
Lesson 15


Title: Figure

Pronunciation: /ˈfɪɡjər/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: FIG-yur

Synonym: physique, body shape

Opposite: shapeless


the shape or form of a person’s body

She had an hourglass figure

the shape or form of a person’s body


Title: Beauty


Pronunciation: /ˈbjuːti/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: BYOO-tee

Synonym: attractiveness, loveliness

Opposite: ugliness




a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses

The beauty of the sunset took their breath away

a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses


Title: Attractiveness

Pronunciation: /əˈtræktɪvnəs/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: uh-TRAK-tiv-nuhs

Synonym: charm, allure

Opposite: repulsiveness

the quality of being appealing or pleasing to look at

Her smile added to her overall attractiveness

the quality of being appealing or pleasing to look at


Title: Stunning

Pronunciation: /ˈstʌnɪŋ/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable (when used as a noun, e.g., “a stunning”)

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: STUH-nihng

Synonym: breathtaking, striking

Opposite: ordinary

extremely impressive or attractive

She looked stunning in her evening gown

extremely impressive or attractive


Title: Gorges

Pronunciation: /ˈɡɔːrdʒəs/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable (when used as a noun, e.g., “a gorgeous”)

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: GAWR-jus

Synonym: stunning, lovely

Opposite: unattractive


beautiful or very attractive

The garden was filled with gorgeous flowers

beautiful or very attractive


Title: Ugliness

Pronunciation: /ˈʌɡlinəs/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: formal

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: UHG-li-nuhs

Synonym: unattractiveness, unsightliness

Opposite: beauty

the quality of being unpleasant or unattractive in appearance

The ugliness of the building was a topic of discussion

the quality of being unpleasant or unattractive in appearance


Title: Chubby

Pronunciation: /ˈtʃʌbi/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: both

Countable or uncountable: countable (when used as a noun, e.g., “a chubby”)

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: CHUHB-ee

Synonym: plump, rotund

Opposite: thin

slightly fat in a way that looks healthy and attractive

The chubby baby had rosy cheeks

slightly fat in a way that looks healthy and attractive


Title: Overweight

Pronunciation: /ˈoʊvərweɪt/

Part of speech: adjective/noun (as a noun, it can refer to a person who is overweight)

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none 

Formal ir informal:both 

Countble ir uncountble :(adjective) countable;(noun) countable 

Transitve ir intrnsitve :(adjective) intransitive;(noun) intransitive 

Stress mrks:(adjective) OH-vur-weyt; (noun) OH-vur-weyt 

Synonym :heavy, obese 

Opposite :underweight


above a weight considered normal or desirable; too heavy

(adjective):She was advised to lose weight as she was overweight

above a weight considered normal or desirable; too heavy

(noun): a person who is above a weight considered normal or desirable

(noun):The doctor recommended a weight loss program for the overweight

(noun): a person who is above a weight considered normal or desirable


Title: Obese


Part of speech:noun   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal ir informal:both   

Countble ir uncountble :uncountable   

Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive   

Stress mrks:(adjective) oh-BEES; (noun) oh-BEES   

Synonym :fat, overweight   

Opposite :thin, slender

(of a person) grossly fat or overweight

The patient’s health was at risk due to being obese

(of a person) grossly fat or overweight


Title: Underweight


Part of speech:noun/adjective   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal ir informal:both   

Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(adjective) countable   

Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) intransitive;(adjective) intransitive   

Stress mrks:(noun) UHN-duhr-weyt; (adjective) UHN-duhr-weyt   

Synonym(noun):lightweight, undernourishment; (adjective):undernourished, skinny   

Opposite(noun):overweight; (adjective):overweight


below a weight considered normal or desirable; too light

(noun):Her underweight was a concern for her health

below a weight considered normal or desirable; too light

weighing less than is considered normal, proper, or average

(adjective):The doctor advised her to gain weight as she was underweight

weighing less than is considered normal, proper, or average


Title: Thick


Part of speech:noun/adjective   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal ir informal:both   

Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(adjective) countable   

Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) transitive;(adjective) intransitive   

Stress mrks:(noun) thik; (adjective) thik   

Synonym(noun):width, depth; (adjective):dense, substantial   

Opposite(noun):thinness; (adjective):thin

the distance through an object, especially from one surface to the opposite surface

(noun):The book had a thick cover

the distance through an object, especially from one surface to the opposite surface

having relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite; not thin

The fog was so thick that visibility was limited

having relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite; not thin


Title: Hairy


Part of speech:noun/adjective   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal ir informal:both   

Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(adjective) countable   

Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) intransitive;(adjective) intransitive   

Stress mrks:(noun) HAIR-ee; (adjective) HAIR-ee   

Synonym(noun):hirsute, furry; (adjective):hirsute, woolly   

Opposite(noun):bald; (adjective):bald

covered with hair; having much hair

(noun):The dog had a hairy coat

covered with hair; having much hair

having hair on parts of the body where it is not usually found

He had a hairy chest

having hair on parts of the body where it is not usually found

To shave

Title: To shave

Pronunciation:/tə ʃeɪv/   

Part of speech:noun/verb   

Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none   

Formal ir informal:both   

Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(verb) countable   

Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) transitive;(verb) transitive   

Stress mrks:(noun) sheyv; (verb) sheyv   

Synonym(noun):shaving, razor; (verb):trim, groom   

Opposite(noun):beard; (verb):grow


an act of shaving off hair with a razor

(noun):He had a clean shave

an act of shaving off hair with a razor

to remove hair from the body with a razor or shaver

(verb):He shaves every morning

to remove hair from the body with a razor or shaver


Title: Fair


Part of speech:noun/adjective    

Irregular spelling andirregular forms:none    

Formal ir informal:both    

Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(adjective) countable    

Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) intransitive;(adjective) intransitive    

Stress mrks:(noun) fair; (adjective) fair    

Synonym(noun):festival, carnival; (adjective):just, impartial    

Opposite(noun):unfairness; (adjective):unjust


a gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment

(noun):They enjoyed the fair with its games and food stands

a gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment

just and reasonable; treating people equally

(adjective):The fair distribution of resources was important to the community

just and reasonable; treating people equally


Title: Ginger


   Part of speech:noun/adjective    

   Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none    

   Formal ir informal:both    

   Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(adjective) countable    

   Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) transitive;(adjective) intransitive    

   Stress mrks:(noun) JIN-jur; (adjective) JIN-jur    

   Synonym(noun):spice, flavoring; (adjective):red-haired, auburn    

   Opposite(noun):blandness; (adjective):non-red-haired


a hot, fragrant spice made from the rhizome of a plant

(noun):She added ginger to the recipe for extra flavor

a hot, fragrant spice made from the rhizome of a plant


Title: Expression


   Part of speech:noun    

   Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none    

   Formal ir informal:both    

   Countble ir uncountble :uncountable    

   Transitve ir intrnsitve :intransitive    

   Stress mrks:(noun) ik-SHRE-shuhn    

   Synonym :look, countenance    

   Opposite :blankness


a look on someone’s face that conveys a particular emotion

The expression on her face showed surprise

a look on someone’s face that conveys a particular emotion


Title: Pale


   Part of speech:noun/adjective     

   Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none     

   Formal ir informal:both     

   Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(adjective) countable     

   Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) intransitive;(adjective) intransitive     

   Stress mrks:(noun) peyl; (adjective) peyl     

   Synonym(noun):paleness, pallor; (adjective):ashen, wan     

   Opposite(noun):flush; (adjective):rosy


a person’s face having less color than usual due to illness, shock, etc

(noun):She looked at him with concern as he turned pale

a person’s face having less color than usual due to illness, shock, etc

(of a person’s face) having less color than usual due to illness, shock, etc.

(adjective):Her face was pale after hearing the news

(of a person’s face) having less color than usual due to illness, shock, etc.


Title: Frown


   Part of speech:noun/verb     

   Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none     

   Formal ir informal:both    

   Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(verb) countable     

   Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) transitive;(verb) intransitive     

   Stress mrks:(noun) froun; (verb) froun     

   Synonym(noun):scowl, grimace; (verb):scowl, glower     

   Opposite :smile


an expression on someone’s face showing displeasure or disapproval

(noun):She gave him a disapproving frown

an expression on someone’s face showing displeasure or disapproval


Title: Grin


   Part of speech:noun/verb     

   Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none     

   Formal ir informal:both     

   Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(verb) countable     

   Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) transitive;(verb) intransitive     

   Stress mrks:(noun) grin; (verb) grin     

   Synonym(noun):smile, smirk; (verb):smile broadly, beam     

   Opposite :frown

a broad smile

(noun):He greeted them with a wide grin

a broad smile

(of a person’s face) smile broadly

(verb):She grinned at his joke

(of a person’s face) smile broadly


Title: Spot


   Part of speech:noun/verb     

   Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none     

   Formal ir informal:both    

   Countble ir uncountble :(noun) countable;(verb) countable     

   Transitve ir intrnsitve :(noun) transitive;(verb) intransitive     

   Stress mrks:(noun) spaht; (verb) spaht     

   Synonym(noun):mark, blemish; (verb):stain, speckle     

   Opposite :clean


a small round area differing in color from its surroundings

(noun):There was a spot on his shirt

a small round area differing in color from its surroundings

(of an area on a surface) become marked with spots

The rain spotted the window pane

(of an area on a surface) become marked with spots


Title: Freckle

Pronunciation: /ˈfrɛk(ə)l/

Part of speech: Noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Freckle” does not have irregular spelling or forms.

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal usage is common.

Countable or uncountable: Countable (e.g., one freckle, two freckles)

Transitive or intransitive: N/A

Stress marks: ˈfrɛk(ə)l

Synonym: Spot, blemish

Opposite: Clear skin, absence of freckles




A small, light brown spot on the skin, often becoming more pronounced through exposure to the sun

After spending a day at the beach, she noticed a new freckle on her cheek

A small, light brown spot on the skin, often becoming more pronounced through exposure to the sun