
Lesson 4

Hunger is the best sauce

Title: Hunger is the best sauce

Meaning: When you are hungry, even simple food tastes delicious


After a long day of work, a simple meal tasted amazing because of their hunger

A hungry stomach has no ears

Title: A hungry stomach has no ears

Meaning: When someone is hungry, they are unable to focus on anything else


The students couldn't concentrate in class because their stomachs were growling with hunger

Hunger is the best pickle

Title: Hunger is the best pickle

Meaning: When you are hungry, even the simplest food can satisfy you


After a long hike, a plain sandwich tasted like a gourmet meal because of their hunger

Hunger drives the wolf out of the woods

Title: Hunger drives the wolf out of the woods

Meaning: Extreme hunger can push people to take desperate measures to find food


During the famine, people had to resort to hunting and foraging to satisfy their hunger

Hunger breaks stone walls

Title: Hunger breaks stone walls

Meaning: When someone is extremely hungry, they will do whatever it takes to find food


The refugees were willing to risk their lives to cross the border in search of food, as their hunger was unbearable

Hunger is the best cook

Title: Hunger is the best cook

Meaning: When you are hungry, even the simplest meal can taste amazing


After a long day of work, a bowl of soup tasted like a gourmet dish because of their hunger

Hunger finds no fault with the cook's kitchen

Title: Hunger finds no fault with the cook's kitchen

Meaning: When someone is hungry, they are grateful for any food they receive


Despite the limited resources, the homeless shelter provided a warm meal, and the recipients were grateful for it due to their hunger