body of water to provide a way across


Title: Destination


Part of speech:noun   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal ir informal:both   

Countble ir uncountble :countble   

Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive   

Stress mrks:(noun) deh-stuh-NAY-shuhn   

Synonym :location, endpoint   

Opposite :origin, starting point


a place to which someone or something is going or being sent

The flight’s destination was New York City

a place to which someone or something is going or being sent


Title: Harbor


Part of speech:noun   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal ir informal:both   

Countble ir uncountble :countble   

Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive   

Stress mrks:HAA(r)-buhr   

Synonym :port, marina   

Opposite :open sea


a place on the coast where ships may moor in shelter, especially one protected from rough water

The boats were safely docked in the harbor

a place on the coast where ships may moor in shelter, especially one protected from rough water

seat belt

Title: seat belt

Pronunciation:/ˈsiːt bɛlt/   

Part of speech:noun   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal ir informal:both   


Countble ir uncountble :countble   

Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive   

Stress mrks:(noun) seet BELT   

Synonym :safety harness, restraint   

Opposite :unbuckled


a safety belt in a vehicle that secures a person in their seat during a collision or sudden stop

The driver reminded everyone to fasten their seat belts before starting the car

a safety belt in a vehicle that secures a person in their seat during a collision or sudden stop

To get in

Title: To get in

Pronunciation:/tuː gɛt ɪn/    

Part of speech:verb phrase    

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none    

Formal ir informal:both    

Countble ir uncountble :uncountable    

Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive    

Stress mrks:(verb) get in    

Synonym :board, enter    

Opposite :get out


(of a person) to enter a vehicle or enclosed space

I got in the car and started the engine

(of a person) to enter a vehicle or enclosed space

To set out

Title: To set out

Pronunciation:/tuː sɛt aʊt/    

Part of speech:verb phrase    

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none    

Formal ir informal:both    

Countble ir uncountble :uncountable    

Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive    

Stress mrks:(verb) set out   

Synonym :depart, start off    


Opposite :return


(of a person) to begin a journey

The travelers set out early in the morning to avoid traffic

(of a person) to begin a journey

To set off

Title: To set off

Pronunciation:/tuː sɛt ɔːf/    

Part of speech:verb phrase    

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none    

Formal ir informal:both    

Countble ir uncountble :uncountable    

Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive    

Stress mrks:(verb) set off    

Synonym :depart, start out    

Opposite :arrive


(of a vehicle) to begin a journey

The car set off down the road toward its destination

(of a vehicle) to begin a journey

To land

Title: To land

Pronunciation:/tuː lænd/    

Part of speech:verb phrase    

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none    

Formal ir informal:both    

Countble ir uncountble :uncountable    

Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive    

Stress mrks:(verb) land    

Synonym :touch down, arrive    

Opposite :take off


(of an aircraft) to arrive on the ground after a flight

The plane landed smoothly at the airport

(of an aircraft) to arrive on the ground after a flight

First class

Title: First class

Pronunciation:/fərst klɑːs/     

Part of speech:noun/adjective     

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none     

Formal ir informal:both     

Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(adjective) countable     

Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) intransitive;(adjective) intransitive     

Stress mrks:(noun) fuhRST klahs     

Synonym(noun):luxury, premium     

Opposite(noun):economy class; (adjective):inferior


(noun):the best quality of accommodation on a train, plane, or ship

(noun):They traveled in first class for their honeymoon

(noun):the best quality of accommodation on a train, plane, or ship

(adjective):of the best quality; excellent

(adjective):The hotel provided first-class service

(adjective):of the best quality; excellent

Business class

Title: Business class


     Pronunciation:/ˈbɪznəs klɑːs/     

     Part of speech:noun/adjective     

     Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none     

     Formal ir informal:both     

     Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(adjective) countable     

     Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) intransitive;(adjective) intransitive     

     Stress mrks:(noun) BIH-zniss klahs     

     Synonym(noun):premium economy; (adjective):professional     

     Opposite(noun):economy class; (adjective):amateur




a class of air travel which is less luxurious than first class but more expensive than economy class

(noun):She upgraded her ticket to business class for the long flight

a class of air travel which is less luxurious than first class but more expensive than economy class

(adjective):relating to or suitable for business activities

(adjective):The hotel had business-class facilities for meetings

(adjective):relating to or suitable for business activities

Economy class

Title: Economy class

     Pronunciation:/ɪˈkɒnəmi klɑːs/     

     Part of speech:noun/adjective     

     Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none     

     Formal ir informal:both     

     Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(adjective) countable     

     Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) intransitive;(adjective) intransitive     

     Stress mrks:(noun) i-KAHN-mee klahs     

     Synonym(noun):coach, standard; (adjective):financial, fiscal     

     Opposite(noun):first class; (adjective):luxurious


the cheapest class of air travel, with fewer amenities than business or first class

(noun):The family always travels in economy class to save money

the cheapest class of air travel, with fewer amenities than business or first class

relating to the system of production and management of material wealth

(adjective):The country’s economy-class citizens struggled with financial hardships

relating to the system of production and management of material wealth


Title: Limo


     Part of speech:noun     

     Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none     

     Formal ir informal:both     

     Countble ir uncountble :countable     

     Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive     

     Stress mrks:(noun) LEE-moh     

     Synonym:luxe car, limousine     

     Opposite:economy car


a large luxurious car, typically driven by a chauffeur, especially one with a glass partition

The celebrity arrived at the event in a sleek black limo