noun [countable]
Origin: monath
She’ll be thirteen this month
Origin: autumnus
We go to school in the autumn
Soon it will be winter
Origin: Januarius
Rosie’s party was on January 6th
Origin: Februarius
We can do it in February
Origin: Latin martius, from martius ‘of Mars, god of war’
She started work here last March
Origin: avrill
The meeting will be on April 6th
Origin: mai
She started work here last May
Origin: juin
I finished school last June
Origin: Julius
My birthday is in July
Origin: Augustus
I was there last August
Origin: Septembre
My birthday’s in September
Origin: Octobre
We moved in last October
Origin: Novembre
We moved in last November
Origin: Latin, name of the tenth Roman month, from decem ‘ten’]
We got married in December
Origin: saison
The first game of the season
jump, bounce
Antonyms: autumn
the spring of 1933
Origin: sumor
the long hot summer of 1976