Synonyms: time
Origin: clocke
a car with 43,000 miles on the clock
- period, duration
Origin: tima
Einstein changed the way we think about space and time Oh no. Look at the time. I’ll be late
- time, age
Origin: dare
What’s today’s date?
noun [countable]
Origin: gear
We’ve known each other for over a year
- twenty-four hours, daylight,date, time
Antonyms: night
Origin: dæg
We spent three days in Paris ‘What day is it today?’ ‘Friday He left two days ago
noun [countable]
Origin: heure
The interview will last about two hours I study for an hour every night I’ll be back in three hours
Origin: of the clock
It’s already 9 o’clock The meeting is at 10 o’clock
Synonyms: dawn, a.m., break of day
It’s four o’clock in the morning I’m not feeling very well this morning
noun [uncountable and countable]
PREP. by ~, during the ~, in the ~, on Monday, etc. ~
There’s a meeting on Thursday afternoon It was very hot in the afternoon See you tomorrow afternoon
Antonyms: morning
PREP. during the ~, for an/the ~ Her parents were out for the evening.
in the ~, on Friday, etc. ~
I do most of my studying in the evening I’m usually out on Friday evenings
Synonyms: darkness, dark, night-time
Origin: niht
Antonym : day
It was a cold moonlit night I didn’t sleep too well last night
noun [countable]
Origin: wicu
PREP. by the ~ They’re paid by the week
I can’t see you this week
Origin:Saturni dies
They arrived in Paris on Saturday evening
Origin: sunnandæg
We’re going to a match on Sunday
Origin: monandæg
It was raining on Monday
Origin: tiwesdæg
The sale starts on Tuesday
Origin: wodnesdæg
The sale starts on Wednesday
Origin: Thunresdæg
I went to Edinburgh on Thursday
Origin: frigedæg
It’s Kate’s birthday on Friday
noun [countable]
Are you doing anything nice this weekend?