Nature and region

Lesson 18


Title: Region

Pronunciation: /ˈriːdʒən/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ‘region

Synonym: area


a particular area or place, especially with reference to its features or conditions

The wine region of France is known for its vineyards and wineries

a particular area or place, especially with reference to its features or conditions


Title: Land

Pronunciation: /lænd/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: land

Synonym: ground

Opposite: water


the solid part of the earth’s surface; an area of ground

The farmer owned a large tract of land for growing crops

the solid part of the earth’s surface; an area of ground


Title: Highland

Pronunciation: /ˈhaɪlənd/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ‘highland

Synonym: upland

Opposite: lowland


an area of high or mountainous land

The Scottish highlands are known for their rugged beauty and scenic landscapes

an area of high or mountainous land


Title: Jungle

Pronunciation: /ˈdʒʌŋɡəl/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ‘jungle

Synonym: rainforest

Opposite: desert


an area of land overgrown with dense forest and tangled vegetation, typically in a tropical climate

The Amazon jungle is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species

an area of land overgrown with dense forest and tangled vegetation, typically in a tropical climate


Title: Meadow

Pronunciation: /ˈmɛdəʊ/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ‘meadow

Synonym: pasture


a piece of grassland, especially one used for hay

The cows grazed peacefully in the meadow on a sunny afternoon

a piece of grassland, especially one used for hay


Title: Cave

Pronunciation: /keɪv/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: cave

Synonym: cavern

a natural underground chamber, typically with an opening to the surface

The explorers discovered ancient cave paintings deep within the cavern

a natural underground chamber, typically with an opening to the surface


Title: Cliff

Pronunciation: /klɪf/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: cliff

Synonym: precipice

a steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea

The lighthouse stood atop the cliff, overlooking the crashing waves below

a steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea


Title: Mountainous

Pronunciation: /ˈmaʊntənəs/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ‘mountainous

Synonym: hill

Opposite: flat

relating to or inhabiting mountainous country

The mountainous terrain made the hike challenging but rewarding

relating to or inhabiting mountainous country


Title: Rocky

Pronunciation: /ˈrɒki/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ‘rocky

Synonym: stony

Opposite: smooth


full of or abounding in rocks

The rocky path led to a secluded beach with stunning views

full of or abounding in rocks


Title: Canyon

Pronunciation: /ˈkænjən/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ‘canyon

Synonym: gorge

Opposite: plain

a deep gorge, typically one with a river flowing through it

The Grand Canyon is one of the most famous natural wonders in the world

a deep gorge, typically one with a river flowing through it


Title: Waterfall

Pronunciation: /ˈwɔːtəfɔːl/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ‘waterfall

Synonym: cascade

Opposite: dry

a cascade of water falling from a height, formed when a river or stream flows over a precipice

The majestic waterfall was a popular tourist attraction

a cascade of water falling from a height, formed when a river or stream flows over a precipice


Title: Coastline

Pronunciation: /ˈkəʊstlaɪn/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ‘coastline

Synonym: shore

Opposite: inland


the outline of a coast, especially with regard to its shape and appearance

The rugged coastline was dotted with small fishing villages

the outline of a coast, especially with regard to its shape and appearance


Title: Channel

Pronunciation: /ˈtʃanl/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ‘channel

Synonym: waterway

Opposite: land


a length of water wider than a strait, joining two larger areas of water, especially two seas

The English Channel separates southern England from northern France

a length of water wider than a strait, joining two larger areas of water, especially two seas


Title: Mud

Pronunciation: /mʌd/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: mud

Synonym: muck

Opposite: clean


soft, sticky matter resulting from the mixing of earth and water

The hikers got their boots covered in mud after the rainstorm

soft, sticky matter resulting from the mixing of earth and water

National park

Title: National park

Pronunciation: /ˈnæʃənl pɑːrk/

Part of speech: noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: countable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ‘national ‘park

Synonym: reserve

Opposite: urban area


scenic or historically important area of countryside protected by the federal government

Yellowstone National Park is known for its geothermal features and diverse wildlife

scenic or historically important area of countryside protected by the federal government


Title: Antarctic

Pronunciation: /ænˈtɑːktɪk/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: an’tarctic

Synonym: polar

Opposite: tropical

relating to the continent surrounding the South Pole

The Antarctic region is known for its extreme cold and unique wildlife

relating to the continent surrounding the South Pole


Title: Arctic

Pronunciation: /ˈɑːktɪk/

Part of speech: adjective

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none

Formal or informal: can be used in both formal and informal contexts

Countable or uncountable: uncountable

Transitive or intransitive: intransitive

Stress marks: ‘arctic

Synonym: polar

Opposite: tropical


relating to the area around the North Pole

The Arctic Circle experiences long periods of darkness during the winter months

relating to the area around the North Pole


Title: Volcano

Pronunciation: /vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ/

Part of speech: Noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Volcano” does not have irregular spelling or forms.

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal usage is common.

Countable or uncountable: Countable (e.g., one volcano, two volcanoes)

Stress marks: vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ

Synonym: Erupting mountain, volcanic peak


A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments

The eruption of the volcano was visible from miles away

A mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments


Title: Location

Pronunciation: /ləʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/

Part of speech: Noun

Irregular spelling and irregular forms: “Location” does not have irregular spelling or forms.

Formal or informal: Both formal and informal usage is common.

Countable or uncountable: Countable (e.g., one location, two locations)

Stress marks: ləʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n

Synonym: Place, position, site

Opposite: Absence, nonexistence

A particular place or position

The new store’s location is in the heart of the city

A particular place or position