Pronunciation: /pəˈdɛstrɪən/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is pedestrians
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: walker, foot traveler
Opposite: driver
The pedestrian was crossing the street when the car ran a red light
Pronunciation: /ˈkrɔsˌroʊd/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is crossroads
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: intersection, junction
Opposite: dead end
The old inn was located at the crossroad, making it a popular stop for travelers
Pronunciation: /ˈfɑrmˌlænd/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: uncountable
Synonym: agricultural land, countryside
Opposite: urban area
The region is known for its fertile farmland and abundant crops
Pronunciation: /ˈkʌntri/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: informal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym:nation, state
She moved to the country to experience a different way of life
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Formal or informal:formal
Synonym:garden, grove
The orchard was filled with apple and pear trees
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:barrage, embankment
The dam prevented flooding in the valley below
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:pavement, footpath
The children rode their bikes on the sidewalk
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:native land, motherland
Opposite:host country
The immigrants longed for their homeland
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:yuletide, Noel
The family gathered together to celebrate Christmas
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:nog, punch
The host served eggnog at the holiday party
Pronunciation:/ˈkrɪsməs tri/
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:holiday tree, yule tree
The family decorated the Christmas tree with lights and ornaments
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:deity, divinity
The ancient Greeks believed in multiple gods and goddesses
Pronunciation: /ˈeɪndʒəl/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: messenger, divine being
Opposite: demon
The painting depicted an angel watching over a child
Pronunciation: /ɛlf/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is elves
Formal or informal: informal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: sprite, goblin
Opposite: human
The elf was known for its playful nature and love of music
Pronunciation: /ˈmɪrəkəl/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: wonder, marvel
Opposite: disaster
The recovery of the patient was considered a miracle by the medical team
Pronunciation: /iːv/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: evening, night before
Opposite: morning after
The family gathered on Christmas Eve for a special dinner
Pronunciation: /ˈiːstər/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym:Easter Sunday, Resurrection Day
The children hunted for Easter eggs in the garden
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Formal or informal:formal
Countable or uncountable:uncountable
Synonym:gratitude, appreciation
The family gathered for a Thanksgiving feast
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:festivity, party
The city held a celebration to honor its founding
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:philanthropy, benevolence
The organization raised funds for charity
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:faith, belief
The country is known for its diverse religious practices
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:monastery, convent
The abbey was known for its beautiful architecture
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:r ite, ritual
The wedding ceremony was held in a historic church
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:h abit, tradition
The custom of exchanging gifts during the holidays is practiced in many cultures
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:c ustom, practice
The tradition of lighting candles during Diwali has been passed down for generations
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:s acrosanct, divine
Opposite:p rofane
The holy site was visited by pilgrims from around the world
Part of speech:noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms:none
Synonym:p astor, clergyman
Opposite:l ayperson
The priest led the congregation in prayer
Pronunciation: /kæˈfeɪ/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: informal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Stress marks: café
Synonym: coffeehouse, bistro
Let’s meet at the cafe for lunch
Pronunciation: /ˈɡæləri/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is galleries
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: exhibition, museum
The art gallery is hosting a new exhibit
Pronunciation: /ˈnaɪtˌklʌb/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: informal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: disco, bar
Let’s go dancing at the nightclub tonight
Pronunciation: /ˈfaɪər ˈsteɪʃən/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: firehouse, fire department
The fire station is located just down the street
Pronunciation: /dʒɪm/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: informal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: fitness center, health club
I go to the gym three times a week
Pronunciation: /ˈpleɪˌɡraʊnd/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is playgrounds
Formal or informal: informal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: play area, recreation ground
The kids love going to the playground after school
Pronunciation: /ˈbɑrbərˌʃɑp/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: informal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: barber shop, hair salon for men
I’m going to the barbershop for a haircut
Pronunciation: /ˈɜrbən/
Part of speech: adjective
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: uncountable (as an adjective)
Synonym: metropolitan, city
Opposite: rural
I prefer the urban lifestyle over living in the suburbs
Pronunciation: /ˈsʌb.ɜːrb/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: None
Formal or informal: Both
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: None (it is a noun)
Stress marks: SUB-urb
Synonym: residential area, outskirts
Opposite: city center, downtown
She lives in the suburbs of New York City
Pronunciation: /ˈaʊtˌskɜrts/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: uncountable
Synonym: periphery, fringe
Opposite: downtown
They lived on the outskirts of town, away from the hustle and bustle
Pronunciation: /ˈʌpˌtaʊn/
Part of speech: adverb
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: informal
Countable or uncountable: uncountable (as an adverb)
Synonym: upmarket, upscale
Opposite: downtown
Let’s go uptown for dinner at that new restaurant
Pronunciation: /ˈɪnər ˈsɪti/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: urban core, downtown
Opposite: suburban area
Many social programs are aimed at helping the inner city population
Pronunciation: /kəˈmjuːnəti/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is communities
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: society, neighborhood
Opposite: individualism
Our community organizes events and activities for all residents to enjoy
Pronunciation: /kəˈmjuːtər/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: plural form is commuters
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: traveler, passenger
Opposite: resident
The commuter train was delayed this morning due to track maintenance
Pronunciation: /ˌpɑpjəˈleɪʃən/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: populace, residents
Opposite: depopulation
The population of the city has been steadily growing over the past decade
Pronunciation: /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: uncountable
Synonym: accommodation, residence
Opposite: homelessness
The city is facing a housing crisis due to a shortage of affordable homes
Pronunciation: /ˈroʊd saɪn/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: none
Formal or informal: formal
Countable or uncountable: countable
Synonym: traffic sign, directional sign
Opposite: no sign
The road sign indicated that the next exit was 2 miles away
Pronunciation: /ˈrəʊd saɪn/
Part of speech: noun
Irregular spelling and irregular forms: None
Formal or informal: Both
Countable or uncountable: Countable
Transitive or intransitive: None (it is a noun)
Stress marks: ROAD sign
Synonym: traffic sign, directional sign
Opposite: None (there is no opposite for this specific word)
The road sign said to turn left at the next intersection