Meaning: used to suggest that taking action and starting a project or pursuing a goal is the most important step, and that the necessary resources and support will come as one goes along.
When overwhelmed with coding, my mentor advised me to start writing basic programs even if they were imperfect, saying ‘begin to weave and God will give the thread.’
Meaning: used to emphasize the power of strong faith and belief in oneself, as it can overcome seemingly impossible challenges and enable individuals to accomplish difficult tasks.
Faith can move mountains, but sugar water can’t cure cancer
Meaning: used to suggest that even in difficult circumstances, those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged will be provided with the necessary strength and protection to overcome adversity.
He had just lost his job and thought of the saying ‘God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb,’ feeling that it was a reminder of God’s care and protection during difficult times.
Meaning: used for saying that admitting one’s mistakes, sins, or wrongdoings can bring spiritual and emotional healing and relief
The therapist told her patient that it was important to confess their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions because confession is good for the soul and can bring about personal growth
Meaning: used to criticize people who only seek divine help during times of crisis but do not maintain a consistent practice of faith or spirituality
Meaning: used to suggest that shared faith and spirituality can strengthen family bonds and promote a sense of togetherness and support
Despite their busy schedules, the Smith family makes it a priority to pray together every evening, believing that “a family that prays together stays together.
Meaning: used to imply that everything happens for a good reason and the world is as good as it can be emphasizing the idea of optimism and the belief that everything works out for the best.
Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Sarah always maintains a positive attitude and firmly believes that “all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.” She sees every obstacle as an opportunity for growth and remains optimistic about the future.